The Creepy Stalker
Chloe bites into the dreaded apple as Kate watches and flashes back to poisoning, it as if we didn't know.
Chloe continues to munch, but decides the apple tastes funny and gets up to throw it in the trash.
Maggie bustles around the kitchen gathering up cleaning supplies for the big work session at the Horton cabin. Melanie comes in and acts less than enthusiastic about helping with the chores. Maggie accuses her of trying to back out. "That's not what I'm trying to do," says Melanie, "I actually wonder why you're going out there."
Maggie rolls her eyes, "What are youp to, Melanie? Cut to the chase."
Arianna once again bumps into Brady. They've bumped into each other so many times there is no room for new bruises.
Inside the pub, Rafe rants because Sami keeps asking questions about Emily. Sami thinks it's weird that he's upset about her questions, "I love you and that makes me want to know everything about you and your old girlfriends. Especially the living ones, so I can scratch their eyes out."
Chloe heads for the trash with the apple. Kate turns to Daniel, "Well, it looks like your housewarming gift was a bust." A little reverse psychology goes a long way with Chloe, who's mind doesn't even have a forward gear. She decides the apple is fine and takes another chomp.
Brady and Arianna recover from the near-catastrophe of bumping into each other. "I'm sorry," says Arianna.
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
You think I'm kidding, don't you?
Sami and Rafe argue about Emily. Rafe yells, "If you're gonna revert to your old habits, then this isn't gonna work, OK? We're done." We should be so lucky.
Chloe continues to munch on the poisoned apple. Allie runs back Kate decides they should hit the Java Café and talk about the show. Daniel backs out. Then Chloe backs out. Kate gets huffy and disappointed, "Guys, I thought your friendship was over."
Maggie guesses Melanie wants to be alone with Nathan. Melanie says she doesn't even want him there. She says she wants to play matchmaker with two friends. She stops and considers what she just said, "Imagine that... I have friends."
Maggie doesn't even hear the last part. The instant she heard the word "matchmaker" her radar antennae popped up so strong her kitchen will now need a ceiling repair, "Tell me, though, Melanie, what's in it for you?"
Arianna turns to leave, but hesitates, "There is something I'd like to ask you. Is there any way you can talk to Sami? Convince her to stop seeing my brother?"Brady thinks that's a strange request. Arianna backpedals and shuffles. She says she just thinks Sami is wrong for Rafe. "That's not my call," says Brady, "It's not yours either. If they're happy with each other then we should stay out of it."
"I get it," says Arianna, "You're a generous person and I'm just a big downer."
"I'm glad we finally agree on something," says Brady.
Apparently, Rafe has picked up Sami's bickering abilities and they go at it as equals.
Kate sits in the Java Café with Daniel and Chloe. They have, of course, dumped poor Allie. Kate decides they should do a segment about Chloe and Daniel on the show, "I think the audience should know the truth about you."
A gal in the audience stands up and shouts, "We know ALL about them. Move this plot along before the kid they haven't had yet gets into college!"
Scotty screams, "Cap'n! I canno' change the laws of physics!"
"I don't care what it takes," says Kirk, "DO IT NOW!"
Scotty pushes the levers. Dematerialization occurs... On the surface of the planet, Kirk looks around, but doesn't see anyone, "Where is he, Scotty?"
"I told ya so," bellows Scotty, "Instead of transporting him to Aldebaran II in 2614, we've sent him to earth in 2009. He's in some place called the Java Café."
Kate, Daniel and Chloe all about jump out of their socks when Lucas appears out of nowhere, "You're going to tell the audience WHAT truth about Chloe and Daniel?"
Melanie says she wants to prove to Maggie she's on the level, "I know I'm not a saint but I'm really trying."
"You are right about that," says Maggie, "You're definitely not a saint and you're very trying. I'd say you are a work in progress."
Melanie considers that a badge of honor. "I'm a work in progress," she squeals, "Actually, I think I should come clean. I'm doing this because if I set them up and it works then maybe I'll find someone who will love me for who I am." Maggie and Melanie hug as they pass out the barf bags in the audience.
Brady chases Arianna. He says he is worried about her.
Oh, God... more Sami and Rafe. Use the FF button on your remote. Sami gets frustrated and walks out right behind 95% of the viewing public.
Kate says the deal is they're going to do a leukemia segment on Chloe and Daniel, and how Chloe then turned around and saved Kate. Loserclueless says he likes the angle. Kate checks the recording device in her purse to make sure she's getting all the dialogue and thinks, "I'd better make sure this equipment is working because I'm the only person anywhere who would care enough to record this crap." Suddenly Chloe gets sick. Kate smirks.
Arianna accuses Brady of stalking. He starts to leave and then she accuses him of abandoning her. Brady can't win, "Arianna, you seem tense, wired, high strung..."
"I'm sorry," says Arianna, "We can't all be as laid back as you."
"Relax and let things roll off your back," says Brady, "I like what I see in you. I thank that person is cool and interesting."
Arianna softens, "I appreciate what you're trying to do... aside from the creepy stalker thing."
Sami barges into her apartment calling for Will. Rafe chases. Sami says there is nothing to talk or fight about, "because we're done." Rafe says he was angry and overreacted. He wants to work through their issues because he loves her.
"You don't even know me," screams Sami, "I talked to Arianna about Emily because that's the kind of person I am. I thought you were good for me. I thought we were... so just go. I'm not reverting. This is who I am... A child in a woman's body with an IQ that matches room temperature. If you can't handle that then we don't have a future.
Out in the audience the Ejamis and Lumis cheer uncontrollably.
Chloe continues to turn as green as her Granny Smith apple. Dr. Daniel goes for aspirin. Dr. Lucas tells Chloe she looks pale. Dr. Kate tells her she has clammy hands. Chloe insists she is fine. She wants people to stop hovering.
Arianna says she's not ready for a relationship. "That's OK," says Brady, "Casual sex would be fine with me. The thing is, people in this town seem to pounce on singles. If they see two people talking who hardly know each other they will issue a couple alert." Arianna says she prefers being alone. So does Brady. They agree to just be acquaintances. They go their separate ways, but both look back several times.
More Sami and Rafe. He asks if she wants him to walk out and never come back, "Fighting is a part of life. Especially life with you. I love you. I do. I love the impulsive stuff you do. I don't mean to make you feel bad..."
"I love you, too," says Sami, "I love you so much." That's all it takes: Clear the decks for make up...
Chloe continues to insist she's fine. Ali comes up. Now that really makes Chloe sick. Lucas carts Allie off. Chris calls Kate, who rants about color copies and barks orders. Kate hangs up and decides she has to go.
Chloe asks, "How's that for an obnoxious and demanding boss?" Daniel offers to drive her home. Chloe resists.
Brady comes into the pub and finds Melanie. She has summoned him to con him into working on the cabin. Brady asks, "Why do I feel like you're Tom Sawyer getting me to paint the fence?"
Melanie wrinkles her brow, "Huh? Wha... Who?"
"I forgot," says Brady, "The only book you've read all the way through is the 'Lets Go Look And See' Barney book. So, I guess you want me to do all the work at the cabin."
Melanie says that's not true, "I'll be working... on my tan."
Brady agrees to go, "I could use the distraction."
Back at Sami's place, clothes fly... then Sami and Rafe do something really kinky... they head for the bedroom instead of the couch.
Chloe turns green. She gets woozy when she tries to stand and Daniel insists on taking her home.
Kate plays with her new recording. She works with the dialogue until she has Chloe saying something she has never said, "Daniel... don't!"
Brady arrives at Maggie's place. They sit and talk about going to the 12-step meeting. Brady just isn't into the conversation, "I'm distracted. I have a lot on my mind."
"Then you should probably stand up," says Maggie.
"I can't stop thinking about this woman," he says.
Maggie can't believe her luck, "Let me get my notebook."
Arianna meets Melanie in the Java Café and Melanie asks her to help clean the cabin.
Rafe and Sami rest after their ordeal. Rafe whispers, "I would never do anything to hurt you."
Kate packs things up. Lucas joins her. It's hard to tell but it looks like they are on the Kiriakis terrace. Lucas is concerned because he called Chloe and she didn't call back. Kate is proud of him for being a caring husband.
Lucas disagrees, "You're not proud of me. You think I'm whipped. You seem to be disgusted with Chloe lately. You gave her a job but it's a job she doesn't want."
Kate thinks she rescued Chloe and says her offer for a lead in the opera Vancouver was probably just an audition. She insists she has respect for Chloe, "So are we OK?"
Lucas looks at the calendar on his watch, "I guess. I'm not scheduled to disown you for another week."
Daniel and Chloe arrive at her front door. Chloe gets dizzy, but continues to insist she's fine. "I'm not so sure," says Daniel, "I think we should call a doc..."
Chloe faints and falls right into Daniel's arms.
Maggie wonders who the mystery woman is. Brady is reluctant to tell. Maggie grills him. All of a sudden I'm in junior high all over again.
Maggie advises Brady to take his time with this woman. Brady agrees,, "I'll make it a point to keep my distance."
Melanie puts the sales job on. Arianna agrees to help at the cabin.
Sami walks out into the living room. Rafe follows and they pick up the clothes strewn all over the room. If the show weren't on such a tight budget, Will would bust in right now. "I'm hungry," says Rafe.
Sami asks, "Is that your way of asking for dinner?"
"Are you cooking," asks Rafe, "I couldn't handle burned grilled cheese."
"OK," says Sami, "We'll order out. My treat."
"In that case," says Rafe, "Let's get lobster." They decide on Chinese. Rafe goes for a shower while Sami calls to place the order.
She rummages through her purse and discovers she's broke (What a shock – single mom, unemployed with three kids, that she knows of, shacking up with a rookie construction worker who works the night shift. Broke would be my guess.). She decides since Rafe forgot to pay for it, she'll just take the money. She gets into Rafe's wallet and whad'ya know, finds Emily's memorial card, apparently from her funeral – laminated no less. Sami reads, "Emily Hudson... September 15, 1978 – March 28, 2007." Sami stares.
Chloe continues to munch, but decides the apple tastes funny and gets up to throw it in the trash.
Maggie bustles around the kitchen gathering up cleaning supplies for the big work session at the Horton cabin. Melanie comes in and acts less than enthusiastic about helping with the chores. Maggie accuses her of trying to back out. "That's not what I'm trying to do," says Melanie, "I actually wonder why you're going out there."
Maggie rolls her eyes, "What are youp to, Melanie? Cut to the chase."
Arianna once again bumps into Brady. They've bumped into each other so many times there is no room for new bruises.
Inside the pub, Rafe rants because Sami keeps asking questions about Emily. Sami thinks it's weird that he's upset about her questions, "I love you and that makes me want to know everything about you and your old girlfriends. Especially the living ones, so I can scratch their eyes out."
Chloe heads for the trash with the apple. Kate turns to Daniel, "Well, it looks like your housewarming gift was a bust." A little reverse psychology goes a long way with Chloe, who's mind doesn't even have a forward gear. She decides the apple is fine and takes another chomp.
Brady and Arianna recover from the near-catastrophe of bumping into each other. "I'm sorry," says Arianna.
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
You think I'm kidding, don't you?
Sami and Rafe argue about Emily. Rafe yells, "If you're gonna revert to your old habits, then this isn't gonna work, OK? We're done." We should be so lucky.
Chloe continues to munch on the poisoned apple. Allie runs back Kate decides they should hit the Java Café and talk about the show. Daniel backs out. Then Chloe backs out. Kate gets huffy and disappointed, "Guys, I thought your friendship was over."
Maggie guesses Melanie wants to be alone with Nathan. Melanie says she doesn't even want him there. She says she wants to play matchmaker with two friends. She stops and considers what she just said, "Imagine that... I have friends."
Maggie doesn't even hear the last part. The instant she heard the word "matchmaker" her radar antennae popped up so strong her kitchen will now need a ceiling repair, "Tell me, though, Melanie, what's in it for you?"
Arianna turns to leave, but hesitates, "There is something I'd like to ask you. Is there any way you can talk to Sami? Convince her to stop seeing my brother?"Brady thinks that's a strange request. Arianna backpedals and shuffles. She says she just thinks Sami is wrong for Rafe. "That's not my call," says Brady, "It's not yours either. If they're happy with each other then we should stay out of it."
"I get it," says Arianna, "You're a generous person and I'm just a big downer."
"I'm glad we finally agree on something," says Brady.
Apparently, Rafe has picked up Sami's bickering abilities and they go at it as equals.
Kate sits in the Java Café with Daniel and Chloe. They have, of course, dumped poor Allie. Kate decides they should do a segment about Chloe and Daniel on the show, "I think the audience should know the truth about you."
A gal in the audience stands up and shouts, "We know ALL about them. Move this plot along before the kid they haven't had yet gets into college!"
Scotty screams, "Cap'n! I canno' change the laws of physics!"
"I don't care what it takes," says Kirk, "DO IT NOW!"
Scotty pushes the levers. Dematerialization occurs... On the surface of the planet, Kirk looks around, but doesn't see anyone, "Where is he, Scotty?"
"I told ya so," bellows Scotty, "Instead of transporting him to Aldebaran II in 2614, we've sent him to earth in 2009. He's in some place called the Java Café."
Kate, Daniel and Chloe all about jump out of their socks when Lucas appears out of nowhere, "You're going to tell the audience WHAT truth about Chloe and Daniel?"
Melanie says she wants to prove to Maggie she's on the level, "I know I'm not a saint but I'm really trying."
"You are right about that," says Maggie, "You're definitely not a saint and you're very trying. I'd say you are a work in progress."
Melanie considers that a badge of honor. "I'm a work in progress," she squeals, "Actually, I think I should come clean. I'm doing this because if I set them up and it works then maybe I'll find someone who will love me for who I am." Maggie and Melanie hug as they pass out the barf bags in the audience.
Brady chases Arianna. He says he is worried about her.
Oh, God... more Sami and Rafe. Use the FF button on your remote. Sami gets frustrated and walks out right behind 95% of the viewing public.
Kate says the deal is they're going to do a leukemia segment on Chloe and Daniel, and how Chloe then turned around and saved Kate. Loserclueless says he likes the angle. Kate checks the recording device in her purse to make sure she's getting all the dialogue and thinks, "I'd better make sure this equipment is working because I'm the only person anywhere who would care enough to record this crap." Suddenly Chloe gets sick. Kate smirks.
Arianna accuses Brady of stalking. He starts to leave and then she accuses him of abandoning her. Brady can't win, "Arianna, you seem tense, wired, high strung..."
"I'm sorry," says Arianna, "We can't all be as laid back as you."
"Relax and let things roll off your back," says Brady, "I like what I see in you. I thank that person is cool and interesting."
Arianna softens, "I appreciate what you're trying to do... aside from the creepy stalker thing."
Sami barges into her apartment calling for Will. Rafe chases. Sami says there is nothing to talk or fight about, "because we're done." Rafe says he was angry and overreacted. He wants to work through their issues because he loves her.
"You don't even know me," screams Sami, "I talked to Arianna about Emily because that's the kind of person I am. I thought you were good for me. I thought we were... so just go. I'm not reverting. This is who I am... A child in a woman's body with an IQ that matches room temperature. If you can't handle that then we don't have a future.
Out in the audience the Ejamis and Lumis cheer uncontrollably.
Chloe continues to turn as green as her Granny Smith apple. Dr. Daniel goes for aspirin. Dr. Lucas tells Chloe she looks pale. Dr. Kate tells her she has clammy hands. Chloe insists she is fine. She wants people to stop hovering.
Arianna says she's not ready for a relationship. "That's OK," says Brady, "Casual sex would be fine with me. The thing is, people in this town seem to pounce on singles. If they see two people talking who hardly know each other they will issue a couple alert." Arianna says she prefers being alone. So does Brady. They agree to just be acquaintances. They go their separate ways, but both look back several times.
"I love you, too," says Sami, "I love you so much." That's all it takes: Clear the decks for make up...
Chloe continues to insist she's fine. Ali comes up. Now that really makes Chloe sick. Lucas carts Allie off. Chris calls Kate, who rants about color copies and barks orders. Kate hangs up and decides she has to go.
Chloe asks, "How's that for an obnoxious and demanding boss?" Daniel offers to drive her home. Chloe resists.
Brady comes into the pub and finds Melanie. She has summoned him to con him into working on the cabin. Brady asks, "Why do I feel like you're Tom Sawyer getting me to paint the fence?"
Melanie wrinkles her brow, "Huh? Wha... Who?"
"I forgot," says Brady, "The only book you've read all the way through is the 'Lets Go Look And See' Barney book. So, I guess you want me to do all the work at the cabin."
Melanie says that's not true, "I'll be working... on my tan."
Brady agrees to go, "I could use the distraction."
Back at Sami's place, clothes fly... then Sami and Rafe do something really kinky... they head for the bedroom instead of the couch.
Chloe turns green. She gets woozy when she tries to stand and Daniel insists on taking her home.
Kate plays with her new recording. She works with the dialogue until she has Chloe saying something she has never said, "Daniel... don't!"
Brady arrives at Maggie's place. They sit and talk about going to the 12-step meeting. Brady just isn't into the conversation, "I'm distracted. I have a lot on my mind."
"Then you should probably stand up," says Maggie.
"I can't stop thinking about this woman," he says.
Maggie can't believe her luck, "Let me get my notebook."
Arianna meets Melanie in the Java Café and Melanie asks her to help clean the cabin.
Rafe and Sami rest after their ordeal. Rafe whispers, "I would never do anything to hurt you."
Kate packs things up. Lucas joins her. It's hard to tell but it looks like they are on the Kiriakis terrace. Lucas is concerned because he called Chloe and she didn't call back. Kate is proud of him for being a caring husband.
Lucas disagrees, "You're not proud of me. You think I'm whipped. You seem to be disgusted with Chloe lately. You gave her a job but it's a job she doesn't want."
Kate thinks she rescued Chloe and says her offer for a lead in the opera Vancouver was probably just an audition. She insists she has respect for Chloe, "So are we OK?"
Lucas looks at the calendar on his watch, "I guess. I'm not scheduled to disown you for another week."
Daniel and Chloe arrive at her front door. Chloe gets dizzy, but continues to insist she's fine. "I'm not so sure," says Daniel, "I think we should call a doc..."
Chloe faints and falls right into Daniel's arms.
Maggie wonders who the mystery woman is. Brady is reluctant to tell. Maggie grills him. All of a sudden I'm in junior high all over again.
Maggie advises Brady to take his time with this woman. Brady agrees,, "I'll make it a point to keep my distance."
Melanie puts the sales job on. Arianna agrees to help at the cabin.
Sami walks out into the living room. Rafe follows and they pick up the clothes strewn all over the room. If the show weren't on such a tight budget, Will would bust in right now. "I'm hungry," says Rafe.
Sami asks, "Is that your way of asking for dinner?"
"Are you cooking," asks Rafe, "I couldn't handle burned grilled cheese."
"OK," says Sami, "We'll order out. My treat."
"In that case," says Rafe, "Let's get lobster." They decide on Chinese. Rafe goes for a shower while Sami calls to place the order.

NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Brady, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
"No," says Arianna, "I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
You think I'm kidding, don't you?
Well no I don't think you are kidding, The writers have now discovered instead of recycling scripts and filling in with meanless banter, they can answer a question with a question (clever) and repeat themselves over and over as filler. NOTE: The monkeys want it to be known, they do not use this technique, they are frequently hired to fill in meaningless plot and to forever extend ridculous storylines but never repeat themselves or answer a question with a question. They have their standards.
Sami and Rafe argue about Emily. Rafe yells, "If you're gonna revert to your old habits, then this isn't gonna work, OK? We're done." We should be so lucky. oh good lord. Will we ever be rid of this pathetic bickering back and forth?
Best part of today's Prevuze? Scotty/Kirk references. You missed out on a Bones reference. You know..I'm a doctor not a miracle worker, damn it Jim, no one can fix this ridculous plot! Loved Lucas appearing as though transported - must be your colorful description, but I could almost hear the transporter.
Almost lost my breakfast over Clear the Decks
Yes, Scotty, please beam me up.
Chloe bites into the dreaded apple as Kate watches and flashes back to poisoning, it as if we didn't know.
Prevuze, short term memory is the first to go, and the DOOL writers are living proof that the statement is scientific fact.
Rafe yells, "If you're gonna revert to your old habits, then this isn't gonna work, OK? We're done." We should be so lucky.
That is so true Prevuze. Anyway I have to ask the question. What are the old habits the Rafester is referring to? It’s not like he’s known Sami for a long time. For gosh sakes, Sami is only being nosy. That’s hardly one of her worst traits. If I found my supposed love mooning over the grave of a woman, I would certainly want to know who the dearly departed is and what she means to him. If this guy who professed his love to me made it sound like it was none of my business, I would be mighty suspicious. Since this is DOOL land, Emily will probably turn out to be the mother of all red herrings, and this “spat” will be meaningless.
Allie runs back Kate decides they should hit the Java Café and talk about the show.
Doesn’t Mythic have any offices?
Kate, Daniel and Chloe all about jump out of their socks when Lucas appears out of nowhere.
Finally, a logical explanation – the Enterprise’s transformer chamber transports Lucas into the Java Café! I hope his entry was accompanied by all the sparkles and whooshing sound!!! Excellent Prevuze excellent!!!
Maggie and Melanie hug as they pass out the barf bags in the audience.
I can’t stand it. This is so contrived. Yes, I will definitely take a barf bag.
This is who I am... A child in a woman's body with an IQ that matches room temperature.
Rafe needs to take notes from Prevuze because Prevuze has known Sami long enough to have an accurate and concise picture of the type of person she is.
Who needs 24/7 Michael Jackson coverage on CNN when Prevuze gives the faithful such naughty censored links?! Prevuze, thanks for another great recap and super photos. The Star Trek references are priceless! I’m with Berg. Beam me up Scotty – indeed!!
Instead of romping in the middle of the day and ordering take-out, shouldn't Rafe be at his new construction job? And shouldn't Sami be busy strategizing with a lawyer on how to get her son back?
How would Rafe know if Sami's reverting to old habits?
This sounds like the duddest dud or a show in months.
She gets into Rafe's wallet and finds Emily's memorial card - laminated no less. Doesn't everyone keep laminated funeral programs in their wallet or purse??
At least while they have the junior high scenes of (Brianna? Arady?) having stupid exchanges in the cabin we'll get thru the episodes much quicker. Of course we'll need to be sure our supply of zapper batteries is sufficient.
LOVED the Snow White witch and Chloe! That's actually what I was picturing in my head every time Kate tried to practically shove the apple in Chloe's mouth. HAHAHAHA
And the censored link today is even better than yesterday's. I hope Prevuze continues that as long as the MJ hype continues...which I think, unfortunately, will last as long as a DOOL storyline.
And I'm also enjoying the Salem picnic pictures and can't wait to see who else is thinking what.
Thanks for the stellar Prevuze!
yeah, I don't get Rafe's comment about Sami going back to her old habits either!?1? Who's the brilliant writer who inserted that little tid bit into Rafe's dialogue? It makes absolutely NO SENSE! Since we're all familiar with Sami's antics on DOOL over the years, I think her "old habits" are more on the lines of lying, conniving, getting revenge by trying to burn people alive or getting dressed up as young men called "Sam"...she doesn't seem to be doing ANY of those things to Rafe right now...she's simply asking a question we'd all ask if we saw our bf hovering over a grave at a that little piece of dialog is just nonsensical!!! But then again this IS Dayz we're talking about...Sorry, my bad!
Let's see. Watching the show - 5 cents in electricity (?)
Clicking on the Prevuze censored link - priceless.
You outdid yourself with that one!
Thank goodness I read the censored link in the privacy of my hotel room and not while on the public computers in the conference center ciber hall. My reaction was to utter the intelligent comment, "Ooomph!", and then howl with laughter. Kind of hard to explain at a finance convention.
ANYWAY, thanks for the laughs. Thanks for the Cloe/wicked witch picture (even though Chloe is hardly Snow White material and I had to take a second look to realize that was the wicked witch and NOT Kate).
Prevuze 2. Please?
Arianna, "We can't all be as laid back as you."
"Relax and let things roll off your back," says Brady.
Says the guy who manages stress so well he was a druggie for a couple of years. Yeah, Adrianna can learn a lot from you boy-yo. HAHAHA
Loads of laughs from Maggie's gossip-detecting radar poking a hole in the ceiling, Bulldog's ashes pic, and every other unsung prevuism and picture in today's blog.
Thanks, Prevuze
why would brady start to tell maggie anything about his relationships. we all know that shes a matchmaker and will stop at nothing to hook people up. maybe thats why melanie is doing it. maggie has rubbed off onto melanie.
does anyone know where mia and will disappeared off to? they havent been on since the funeral. and chad. they all kinda went missing. hopefully not together. lol
Just had to share this:
Do you know how to tell when it's bedtime at Neverland Ranch?
When the big hand touches the little hand.
Kate as the wicked witch step mother, apple and all. A more apt comparison has never been drawn. But isn't Snow White supposed to have plumb, ruby red lips, not the evil witch. Oh, my bad, Kate and Chloe both keep collegen in business.
" Out in the audience the Ejamis and Lumis cheer uncontrollably. "
In a sign of exemplary diplomatic rebellion against the writers of Days, The Lumi's and Ejami's have officially formed a truce and a new organization...the Safecrackers. Because it's much more fun to bicker about Sami and someone we actually give a flip about...sorry Rafe.
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