Monday, July 12, 2010

Reindeer Games

Phillip and Chloe are together in her apartment. Chloe says, "It's not like you got drunk and got a lap dance. If you tell what happened between us, your marriage will be over and I'll lose Daniel."

"You're right," says Phillip, "We have to keep this between the two of us." They turn to see...


Daniel asks, "Keep what between the two of you?"

"The fact that Phillip has an artificial leg," says Chloe.

"That's amazing," says Daniel, "You walk around just like a normal guy with two legs. How do you do it?"

Arianna meets Melanie at the beach. Melanie has decided they will have a picnic and tries to reassure Arianna that the cops will catch the real mugger. Arianna notices there are three place settings and asks who else is coming. Half nekkid Brady runs up drying off from is dip in the Salem Ocean.

Sami is with Nicole and EJ at the dock. She asks what's going on, "Do you want to tell her," asks Nicole, "or shall I?"

Arianna and Brady realize they've been had. They gang up on Melanie but she says she wanted to get them together so they can decide they still love each other. They tell her it's all none of her business. Melanie doesn't buy it. Once she started living with Maggie she automatically became an apprentice busybody.

Daniel thinks maybe Chloe and Phillip are keeping something from him. And would that thing that Daniel doesn't have happen to be a clue?

Phillip says, "We need to tell him the truth. Chloe donated her brain to science before she was done with it."

Sami asks, "Is this another one of Nicole's reindeer games?" Nicole says she thinks Sami will believe what she has to say because EJ can't talk himself out of it this time. Sami says she knows what it's about.

Phillip sighs and spews his version of 'the truth.' He says he found out Chloe was pregnant and Chloe told him it was supposed to be a secret. Daniel says he has no right to ask Melanie to keep something from her husband but doesn't get why this was all such a big deal to them.

Brady and Arianna tell Melanie they won't be getting back together. "OK," says Melanie, "That's it. We can all leave. But first, look me in the eye and tell me you don't love each other any more."

Brady says, "I would, but looking you in the eye is too painful."

Melanie asks, "Who is going to go first?" Stares.

Phillip says he just put Chloe in a tough spot. Chloe says she and Phillip were just being silly. That applies to the whole show if you ask me. She says she feels differently now and wants people to know about the pregnancy. Phillip congratulates Daniel on being a prospective daddy. Daniel a Phillip hug. A guy-hug. Macho guy hug. Phillip leaves. Outside he says, "That baby has to be his," and walks off.

Inside, Daniel says if he had known Melanie was his daughter he would have tried to stop her from marrying Phillip.

Sami rants at Nicole and says she thinks Nicole wants to frame Arianna and that's what this is all about. Nicole defends herself as EJ and Sami pile on. Nicole says "He is trying to stop me from telling you what he did all on his own."

Arianna says she and Brady still care about each other, but that's not enough. Melanie orders them to talk to each other. They agree. Melanie turns to her faithful companion, "Our job is done here, Tonto." She leaves. Arianna and Brady stare at each other. Arianna wonders if they made a big mistake.

Daniel says he isn't turning against Phillip, "But he's older than Melanie and I don't want him pushing her around."

"You're older than I am and don't push me around," says Chloe.

"No," says he agrees, "but Phillip does. He wanted you to keep a secret from me." Daniel wants to know why Chloe is always upset after talking to Phillip.

"It was just a little white lie," whines Chloe, "to cover up the big black lie." Daniel asks her to put some distance between her and Phillip. That's something she should have done that night when there was zero distance between them.

Sami thinks Nicole wants Arianna behind bars so Nicole will have a chance with Brady. Nicole wonders if Sami and EJ are getting back together, since they seem to be so close right now. Sami asks, "Is this about Brady or are you going to try to screw up my life again?"

Melanie arrives home with a big smile on her face. Phillip rushes in with a big bouquet of daisies behind his back. He hands them to her. "What are these for," asks Melanie.

"It's our five month anniversary," says Phillip, "And I think we should celebrate since I've only cheated once."

"I expect you to keep this up for the next billion or so years we're married," says Melanie, "You're setting the bar pretty high."

"You're right," says Phillip, "It's a real stretch to think I'd only cheat once every five months."

Chloe says she won't be able to keep her distance from Phillip, "He's your daughter's husband. And I'm the first runner-up." Daniel says he knows Phillip and Chloe were once a couple and that makes him uncomfortable. He asks why she is with the guy all the time. "I don't get why you're so mad," says Chloe.

"If we worried about every little thing you don't get," says Daniel, "We'd never get anywhere. Let me clue you in." He'll never get anywhere with that, either. "I was being disingenuous before. I am jealous."

Brady says when he looks at Arianna he still wants her. He's a guy. She's in a bikini. End of story. He wonders what went wrong.

Sami gets a call and goes to take it. Nicole turns to EJ, "Talk about 'saved by the bell.' I can tell her any time."

"I'm sure," says EJ, "But you know that tape can't be admitted into evidence, because tapes are very easily doctored. So go ahead. Play your tape and I'll say you fabricated it and whom do you think she will believe?"

Chloe says she didn't realize her friendship with Phillip was threatening to Daniel. She cops an attitude, "FINE! I'll avoid Phillip."

"Forget it," says Daniel. He starts to storm out. She calls him back.

Nicole says EJ is just trying to intimidate her. He says she should have left Salem when she got out of prison. He says Sami despises her and Brady will too when he finds out she framed Arianna. Will and Gabi come up, but stand off in the distance. EJ points them out and says he and Will are getting along and Gabi is grateful since he defended Arianna, "We're one big, happy, pathologically dysfunctional family."

Nicole makes more threats and leaves as Sami joins Will and Gabi.

Phillip says, "Something happened." Since nothing ever happens on DOOL Melanie asks if he made a guest appearance on another show. Phillip tells her about Daniel finding out, "I have some 'splaining to do."

Arianna says, "I mention Nicole and the walls go up." Brady says he doesn't think they are apart because of Nicole and she shouldn't be listening to EJ. He reminds her he would have paid her bail, "I never said I was perfect. Every day I get up, look in the mirror and decide I'll be sober for one more day. Then I decide to hell with that, pop a few 'ludes and feel a whole lot better. I've hit bottom and so has Nicole, which is why I support her. You can handle things easily. Nicole and I can't."

Arianna thinks he's strong for making that decision every day, "But the problem is Nicole."

Sami asks EJ where Nicole went and what the secret is. They bring Will and Gabi up to speed on the events there at the dock as Nicole returns, "The show is about to start. I just talked to my producer and told him I have an exclusive, and he's sending a crew. It will knock your socks off."

Out in the audience an Ejami leans over to the person next to her and whispers, "I wish it would knock off more than his socks."

Frank calls Arianna and tells her she has to go to the pier for a live session. Brady asks, "Do you want to continue this conversation later or are we done?"

"I think we're done." Translation: They will continue this conversation until we all run out screaming.

Melanie tells Phillip she got a visit from Vivian. She says Vivian wanted them to come back and live with her and Victor. Phillip starts to call to arrange a body guard. Melanie doesn't want that. She wants to talk about their future.

Chloe says she is being unfair, "You're right. I should keep my distance from Phillip. I would never want to make you feel threatened. I love you and you are the most important person in the world to me. Except for me."

"I love you too," says Daniel. Hugs. "Thing is... I was all riled up before I came here. I came from giving hell to Vivian. I heard she was here. Tell me what she said to you."

Chloe stammers, "You know that idea I had that you and Carly were having an affair? I found out Vivian gave me that idea."

Daniel asks, "And she told you this last night. I am going to wring her scrawny little neck."

"No," whines Chloe, "Just let it go. I'm glad I found out. I thought I was losing my mind."

"You shouldn't worry about small losses," says Daniel, "I'm just sorry I didn't believe you." Hugs.

EJ says they don't want to hear what Nicole has to say. Sami starts to rush Nicole, but EJ holds her back. Arianna the camera-jockey shows up. Nicole pulls EJ aside, "You shouldn't have said I didn't have the guts to do this. Now I'll do it in front of your family." Brady joins the crows. Nicole tells him, "You don't want to miss this."

Melanie stammers, "I was thinking..."

"God help us all," says Phillip.

"I thought we could use a little privacy," says Melanie, "so I think we should look for houses."

"You mean a house," says Phillip

"You're loaded," says Melanie, "Why stop with one?"

Phillip thinks that's a great idea. Melanie thinks they should live in a big mansion then changes her miniscule mind and decides it should be a little cottage. Phillip asks, "Don't you want an extra bedroom for when Max comes to visit?"

Melanie says, "I was thinking..."

God says, "Don't look at me. I can't help you this time."

Melanie says, "Maybe... the extra room could be a nursery."

"I see," says Phillip, "In other words you want your own bedroom."

Chloe apologizes. Daniel tells her he takes it all back about Phillip, "Thank God he was (say it with him) there for you because I wasn't. I don't hate the guy."

Chloe zones out, "Now that you understand what was going on with me... maybe you'll understand what happened with me and Phillip. I feel as if I've betrayed you. I felt so alone... I thought you and Carly were having an affair... I'm so sorry. I'm not blameless in all of this."

"Vivian set you up," says Daniel, "And I was a selfish idiot."

"I did things," says Chloe.

"You turned to Phillip because he believed in you and I didn't," says Daniel, "I forgive you. Can you forgive me?"

Chloe nods. That settles it. Chloe forgives Daniel for her having an affair. What a gal. Daniel says they can either keep feeling guilty or move on, "What's it going to be?" They maul each other.

Nicole tells EJ they have to do this right now since the whole gang is there. She reminds him this is the spot where he tossed Sydney's clothes into the river and walks off.

Sami tells Arianna, "This is all because Nicole is upset EJ is defending you."

Nicole walks up behind them, "That's wrong."

Melanie sees the look of shock on Phillip's face and walks off. Phillip says he thought they would have a little time to themselves before they had kids, "Besides, I'm pretty sure it would be better for the human race if you were out of the gene pool." Melanie says she's not talking about having kids right now but she just wants a house that is kid friendly for later. Phillip stammers and says the house can have as many rooms as she wants. Hugs.

Daniel and Chloe have moved it to the bedroom. Daniel asks, "Was it good for you?"

"Not really," says Chloe, "It never can be when you don't have candles burning all over the room."
Chloe says from now on, her tears will be happy ones. Daniel says he has to go. Chloe orders, "No side trips to kill Vivian."

"OK," says Daniel, "I'm going to hit the shower and you'll hear me singing some of those great eighties hits."

"I didn't think there were any hits in the eighties," says Chloe. Dan leaves. Chloe sighs, "He's so happy... if he found out it would be the end of everything." We can only hope.

Nicole prepares things and revs up the report. She faces the camera, "I'm here to report on what until now was an unsolved mystery — how a crummy show like this has been on the air for all these years."

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Anonymous Leslie said...

Half nekkid Brady runs up drying off from is dip in the Salem Ocean.

Hmmmm – it appears that DOOL is continuing to make excellent use of the beach set.

And would that thing that Daniel doesn't have happen to be a clue?

You think? It’s Monday morning, and it’s more of the same. Is it any wonder that soaps are a dying genre?

Sami asks, "Is this another one of Nicole's reindeer games?"

No, it’s another one of DOOL’s reindeer games. Having endured reading the Ken Corday interview, we all know that nothing is going to be “resolved” – I use that word with great reservation – until Labor Day or the November sweeps. In other words, same ole, same ole.

Sami asks, "Is this about Brady or are you going to try to screw up my life again?"

Sami doesn’t need Nicole. She seems to do a pretty good job screwing up her life all by herself.

“Play your tape and I'll say you fabricated it and whom do you think she will believe?"

Finally – a coherent thought.

Chloe says she didn't realize her friendship with Phillip was threatening to Daniel.

The problem is the friendship has benefits.

Melanie says, "Maybe... the extra room could be a nursery."

"I see," says Phillip, "In other words you want your own bedroom."

Prevuze hit the nail squarely on the head. You have to wonder about the maturity level of a married woman who continues to wear her hair in braids. That's quite the fashion statement.

Chloe sighs, "He's so happy... if he found out it would be the end of everything." We can only hope.

Isn’t that the truth? I just wish they would move this mess along to its unnatural conclusion. After all this silliness, the odds are better than even that Chloe won’t carry the baby to term.

Talk about an episode about nothing. It’s going to take an enema to get some movement out of some of these storylines. Thanks for taking one for the team Prevuze. Not only was the update stellar, but Prevuze has proven once again to be the Michelangelo of Photoshop.

6:05 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

a dip in the Salem Ocean.

That reminds me of something I meant to comment on while watching the show the other day. Someone was on the river pier, talking to themselves, and the sound of crashing waves played on the sound track. I've never see a river that had waves. Even a lake has to be a pretty darned big one to have acutal beach-crashing waves. That sort of stuff is really distracting.

Sami says she knows what it's about.

Of course she DOESN’T know what they were talking about. No one EVER knows in cases like this. Even if you did know, wouldn’t you wait to see what the other person had to say for themselves? Please, writers! Come up with some way to stop the truth from coming out other than this worn out ploy. AARRRRRGHGHGHGH!

Since nothing ever happens on DOOL Melanie asks if he made a guest appearance on another show


Sami asks EJ where Nicole went and what the secret is.

I thought she KNEW what the secret was. Dummy should have kept her mouth shut in the first place.

Yeah, it's Monday. I'm grouchy. The bright side of this episode is that I don't have to watch it now that Prevuze has done it for me. Thanks!

6:28 AM  
Anonymous Betyar said...

"...they can either keep feeling guilty or move on, "What's it going to be?...I'm really tired of feeling guilty. I'm not sure how ready I am to "move on", but it's better than the alternative. I don't see how we can switch Sami at this point and make EJami work, so here it goes...I have sensed a long time ago that EJ had relationship problems. But, no matter…he’s helped me out, so I will return the favor. I believe you need help putting together a “Sami”. She likes tall, sensitive men with lots of class. Think Pierce Brosnan…she’s had a thing for him since she was a teen. She’s not adverse to “fried” foods, but prefers healty home cooked meals, and her favorite eat-out food is sushi. Most men find her intimidating & some women think she’s a bit arrogant. She doesn’t get caught up in pleasing everyone. She’s a natural born leader, so people tend to go to her for guidance or advice. She’s mentally strong, but emotionally weak. She believes in gender equality, and although she’s very independent, she’s loyal and thoughtful of the needs of others. She has a VERY bad temper, doesn’t like idle talk or gossip, and she never loses a debate. She’s mostly quiet, but thinks fast. Anything else, just ask.

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

Anyone actually believe Nicole is going to say anything worthwile on the broadcast? Anyone? Bueller??

They could have another storyline going for their November sweeps. How pathetic in November they're going to be right where they are right now. Do other soaps move this slowly?

Leslie - I disagree. Chloe will actually have the kid, it will develop something that needs a transplant or transfusion and Chloedan won't be a match yada, yada. It's almost an obligation they do that now to finally reveal who's the daddy. This has gone on in DOOL since the Mickey/Bill/Mike who's the daddyline.

Applecheeks is quite correct about Midwestern rivers. If you actually heard waves lapping like that it would indicate you're either in the middle of a tornado or a river with a current so swift you'd be down the Mississippi and into the gulf as soon as you set your foot in it.

Loved the great Chloesnarks today: "I thought I was losing my mind." "You shouldn't worry about small losses", "Besides, I'm pretty sure it would be better for the human race if you were out of the gene pool" (ditto Mellip!) and "Chloe donated her brain to science before she was done with it."

Thank you for the equal TP pictures, Prevuze, and for helping us face the new week.

Word verification: weall. As in Weall wish the writers would GET ON WITH IT!

8:27 AM  
Anonymous chaya said...

I think Prevuze is on to something. Wouldn't we all want a t-shirt that said "I'm with stupid" with an arrow up if it had a subtitle of "I watch DOOL."

8:27 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

It’s Monday morning, and it’s more of the same. Is it any wonder that soaps are a dying genre?

And the sad thing is this is actually the show that will air on Tuesday.

a river with a current so swift you'd be down the Mississippi and into the gulf as soon as you set your foot in it.

Now I'll have that stupid song running through my head all day:

We fired our guns but the British kept a-comin,
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago,
We fired once more and they began a-runnin,
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico...

10:25 AM  
Blogger LeeLeigh said...

Bulldog --- you are only half right. Yes, Chloe will have the kid. but when it is born with one leg, blonde hair and dimples, then I think Carly will get an inkling that the baby is not Daniel's. (before this, Carly will have done a paternity test and Chloe, not wanting to take any chances, will have Sami help her change the results in the computer to say Daniel is the father)

Leslie, loved your comment about Melanie and her braids. I think she likes being a child bride and doesn't want to grow up.

3:24 PM  

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