Once A Whore Always A Whore
EJ and Sami sit in the rumpus room as Sami talks about her kids. She says they adore EJ. Will comes in and contradicts her. Sami reminds him he's a guest there and says he's being rude. Will tells her to save the lecture and huffs off. Sami apologizes to EJ, "It's not about you. It's about me. It always is. Will thinks I'm a lousy parent, which I am. I don't have a job, a house, a partner, a clue... so...
"I see," says EJ, "This is about your conversation with Rafe."
"It wasn't even a conversation."
"Don't let that reflect on your feelings about yourself as a mother," says EJ, "You're a wonderful mother. You dump your kids on some of the best babysitters anywhere, and you moved in here."
Sami gives him a nervous chuckle, "It's not such a sacrifice."
Calliope tells Anna this is all wrong, "It wasn't fate that brought us together it was... I can't tell you!" Anna hugs her and when they part, she deflowers Calliope and discovers the wire.
Brady and Arianna are at the pub. They check their schedules and set a wedding date. Nicole comes in as Brady and Arianna discuss where they should go on their honeymoon. Nicole muses, "Wherever you go, hurricane Nicole will follow."
EJ reminds Sami she has in the past called the house a mausoleum. Sami says she realizes there are advantages, "There's a maid, chef, heated pool, eye candy..." She says she owes EJ for getting her daughter back. Magnanimous EJ says she doesn't owe him anything and his motives were not exactly unselfish.
Rafe radios Calliope not to do anything stupid. Too late. Anna rages about the wire. Calliope asks what Anna is going to do now. Anna says she will run, "If you get in my way I'll run you over like a bull in Pamplona."
Rafe phones his buddy and says there has been a malfunction, "If I go in now, it's all over. Because whenever I go in, things fall apart."
Kate looks into the rumpus room, sees Sami and EJ, huffs and then finds Will in the foyer. Will is typically moody. Kate wonders what's wrong. Will doesn't want to talk about it. So they talk about it, of course. He gives her the picture of her and Madeline, "How come you never told me you knew her?"
Madeline lectures Chad about going to Wake Forest. He reminds her she went to Salem U. "For law school," says Madeline, "It's the top law school around."
"It's the only law school around," Chad reminds her. He says he can play ball at Salem U but not at Wake Forest. Madeline orders him to go away to college. Or just go away.
Nicole calls Baker, "Rise and shine, Dick."
Dick asks, "What's up?"
"You," says Nicole.
What? You expected some kind of snark with that exchange? Never. This is a family-friendly blog. Sometimes.
Nicole tells him, "It's time to move on our plan."
EJ can't believe the domestic bliss he and Sami are now sharing. Sami regrets all the lies she told him and doesn't know how he can forgive her. EJ doesn't want them to dwell on their mistakes. But they will.
Anna runs into her hotel room and frantically starts packing. J. Edgar Loser plays it cool, "Leaving paradise so soon?"
Nicole tells Baker all he has to do is bash someone, "I'm doing all the work." Baker wonders if there isn't an easier way to win a guys heart, "My mom said it was a pot roast."
Nicole corrects him, "I have his heart. His head has to catch up." Brady's head couldn't catch a cold.
Kate and Will have taken it to the Java Café. He wonders what's up with Kate and Maddie.
Madeline thinks Chad has changed his mind because of his new friends. Chad thinks she wants him to go away so she won't have to deal with him. Big macho Chad's lip quivers, "I thought you'd be happy I was staying in Salem. How come it feels like you can't wait to get rid of me?"
Sami looks at the FBI jacket and flashes back to getting her birthstone ring from Rafe. EJ comes in and sees she's distracted.
Rafe gets macho with Anna, who reminds him he has no jurisdiction there in Melaswen, or wherever they are, "You can't touch me."
"Watch me."
Sami takes the ring off. EJ clears his throat and says she may no longer be with Rafe, but she's still her children's mother, apparently meaning she should keep he ring on. Stefano comes in and asks if anything is wrong. Sami tells him everything is peachy-keen and leaves.
Stefano turns to EJ, "It seems your wiles are working their magic."
"No thanks to you."
Stefano disagrees, "It's entirely thanks to me. Don't forget, one word from me and I can take down your house of cards."
"One word from you and I'll replace your insulin with sugar water."
They drag Calliope into Anna's room in handcuffs. Elliott Mess postures, "This is what we call the long arm of the law." Anna tells Calliope she offered to solve her problems and now she has nothing. Rafe says he has a final offer for both of them — freedom, if Anna gives him what he needs. He turns to Calliope, "And you and your husband will go free, too."
Anna has a conniption, "Eugene didn't leave you for a bimbette? To think, I felt sorry for you. How could you?"
"I did it for you," yells Calliope. She begs Anna to remember the good times they once had as they drag her out.
Calliope yells, "Hasta la vista."
Anna yells, "Hasta la never."
Rafe warns Anna she'd better cooperate.
Brady is outside the pub with Nicole. He wonders why she's so jumpy. Nicole evades. Brady thinks she must be working on quite a story. Nicole claims she's protecting a source. Brady tells her he wants what's best for her. "And I want what's best for both of us," says Nicole. Arianna comes out and Nicole tells him they have more to do before tonight's broadcast. Brady and Arianna talk about the honeymoon and smooch. Nicole stews.
Kate makes excuses about knowing Madeline. She says she hardly knows her. Will says Madeline said the Same thing about them.
Stefano says he understands about fatherhood and family. EJ wonders if he's admitting Sami is a part of their family. Stefano says he is, as much as it pains him. EJ tells him not to interfere. Stefano tells him not to worry, "I'll leave the trouble-making to Samantha. She's very good at that."
Sami comes into the Java Café, sees Will and Kate and starts to leave. Kate sees her and invites her to sit with them. Then she decides Sami and Will need to talk and leaves.
Will grumbles, "Hangin' out with my mom. Not cool."
Sami asks, "Is that what you're worried about?"
"No," says Will, "But it sounded better than, 'Get out of my face I don't want to talk to you.'"
"But I want to talk to you," says Sami.
Kate bumps into Madeline and Chad.
Rafe tells Anna whoever kidnapped Sydney should suffer, not her.
Anna thinks Rafe is doing this for Sami. Rafe says he's doing it for Sydney. "But," says Anna, just to keep the Safes interested in the show, "You love Sami."
I do."
"Then you're a fool." It doesn't take much to back Rafe into a corner.
Sami wants to talk. Will wants to be the typical brooding teen., "What's the problem with you and EJ, Mom? Can you not be without a guy for two seconds?"
Will explodes — like Mother, like son, "You need me to tell you? you can't take the hint? I hate you, Mom."
Chad books. Madeline and Kate decide to take the conversation elsewhere.
Will sees Chad come into the Java Café, "Chad's here and we have to go over our Spanish lesson, so, hasta luego." As he walks off, Sami tells him she'll always love him. Brady comes up and asks what's wrong. Sami dodges the question and says she can tell from his tension he's seen Nicole, "What did she do?"
"True," says Sami, "Just her breathing can set someone off." He tells her he and Arianna set a date. Sami is ecstatic and says she'll be in charge of making sure Nicole doesn't wreck things.
Nicole and Arianna are in the pub. Arianna thinks Nicole is up to something. Nicole advises her not to be concerned about her feelings,, "It's Brady's feelings you should be worried about."
Johnny joins EJ and Stefano. Stefano blows his stack and says he wants Johnny to take the FBI jacket off. EJ sends Johnny upstairs to change. He warns Stefano not to tell his son what to do.
Arianna says anything Brady ever felt for Nicole is over. Nicole disagrees. Arianna wonders how they can work together like this. They decide each could quit, but maybe drinking would be a better solution. When the going gets tough, the tough make their minds go away and not bother them.
Sami tells Brady she had a fight with Will. Brady reminds her, "He's a teenager. You know how tough that is. You ought to, since you've been acting like one for twenty years. It'll get better."
Sami whines, "I moved in and now he resents me."
Brady asks, "So, why live there?"
Madeline and Kate are at the pier. Maddie tells Kate about Chad staying in town, "Chad is asking questions because you didn't destroy that photo. Lie about this. My husband and I have an impeccable reputation in this town."
Kate thinks Madeline can handle things herself, "Or do you want my intervention?"
Maddie nearly chokes, "You think I want your intervention? The mother of an ex-alcoholic, ex-gambler, ex-addict, the granddaughter who killed her own brother... who else am I missing?"
"The ones from outer space," says Kate. Madeline says she doesn't know why Stefano gave Kate the time of day, let alone marry her. "You don't know anything about me," says Kate.
"I do know one thing," says Madeline, "Once a whore always a whore."
Kate sneers, "And it would take one to know one, wouldn't it, Maddie?"
Madeline leaves, "I won't dignify that with a response." Especially when the response is, "Yes it would."
Stefano wants the FBI jacket burned, "It's like wearing a Red Sox cap into Yankee stadium."
Rafe tells Anna if she doesn't cooperate she'll go to prison, "Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Nicole and Arianna share wine. Arianna doesn't think wine will do it for them. She notices Nicole has had half a bottle and wonders if she can go on the air later tonight.
Baker interrupts with a call to Arianna, "Is this the news? I have a tip. It's a delicate matter." Arianna goes outside to talk.
Nicole goes through Arianna's purse, gets her hairbrush and takes a sample of Arianna's hair, "Exhibit A... perfecto!" Then Nicole pours Arianna's wine into her glass and switches them.
Arianna comes back in, "What are you doing?"
Sami asks Brady if Arianna has heard from Rafe. She says she called him and he hung up, "I guess I have to let it go. It's kind of scary. I'm trapped at the mansion now. I have to settle down somewhere and I'm around EJ all the time and it makes me feel vulnerable."
Brady repeats, "Vulnerable... Are you telling me you still have feelings for that guy?"
"That guy," says Sami, "You're going to have to narrow that down so I know which guy you're talking about."
Stefano is on the phone ordering his people to get back with him when they have information. He hangs up and tells EJ Anna missed her scheduled check-in.
Anna tells Rafe Bennie was her accomplice. Rafe doesn't buy it. Who were you working with... or for?
"I see," says EJ, "This is about your conversation with Rafe."
"It wasn't even a conversation."
"Don't let that reflect on your feelings about yourself as a mother," says EJ, "You're a wonderful mother. You dump your kids on some of the best babysitters anywhere, and you moved in here."
Sami gives him a nervous chuckle, "It's not such a sacrifice."
Calliope tells Anna this is all wrong, "It wasn't fate that brought us together it was... I can't tell you!" Anna hugs her and when they part, she deflowers Calliope and discovers the wire.
Brady and Arianna are at the pub. They check their schedules and set a wedding date. Nicole comes in as Brady and Arianna discuss where they should go on their honeymoon. Nicole muses, "Wherever you go, hurricane Nicole will follow."
EJ reminds Sami she has in the past called the house a mausoleum. Sami says she realizes there are advantages, "There's a maid, chef, heated pool, eye candy..." She says she owes EJ for getting her daughter back. Magnanimous EJ says she doesn't owe him anything and his motives were not exactly unselfish.
Rafe radios Calliope not to do anything stupid. Too late. Anna rages about the wire. Calliope asks what Anna is going to do now. Anna says she will run, "If you get in my way I'll run you over like a bull in Pamplona."
Rafe phones his buddy and says there has been a malfunction, "If I go in now, it's all over. Because whenever I go in, things fall apart."
Kate looks into the rumpus room, sees Sami and EJ, huffs and then finds Will in the foyer. Will is typically moody. Kate wonders what's wrong. Will doesn't want to talk about it. So they talk about it, of course. He gives her the picture of her and Madeline, "How come you never told me you knew her?"
Madeline lectures Chad about going to Wake Forest. He reminds her she went to Salem U. "For law school," says Madeline, "It's the top law school around."
"It's the only law school around," Chad reminds her. He says he can play ball at Salem U but not at Wake Forest. Madeline orders him to go away to college. Or just go away.
Nicole calls Baker, "Rise and shine, Dick."
Dick asks, "What's up?"
"You," says Nicole.
What? You expected some kind of snark with that exchange? Never. This is a family-friendly blog. Sometimes.
Nicole tells him, "It's time to move on our plan."
EJ can't believe the domestic bliss he and Sami are now sharing. Sami regrets all the lies she told him and doesn't know how he can forgive her. EJ doesn't want them to dwell on their mistakes. But they will.
Anna runs into her hotel room and frantically starts packing. J. Edgar Loser plays it cool, "Leaving paradise so soon?"
Nicole tells Baker all he has to do is bash someone, "I'm doing all the work." Baker wonders if there isn't an easier way to win a guys heart, "My mom said it was a pot roast."
Nicole corrects him, "I have his heart. His head has to catch up." Brady's head couldn't catch a cold.
Kate and Will have taken it to the Java Café. He wonders what's up with Kate and Maddie.
Madeline thinks Chad has changed his mind because of his new friends. Chad thinks she wants him to go away so she won't have to deal with him. Big macho Chad's lip quivers, "I thought you'd be happy I was staying in Salem. How come it feels like you can't wait to get rid of me?"
Sami looks at the FBI jacket and flashes back to getting her birthstone ring from Rafe. EJ comes in and sees she's distracted.
Rafe gets macho with Anna, who reminds him he has no jurisdiction there in Melaswen, or wherever they are, "You can't touch me."
"Watch me."
Sami takes the ring off. EJ clears his throat and says she may no longer be with Rafe, but she's still her children's mother, apparently meaning she should keep he ring on. Stefano comes in and asks if anything is wrong. Sami tells him everything is peachy-keen and leaves.
Stefano turns to EJ, "It seems your wiles are working their magic."
"No thanks to you."
Stefano disagrees, "It's entirely thanks to me. Don't forget, one word from me and I can take down your house of cards."
"One word from you and I'll replace your insulin with sugar water."
They drag Calliope into Anna's room in handcuffs. Elliott Mess postures, "This is what we call the long arm of the law." Anna tells Calliope she offered to solve her problems and now she has nothing. Rafe says he has a final offer for both of them — freedom, if Anna gives him what he needs. He turns to Calliope, "And you and your husband will go free, too."
Anna has a conniption, "Eugene didn't leave you for a bimbette? To think, I felt sorry for you. How could you?"
"I did it for you," yells Calliope. She begs Anna to remember the good times they once had as they drag her out.
Calliope yells, "Hasta la vista."
Anna yells, "Hasta la never."
Rafe warns Anna she'd better cooperate.
Brady is outside the pub with Nicole. He wonders why she's so jumpy. Nicole evades. Brady thinks she must be working on quite a story. Nicole claims she's protecting a source. Brady tells her he wants what's best for her. "And I want what's best for both of us," says Nicole. Arianna comes out and Nicole tells him they have more to do before tonight's broadcast. Brady and Arianna talk about the honeymoon and smooch. Nicole stews.
Kate makes excuses about knowing Madeline. She says she hardly knows her. Will says Madeline said the Same thing about them.
Stefano says he understands about fatherhood and family. EJ wonders if he's admitting Sami is a part of their family. Stefano says he is, as much as it pains him. EJ tells him not to interfere. Stefano tells him not to worry, "I'll leave the trouble-making to Samantha. She's very good at that."
Sami comes into the Java Café, sees Will and Kate and starts to leave. Kate sees her and invites her to sit with them. Then she decides Sami and Will need to talk and leaves.
Will grumbles, "Hangin' out with my mom. Not cool."
Sami asks, "Is that what you're worried about?"
"No," says Will, "But it sounded better than, 'Get out of my face I don't want to talk to you.'"
"But I want to talk to you," says Sami.
Kate bumps into Madeline and Chad.
Rafe tells Anna whoever kidnapped Sydney should suffer, not her.
Anna thinks Rafe is doing this for Sami. Rafe says he's doing it for Sydney. "But," says Anna, just to keep the Safes interested in the show, "You love Sami."
I do."
"Then you're a fool." It doesn't take much to back Rafe into a corner.
Sami wants to talk. Will wants to be the typical brooding teen., "What's the problem with you and EJ, Mom? Can you not be without a guy for two seconds?"
Will explodes — like Mother, like son, "You need me to tell you? you can't take the hint? I hate you, Mom."
Chad books. Madeline and Kate decide to take the conversation elsewhere.
Will sees Chad come into the Java Café, "Chad's here and we have to go over our Spanish lesson, so, hasta luego." As he walks off, Sami tells him she'll always love him. Brady comes up and asks what's wrong. Sami dodges the question and says she can tell from his tension he's seen Nicole, "What did she do?"
"True," says Sami, "Just her breathing can set someone off." He tells her he and Arianna set a date. Sami is ecstatic and says she'll be in charge of making sure Nicole doesn't wreck things.
Nicole and Arianna are in the pub. Arianna thinks Nicole is up to something. Nicole advises her not to be concerned about her feelings,, "It's Brady's feelings you should be worried about."
Johnny joins EJ and Stefano. Stefano blows his stack and says he wants Johnny to take the FBI jacket off. EJ sends Johnny upstairs to change. He warns Stefano not to tell his son what to do.
Arianna says anything Brady ever felt for Nicole is over. Nicole disagrees. Arianna wonders how they can work together like this. They decide each could quit, but maybe drinking would be a better solution. When the going gets tough, the tough make their minds go away and not bother them.
Sami tells Brady she had a fight with Will. Brady reminds her, "He's a teenager. You know how tough that is. You ought to, since you've been acting like one for twenty years. It'll get better."
Sami whines, "I moved in and now he resents me."
Brady asks, "So, why live there?"
Madeline and Kate are at the pier. Maddie tells Kate about Chad staying in town, "Chad is asking questions because you didn't destroy that photo. Lie about this. My husband and I have an impeccable reputation in this town."
Kate thinks Madeline can handle things herself, "Or do you want my intervention?"
Maddie nearly chokes, "You think I want your intervention? The mother of an ex-alcoholic, ex-gambler, ex-addict, the granddaughter who killed her own brother... who else am I missing?"
"The ones from outer space," says Kate. Madeline says she doesn't know why Stefano gave Kate the time of day, let alone marry her. "You don't know anything about me," says Kate.
"I do know one thing," says Madeline, "Once a whore always a whore."
Kate sneers, "And it would take one to know one, wouldn't it, Maddie?"
Madeline leaves, "I won't dignify that with a response." Especially when the response is, "Yes it would."
Stefano wants the FBI jacket burned, "It's like wearing a Red Sox cap into Yankee stadium."
Rafe tells Anna if she doesn't cooperate she'll go to prison, "Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Nicole and Arianna share wine. Arianna doesn't think wine will do it for them. She notices Nicole has had half a bottle and wonders if she can go on the air later tonight.
Baker interrupts with a call to Arianna, "Is this the news? I have a tip. It's a delicate matter." Arianna goes outside to talk.
Nicole goes through Arianna's purse, gets her hairbrush and takes a sample of Arianna's hair, "Exhibit A... perfecto!" Then Nicole pours Arianna's wine into her glass and switches them.
Arianna comes back in, "What are you doing?"
Sami asks Brady if Arianna has heard from Rafe. She says she called him and he hung up, "I guess I have to let it go. It's kind of scary. I'm trapped at the mansion now. I have to settle down somewhere and I'm around EJ all the time and it makes me feel vulnerable."
Brady repeats, "Vulnerable... Are you telling me you still have feelings for that guy?"
"That guy," says Sami, "You're going to have to narrow that down so I know which guy you're talking about."
Stefano is on the phone ordering his people to get back with him when they have information. He hangs up and tells EJ Anna missed her scheduled check-in.
Anna tells Rafe Bennie was her accomplice. Rafe doesn't buy it. Who were you working with... or for?
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuze Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
Rafe. I am not sure whether the writers are trying to make him look clever and they are just making him look stupid with bad writing or if the writers are intentionally making him look stupid and therefore are great writers.
Sadly this episode has done nothing to advance ANY storylines. Let's say it all together now...FILLER.
Sami find you a job, a girlfriend, have some fun girl ! And bring back your devious, scheming self..i don't know by stick it to Kate lol and stop thinking and talking about boring angsty things like Rafe zzzzzzz please !
p.s : is it really may SWEEPS ?! for me it seems more may BORING !
Come on!!! I'm with both you guys-this is sweeps??? Just think of sweeps 2 years ago, now THAT was some action!!
And, hey, Prevuze-you aren't holding out on us are you?? I thought there was another "almost kiss" for Ejami while she is wearing this shirt.....are you tired of all the "squeeeeeese"?????
But, since I love you so much I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it is coming. I just wish there was some action coming in this soap. Seriously, I have NEVER seen a leading man have to work soooo hard to "get a little"!
And Rafe? What is there left to say? Just go away already!
Anna hugs her and when they part, she deflowers Calliope and discovers the wire.
Deflowers – LOL!!!!!! The use of that word makes the Prevuze blog a bona fide bodice ripper!!!
Nicole muses, "Wherever you go, hurricane Nicole will follow."
Hurricane Nicole – a category 5 for sure!
"For law school," says Madeline, "It's the top law school around."
Really? It would appear that Salem is spitting distance from Chicago, so that would mean that Salem U has a better law school than either the University of Chicago or Northwestern. As if!!!
Dick asks, "What's up?"
"You," says Nicole.
What? You expected some kind of snark with that exchange? Never. This is a family-friendly blog. Sometimes.
PG-13? Bummer!
"I have his heart. His head has to catch up." Brady's head couldn't catch a cold.
Oh Prevuze – you really are showing great restraint because you could have embraced the dark side with that one!!
Rafe warns Anna she'd better cooperate.
Anna should flip Rafe the bird and walk away. He can’t arrest her and drag her away. If he tried, any good lawyer would be able to get Anna freed and nail Rafe’s butt to the wall. If Anna spills her guts, the confession would have been obtained illegally making it inadmissible in a court of law. Rafe’s bully boy tactics can only blow the case for the FBI. Number one agent? Hardly! Number one doofus is more like it.
Arianna thinks Nicole is up to something.
…and what was her first clue? Being up to something is Nicole’s MO.
Stefano wants the FBI jacket burned, "It's like wearing a Red Sox cap into Yankee stadium."
Stefano has infinitely more sense than either Rafe or Sami. Why would Sami allow her son to wear that jacket in the mansion? After her heart-to-heart talk with EJ, you would have thought that Sami would have tried to be a little more sensitive to EJ’s situation.
Jiaras and Sacks – LOL!!!! Prevuze thanks for bringing sunshine to an incredibly rainy and dark morning!!!
What teenager gives a rip who their grandma or mom was friends with years before they were born? The thing with Will and Chad puzzling over that picture is highly unlikely, and the women could just say "We went to school together" and they would forget all about it.
And, hey, Prevuze-you aren't holding out on us are you?? I thought there was another "almost kiss" for Ejami while she is wearing this shirt.....are you tired of all the "squeeeeeese"?????
I saw no "almost kiss" today. However, there is hope. I'm always madly typing as I watch and may have missed it.
I'd go back and look at it again, but my policy is never to put myself through torture like that. It's bad enough having to regurgitate it the next day for the post-show tweets on Twitter. So you'll just have to wait breathlessly until tomorrow to see if there was another "almost kiss."
If I may be so blunt... Isn't it kind of pathetic to have to wait for an "almost kiss?" I mean, I'd hold out at least for a slurpy tongue tonsillectomy uninterrupted by the prying eyes of an aggravating adolescent. JMHO.
Nicole corrects him, "I have his heart. His head has to catch up." Brady's head couldn't catch a cold.
I'll take any and every knock on Brady's lack of brains!
Sami needs to give her biggest brat some space now. Didn't she just have a serious conversation with him regarding EJ, moving in, etc? Is fighting with Will the new lazy susan plot point we're going to have to deal with over and over? Oh sheesh, Chandler Massey may be a much better actor than old Will but he's not so good I need to hear his bratty diatribes and watch his sudden grimace face twice a week. I won't take it from Sami, so I certainly won't take it from Will-of-the-crazy-brow. The writers should save the Will scenes for the upcoming teen Chad/Will/Madeline/Kate mystery because Will already confronts folks more often than ScoobyDoo and Will is no fun talking dog.
Whew! One of my HUH?! moments today was wondering why Anna had to "run". Leslie summed up my rant much better than I was planning to. And it saved me a lot of typing. Just consider this comment a "me too".
[Salem U] is the top law school around."
LMAO – around what – a five mile radius? Beyond that limit I believe Harvard or Yale might put their two cents’ worth into this conversation. [Note: I eliminated the references to the much nearer universities since Leslie beat me to the punch here as well. HA]
What? You expected some kind of snark with that exchange? Never. This is a family-friendly blog. Sometimes.
Thereby giving us, indirectly, exactly the snarky comment we might have expected. Well done, Prevuze. Once a snarky blog, always a snarky blog.
"He's a teenager. You know how tough that is. You ought to, since you've been acting like one for twenty years.
Two truer sentences have never been strung together in one statement.
Great reference to "Eugene's" stint on Star Trek and LOL at the Jiars & Sacks picture. Thank you, Prevuze!
My favorite today was the Jiaras and the Sacks. Also "You're a wonderful mother. You dump your kids on some of the best babysitters anywhere."
I agree with you, Anon. Surely with all of the lies Kate's come up with over the years she could've come up with some explanation that didn't arouse the suspicions of even clueless teenagers.
I wouldn't mind all of this rehashing and time killing with Anniope except knowing DOOL it's not going to reveal anything or move the story along. So it's just the usual frustration. No wonder when the daytime Emmys were announced yesterday neither the show nor the writing staff were nominated. But hey - in spite of Phillip's atrocious hair they were nominated for hairstyling. (?)
Now, if they could just give an award for the best blog of a soap Prevuze would win hands down! Thanks for the almost to Friday chuckles, Prevuze.
Bulldog - don't forget Carly's atrocious hair!
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