Wednesday, August 14, 2024


BULLETIN: Insurance companies have stopped insuring cars in Salem. Every single time someone gets in a car in that town, there is a devastating wreck. #DAYS

The genetics test says she is Jack's daughter, but it doesn't mean she's Abigail. She could be Jack's long=forgotten daughter. #DAYS

They should introduce NewAbby to EJ. Maybe she'll remember him from that little shower they took together. #DAYS

Leo offers to fill in with Xander if Sarah doesn't show up for their wedding night: "I'm kidding…" Translation: He's not kidding. #DAYS

Sarah: "Stop groping me and call 911"

Next on #DOOL — Chad: "If you don't stay at the Horton's, the only other possibility is the DiMera mansion." NewAbby: "Now you're talking." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Kayla: "Tell me how you're feeling.: NewAbby: "I'm OK, but being cremated was a little uncomfortable." #DAYS

Leo to Hattie: "Are you gaaslighting me?" Not necessary. That ship has sailed. #DAYS


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