Friday, May 08, 2009

A Very Excitable Woman

Daniel sits in the hospital waiting area reading his latest edition of Teen and Geezer Hotties as Chloe walks up and observes, "You look worse than I feel."

Dr. Groper looks up, "Perhaps I should feel you to see if that's true."

Chloe tells him about her encounter with Kate, "She was like a cat toying with a mouse, but said she wouldn't tell Lucas."

"Imagine that," says Daniel, "A rat toying with a mouse."

Kate meets Lucas and announces she's going to London to see Billie. Lucas tells her he'll take care of everything while she's gone. "Great," says Kate, "Then I won't have to worry about having a business to run when I get back." Lucas asks why she has been avoiding him.

Baker wakes up in his hospital room and sees Nicole. He asks what happened. Nicole tells him he had an accident. Baker scowls, "You tried to kill me bitch!"

"That's not true," insists Nicole.

"Did you push me down a flight of stairs for my health," he asks. Baker goes for the call button but Nicole stops him.

EJ turns on the lights in the warehouse and walks over to the sheet-covered mummy on the other side of the room, "Father?"


Victor walks in and tells EJ he's alive. EJ goes for Victor but Victor's goon stops him.

Bo and Hope hustle into the pub. Hope gets off the phone and they discuss Phillip's case. Max comes up and asks about Chelsea.

Lucas wants to know why Kate attacked Chloe, "Tell me what went down between you and Chloe."

Kate asks, "You mean besides comparing notes on Daniel? "

Daniel tells Chloe if Kate hadn't always been there to cut Lucas' meat for him he might have grown up. He thinks Chloe feels Lucas will self-destruct if she leaves him.

Nicole insists what happened on the staircase was an accident.

"No, crazy woman," says Dr. Baker, "No. Soon you'll be blaming gravity." Nicole tells him if he keeps threatening maybe he should avoid staircases. Baker threatens to go to the police.

The goon releases EJ, who demands to know what Victor did to his father. Victor says nothing, "Stefano has diabetes and I'm just letting nature take its course. I have insulin. All we have to do is to negotiate a price."

Kate tells Lucas she never wanted him to get involved with Chloe. Lucas reminds her Chloe donated her marrow so Kate could live. "Don't confuse my mind with facts," says Kate, "Chloe is still the same person she has always been." Lucas reminds Kate he loves Chloe and she's his wife.

Chloe tells Daniel she wants to remain faithful to Lucas, "I made a promise to God. That makes you mad doesn't it?"

"Not really," says Daniel, "Since you keep breaking it. Marriage isn't supposed to be a sacrifice."

"How can you say that," asks Chloe, "You've never been married to Lucas."

Daniel asks, "Does your marriage make you happy?" Chloe says, "Absolutely. Except for when I'm with Lucas."

Nicole outlines what will happen if Baker goes to the cops. She tells him he will lose his medical license, "You call the cops and you're gonna wish you didn't wake up right now."

Dr. Baker says, "When I woke up, you were the first thing I saw. I already wish I didn't wake up."

Victor calls in a nurse, who injects Stefano despite EJ's protests. Victor tells him it's insulin. Stefano stirs. The nurse says it wasn't a sufficient dosage. Victor ignores that and sends her out, "You just relax for a while. Put your feet up. Read a magazine..." The nurse leaves and Victor says, "It's good to be nice to the staff, don't you think?"

EJ is in no mood to play games, "What exactly do you want."

Victor says, "Everything, Elvis. Everything."

Elvis asks, "Even my blue suede shoes?"

Bo has heard about Billie's complications, so he asks Max what secondary infection means. Dr. Max describes it, "Sometimes your 'ary' gets infected. If your other 'ary' gets infected, that's your second 'ary' infection." He says he thinks he should have gone with Chelsea. Bo says in the past when they didn't hear from her it meant bad news.

"That doesn't sound right," says Max, "Usually not hearing from Chelsea is the best news you can get."

Kate and Lucas' little spat continues. Lucas presses. Kate says, "Something did happen but it wasn't between Chloe and me. It was between the two of you."

Chloe tells Daniel her life isn't Daniel's concern any more. Daniel insists Kate may not tell Lucas, but she will not let this go, "Kate will come after you and will not play fair. If what we had was a sin we have atoned. God didn't assign Kate to be your judge and executioner. Don't let her get away with this."

Baker growls, "You have rotten bedside manner." He decides Nicole is right and he shouldn't go to the cops. Nicole thinks they should get him out of the way somewhere. Baker thinks Nicole will continue to try to kill him. He says he needs insurance.

"What would that be," asks Nicole.

"I tell EJ everything."

EJ wants to know what Victor means by 'everything.' Victor says ultimately they want to end the war with the DiMeras. He takes a contract out of his Pocket, "Once you sign, your father will get his insulin and DiMera enterprises will all belong to me."

Hope thinks Max and Bo are worrying prematurely. She turns to Max, "Bring us something to eat. Something unique and delicious."

"We don't have anything delicious," says Max, "And the only thing we have that's unique is the rat droppings." A call interrupts. It's Chelsea with good news. Billie is doing better.

Lucas wants Kate to butt out of his life. He comes tthhiiss close to disowning her again. Kate says she doesn't want things to be like this. Lucas says if that's what she wants she should start treating Chloe with respect.

Daniel says, "Kate is not without sin so doesn't let her cast stones. If she gives you static, tell her you will tell Lucas yourself." Daniel walks off.

Baker says if he tells EJ, Nicole will have no more reason to kill him. Nicole disagrees, "Pure unadulterated hatred is motivation enough."

EJ refuses to sign the contract. Victor says in that case he's signing Stefano's death warrant. He says there is a 5 million check attached to make things legal. EJ thinks that's extortion. Victor gives him 72 hours to get things in order, "After that if you don't deliver, Stefano dies. Your choice."

Chloe ponders things as Lucas walks up. He tells her he just had it out with Kate. Chloe tells him to let it go but Lucas refuses. He wants Chloe to tell him what's going on. Chloe stares.

Daniel walks in as Nicole screams that it was an accident. He lectures Nicole for yelling at a patient and throws her out. Nicole leaves and Daniel asks Baker what that was all about.

"She's a very excitable woman," says Baker. He asks for a phone so he can call EJ.

Outside, Nicole also tries to call EJ, but gets voicemail.

Victor tells EJ Stefano is a sick old man and it's the end of an era.

Chloe stares at Daniel across the room and asks to talk about something else. Lucas starts to go talk to Daniel but Chloe stops him.

Nicole comes back into Baker's room. She says she knows Baker didn't reach EJ because she tried to call too. She tells him about the two attempts on Phillip's life, "His life now is waiting... to be eliminated. So you can tell EJ, but that will be your life and we both know I am telling the truth."

Baker promises not to tell as long as Nicole stays away from him. They shake on the deal. Nicole turns to leave, "You get well, y'hear?"

Victor tells EJ he's not nearly the adversary Stefano has been. Victor wants every bit of stock, every bit of DiMera land. He says if EJ double crosses him, Stefano dies. The goon knocks EJ cold and they leave.

Ciara has joined Bo and Hope. Ciara holds Tommy Bear and Bo notices, Tommy looks a little worse for the wear, "It looks like Tommy Bear had a rough trip into the woods."

"He did," says Ciara, "He was traumatized when he found Rafe and Sami cavorting on a blanket." Hope and Ciara leave. Bo has a vision about Tommy Bear and Ciara.

Lucas tells Chloe he was just going to tell Daniel about Kate's trip. Chloe just wants to go home. They pass Daniel on the way out.

Nicole arrives back at the DiMera mansion and sees blood on the floor where Baker fell, "You should have died, Baker. You are one big liability."

Dr. Baker sits in his hospital bed writing a note, "If you are reading this, it means I am dead. It means Nicole Walker DiMera was responsible for the following reasons..."

EJ stirs and drones, "This isn't over father. I promise you this isn't over."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel's right. I haven't seen this kind of atonement since the inquisition. Enough already. I'm ready to see them sin again. An ounce of antonement is worth a pound of sin.

4:48 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

"You look worse than I feel."

Dr. Groper looks up, "Perhaps I should feel you to see if that's true."
…and Prevuze is off and running!!!!!

"Tell me what went down between you and Chloe."

Kate asks, "You mean besides comparing notes on Daniel?"

Love it, love it, love it!!!!

He thinks Chloe feels Lucas will self-destruct if she leaves him.

Methinks this clever foreshadowing means that Lucas is going to go off the wagon again. That’s a good thing. Lucas makes an entertaining drunk, and that’s far more interesting than a tortured grope um and bed um doctor.

"Stefano has diabetes and I'm just letting nature take its course. I have insulin.”

Stefano just found out he’s type 2 diabetic, and doctors would have started out by putting him on an appropriate eating regimen. Insulin is generally the drug of last resort. Victor should have told EJ that he was force feeding Stefano Snickers bars.

"It looks like Tommy Bear had a rough trip into the woods."

"He did," says Ciara, "He was traumatized when he found Rafe and Sami cavorting on a blanket."

Tommy Bear has something in common with the viewers. We’re all in need of serious therapy after seeing Rafe and Sami in action. Geez!

"You should have died, Baker. You are one big liability." …and that staircase is one big liability exposure.

Dr. Baker is writing a list of Nicole’s sins. I sure hope he has several reams of paper and can print more than just the letter “B”. By the way, whatever happened to the note that Tony struggled to write for EJ? Apparently, the all important note is just another clue floating away on the capricious breezes of nothingness that are the minds of the DOOL writers.

It’s a good day. It’s Friday, Prevuze rocks again, the photos are great, and it’s my birthday. The only thing that would have made it better would have been a shirt free picture of EJ. Sigh! Have a great weekend all you fabulous Prevuzites!!!

5:36 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...



If I weren't on the road, I'd dig through my archives and send you a picture of shirt-free EJ. However, knowing DOOL, you won't have to wait too long before we see him sans-shirt again. In lieu of that, you may take the rest of the day off. Tell your boss I said so. I'm sure that will swing a lot of weight.

5:50 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

Happy Birthday, Leslie!

"Daddy? No. Mummy." GROANER! HAHAHAHA

I love that Bo is asking Max for medical advice. Well, after all he DID send in a few applications for med school and at Salem Hospital that pretty much qualifies him for Chief of Staph. LOL over "the second ary"And poor Tommy Bear. Maybe he was just trying to escape Salem via the woods but wasn't fast enough.

Oh for Pete's sake! TELL Luclueless already and let the chips fall where they may. If for no other reason than to stick it to Kate. HA

It's a thundery/rainy Friday and Prevuze brightened the morning. TGIP!

6:48 AM  
Anonymous Scolly said...

If Philanie have a typical Salem wedding not only will Payla not be there nobody will be there. Well, maybe the DiMeras will send Shawn thru the stained glass window....

7:02 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

Well, maybe the DiMeras will send Shawn thru the stained glass window....

Ah... Shawn coming through the stained glass window on his motorcycle... A Days Of Our Lives classic.

And there I thought DOOL Classic was an oxymoron.

7:16 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

I must comment on something I noted watching yesterday’s actual episode. This would have been covered two Prevuze recaps ago, but I didn’t realize the level of incredulity with which Sami reacted to Rafe’s statement about the fish in the Salem River. I watched her wide-eyed reaction and thought, “Excuse me! Sami has living in Salem her entire life. Her grandfather ran a fishing boat. And she's surprised there are fish in the river?” Puhleeze!

Daniel tells Chloe if Kate hadn't always been there to cut Lucas' meat for him he might have grown up.

I think if Lucas had just made one of his dozens of “disowning Kate” vows stick for more than a couple of days he might have grown up.

Lucas reminds Kate he loves Chloe and she's his wife.

Yeah, like that has helped every other time he’s pointed that out to Kate when she had a hate on for one of his girlfriends/wives.

He asks Max what secondary infection means. Dr. Max describes it, "Sometimes your 'ary' get infected. If your other 'ary' gets infected, that's your second 'ary' infection."

Prevuze, most up-to-date medical blog on the Internet.

Just as I finished reading Prevuze, the rain stopped and the sun came out. Literally. Coincidence? I think not.

Prevuze, most reliable day brightener on the Internet!indeed.

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Daniel's the example of a real man, then let me throw up now.

When did they atone for their sins? Lying about them isn't atonement. And I am not sold on this Chloe and Daniel are really in love storyline.

Daniel is totally going to cheat on Chloe when they get together.

Why does DOOL writers continue to try to attack Lucas? First they have Will say bad things about him. Now he-hoe Daniel.

Daniel can point out a real man. Tell me something, would he go to prison and take on a bunch of bad guys to get out and get back to his kids. I don't believe Daniel would do that.

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure looked like Nicole was responsible for Dr. Baker falling down the stairs to me on today's episode. I read in her interview with SOD that Zucker said she was not responsible for the fall.

10:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm, as it wasn't Bakers house and since he has no business chasing people up their stairs, I'm going to say it was his fault.

"Did you push me down a flight of stairs for my health,"'Tis why you don't confront people on the stairs my good sir.

Daniel tells Chloe if Kate hadn't always been there to cut Lucas' meat for him he might have grown up.Ha. Lucas isn't really the bad guy here so while this is valid comment it seemed to be unnecessary.

Baker threatens to go to the police.First he was reluctant to go against or anywhere near the DiMera's, now he's threatening?

Kate will come after you and will not play fair.How exactly can she play fair? Sit down and discuss it like adults? While that would be nice, it won't stop them. And that's probably what Daniel wants.

He comes tthhiiss close to disowning her

If she gives you static, tell her you will tell Lucas yourself."Haha, again. Daniel is pretty sneaky for a person who admonishes Kate's manipulative behavior.

He lectures Nicole for yelling at a patient (without feeling them up first.) and throws her out."If you are reading this, it means I am dead. It means Nicole Walker DiMera was responsible for the following reasons..." And here we go... *sigh*

And Happy Birthday, Leslie.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This was slightly uncomfortable, but sometimes you have to brave the front lines.

I present to Leslie, a shirtless EJ or rather the guy who plays him


11:14 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

In lieu of that, you may take the rest of the day off. Tell your boss I said so. I'm sure that will swing a lot of weight. Unfortunately, I am still at work. Let’s face it. My employer has no idea that reading Prevuze is hazardous to my keyboard. Although the next time it gets soaked, I will simply tell him that I took the keyboard with me when I went to check out jumping fish and accidently dropped it in the lake. If it works for Sami, it most will most assuredly work for me.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes and to Klaus for the picture. It definitely made my day!

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its mothers day. So Prevuze. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.C.

8:48 AM  

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