Friday, August 23, 2024

In The Flesh

Tate opens the door: "Sophia…" Sophia: "In the flesh." She removes her top and now they both are… in the flesh. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Maggie: "I'm heading to the hospital to see Sarah. I need you to watch Victoria." Fiona: "Any change in her condition?" Maggie: "No, you just need to feed her a bottle of formula this afternoon." #DAYS

Scenes we'd like to see: "While eavesdropping on Fiona and Maggie, Brady lets out a boomer of a fart that can be heard all across Salem. #DAYS

When you reach the 9th circle of hell and see a big barrel sitting there and you go to the bottom of the barrel, you'll find Fiona. #DAYS


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