Thursday, August 22, 2024

A "Lay Down Woman"

Melinda and Li, sittin' in a tree, d-e-c-e-a-s-e. #DAYS

NewAbby: "Nice to meet you." EJ: "Oh, we've met. Do you still have that heart-shaped birthmark on your butt?" #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Julie: "Abigail might get her memory back and when she does, you know what that will mean for you." Chad: "Yes… I'll get laid." #DAYS

Ava: "Stefan and I slept together just one time. Just one..." Sorry one or one thousand – both are on the same side of that line in the sand you dare not cross. #DAYS

I didn't know Gabi's little lap dog would rat me out." Roman: "I don't get it… was she a dog or a rat?" #DAYS

Abby learns she's slept with EJ, Stefan, and Chad. She's practically a DiMera heirloom. #DAYS

Ava says Roman is a "stand up guy." Unfortunately for Stefan's marriage, Ava is a "lay down woman." #DAYS

Chad: "The fact you slept with two of my brothers is water under the bridge." And Abby under the DiMeras. #DAYS


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