New Age Metrosexual Navel Gazer
Nicole's machines beep. Nicole shows Brady the locket she was going to show EJ at the Lodge. As she rambles, the machines go nuts and Nicole faints. The crash cart arrives and they throw Brady out.
Phillip reads the Salem spectator with headlines screaming about Nick's arrest. Pete congratulates him for being a hero. Phillip says, "Yeah, a hero that got everything wrong until the last possible moment."
"You got that right," says Pete, "You shoulda let the little snot drop."
Chelsea comes in to see Nick. Nick has a headache... in addition to having Chelsea in the room, that is.
Melanie is on the phone with the front desk. She says she was told she could stay at the hotel for a while. Instead, they throw her out. "Thank you for being so sympathetic." Melanie hangs up, "I have an hour to find a place to live and a way to pay for it."
John reminds her he just saved her life, "I'm sorry if I was too macho for you when I did that. Just because I'm not some new age metrosexual navel gazer doesn't mean I'm self destructive."
Marlena thinks she made the classic egocentric therapist mistake. She thinks her being in his life enabled him, "You need help. Unless you get it you're out of my life." John vows never to get help.
The medical team runs around Nicole's room screaming and working. The doc says, "We have to stabilize Nicole in order to save the baby."
A stewardess offers EJ a drink, He declines and tells her he's just happy he finished his business early and is headed home to surprise his family. After talking with EJ, the stewardess walks away, grabs her tummy and shrieks, "OMG! I think I'm pregnant!"
Nicole's machines continue to beep. The docs work. Panic sets in, "If we can't stop the contractions she'll lose the baby!" The doc walks up to Brady, "I suggest you get in touch with the father." Nicole wails and begs them to save the baby.
The brat is sorry Nick has a headache. He scolds her for feeling sorry for a mad dog killer like he is. "I loved you once," says Chelsea.
"Not for long," says Nick. He thinks it works better with girls before they get to know him. Chelsea thinks he cares a little too much. Nick thinks going to prison is a good thing for him. He'll go away and won't be able to hurt anyone. Maggie comes in.
Melanie sits at the complimentary computer the hotel evidently has in every room. She surfs the Internet looking for a job, "Hmmm... Titan enterprises. They think big. Just like me. I think big too, only without the thinking part. "
Nicole is better. Things have settled down. The doc says she can help by relaxing and staying calm. Nicole follows his advice for about five seconds and then her machines go berserk. Nicole follows suit and goes berserk herself.
Marlena tells John she has agonized over this. She suggests Dr. Kenneth Taylor, one of her thesis advisors, "He won't be able to help you, but you will be able to write a killer thesis. " John says he will think about it. Marlena says she has sent Dr. Taylor his files, "Until you talk to him I won't have anything to do with you. Here's his card. The ball is yours. I hope you can handle it better than the Kansas City Chiefs' offense.
"A paralyzed quadriplegic could handle a ball better than that," says John.
Nick tells Maggie, "Melanie doesn't have any friends. She doesn't have any family. She doesn't have any money."
Chelsea drones, "She has Max."
Nick sys, "Great. If she ever needs a beer or wants to have her floors mopped, she's home free. But you don't know the things that he said about her. She can't trust him." Nick knows he scared Melanie. He begs Maggie to let Melanie stay with her. Maggie sobs.
Nicole screams for EJ. The nurse goes outside and tells Brady. Brady says he's trying to call EJ right now, "How's it going with Nicole?"
"Things are bad," says the nurse.
"I wasn't talking about the acting," says Brady.
Brady and the nurse run back into Nicole's room. Nicole screams, "The contractions! The baby! I can't stop it." She can't stop the screaming and blubbering either.
John is indignant, "Haven't you just crossed some kind of line handing out my files without speaking with me?"
Marlena rants, "You're trying to deflect things by turning this into an ethical discussion. Nothing disgusts any doctor in Salem more than ethics. You have two choices: You may take the card and leave or you may leave. It's over now." Maggie arrives. She begs Marlena to help her with Nick.
Chelsea knows Nick feels guilty. "If I didn't feel guilty," says Nick, "I'd be a sociopath. Instead I'm just a plain old serial killer. I will never love anyone else. I can't change things. I don't care about what happens to me. It's how Melanie feels about me that's important."
"She hates your guts," says Chelsea.
"True," says Nick, "But she hates me in that cute, little adorable quirky way she has."
Melanie sees Phillip reading the paper but can't see his face. She somehow figures out he's a from Titan or something, "Hello I am Melanie Layton and I am the answer to all..." Phillip lowers the paper and looks at her. Melanie's voice trails off, "...your prayers."
"We'll see about that," says Phillip.
EJ arrives home and Mary tells him Nicole never came home.
Meanwhile, back in Nicole's hospital room... Contracting... Machine beeping... Whimpering...
Marlena tells Maggie John was just leaving. He scoots into the kitchen, "I'll make some coffee and clean my gun."
Maggie is scared Nick will do something to himself. Marlena tries to reassure her. She says she will give Mickey the names of some good psychiatrists who can help Nick, "Obviously, my name won't be on the list. I said I'd give him a list of good psychiatrists. " She thinks Maggie should get help also.
Maggie asks if Marlena thinks it's a good idea for Melanie to stay with her, "I don't like her."
"Hmmm," says Marlena, "Maybe you don't need help after all."
Marlena suggests Maggie tell Melanie she can stay temporarily.
"Dang, " says Maggie, "That's brilliant. How do you come up with this stuff? No wonder you get paid $250 per hour. I admire your clear head."
"It should be clear," says Marlena, "Most vacuums are." Maggie leaves.
Suddenly there is a huge explosion in the kitchen. John staggers out, "Oops... I got the coffee grounds and the gunpowder mixed up again."
Melanie can't believe Phillip owns Titan, has money and still works. Phillip is impressed by her resume. He gets a sarcastic look on his face. One of his faces, anyway, "Look at this. You graduated cum laude from the Sorbonne."
"Let's skip the zingers," says Melanie. She starts to leave but Phillip tells her he hopes things get better for her.
"Then put your money where your mouth is," says Melanie, "and give me a job."
"I can't do that," says Phillip.
EJ calls and leaves a message for Nicole, "Where are you?"
The nurse walks up to Nicole and hands her a perfect little girl. If you're buying this I have a bridge...
Outside, the doc gives Brady the terrible news, "Nicole is fine but the baby is didn't make it."
Poor Nicole stirs, looks up at the nurse and smiles, "Thank you for saving my baby."
Nick thinks this can never be fixed. He says he didn't mean to scare Melanie. He just wanted to make her happy, "Then in the room... I saw myself as she saw me... I saw an animal." He tells Chelsea if she needs to take care of someone, she should take care of her grandma, "She's not a totally lost cause." He tells her to go.
Chelsea looks over at the guard, "Can I give him a hug?"
Nick immediately says no. We have an uncomfortable moment of silence and then Nick says, "If I stand up, my pants will fall down. They took my belt."
Melanie rants because Phillip is being condescending. She starts to stomp out. Maggie stops her and says she can stay with them, "There is one condition..."
EJ calls the cabins and says he's looking for a guest who was there earlier.
The doc punts the job of telling Nicole over to Brady, "It was a baby girl." The doc leaves.
"How am I gonna do this," asks Brady. He goes into Nicole's room.
Nicole is chipper, "Brady, I had the baby then I fell asleep. I was dreaming. The baby hasn't been born, has she? She's still OK isn't she? Why isn't the doctor in here?"
Brady delivers the bad news, "The baby didn't make it. I'm sorry." Tears, tears, tears.
Maggie tells Melanie Mickey will be handling the case, so there could be a conflict of interest, on the other hand, Nick's room will be vacant for a long time... probably about 25 years to life. She says she's only offering the room temporarily, so Melanie will have to look for another place to live. Melanie thinks they think she is the one who led Nick astray. Maggie tells her to stay away from Nick and gives her the key. Melanie thanks her. Maggie leaves.
Chelsea comes into the pub. Melanie bellows, "Well, the hits just keep on comin' don't they?" Chelsea wants to talk about Nick.
The woman on the phone tells EJ Nicole left a couple hours ago with a young man. Confused EJ thanks her. The woman hangs up, grabs her tummy and shrieks, "OMG! I think I'm pregnant!"
Nicole zones. Brady tells her it was a girl. Nicole says she would have done anything for the baby but all she could do was just lie there and she couldn't stop things. Brady is sooooo sorry. The nurse comes in with pills and tells Nicole there shouldn't be any problem with another pregnancy. She leaves.
Nicole wails, "She doesn't know this is a miracle baby. Miracles don't happen twice." Tears.
Marlena says she can't stand by and watch John have something horrible happen in his life. John says he'll see Dr. Taylor but not at the hospital and will only see him one time.
"This is not speed dating, John," she says, "If you're using this as a stall tactic then we're back to square one. And you're out of my life."
"You've disowned me more times in this episode than Lucas has disowned Kate in his life," says John.
Chelsea tells Melanie she is the only thing Nick thinks about. Melanie rants. She doesn't give a damn about how he feels, "And look what you did to him. You're like the training wheels to his craziness. You act like I'm the one who did everything to him... like he was sweet and sane until he met megabitch Melanie."
"He took a bullet for you," says Chelsea.
Melanie starts to leave but can't resist a parting shot, "You and everyone else in this hell hole make me sick. And you! You killed your brother!"
"Stephanie was right," says Chelsea, "You don't have the capability of thinking of anyone but yourself."
Nicole wonders what she will do. Her phone rings. She checks the caller-ID and sees it's EJ. EJ wanders and waits. We fade to a shot of Nicole clutching her phone next to a shot of EJ biting his nails.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website. Prevuze II should be up no later than noon, Eastern Time.
If you enjoyed today's recap and haven't left a donation in a while, please consider doing that. If you aren't in a position to donate, check out some of our advertisers. And you could also consider leaving a comment. We enjoy those. Look at it this way... I've already read Prevuze. YOU are MY entertainment.
Phillip reads the Salem spectator with headlines screaming about Nick's arrest. Pete congratulates him for being a hero. Phillip says, "Yeah, a hero that got everything wrong until the last possible moment."
"You got that right," says Pete, "You shoulda let the little snot drop."
Chelsea comes in to see Nick. Nick has a headache... in addition to having Chelsea in the room, that is.
Melanie is on the phone with the front desk. She says she was told she could stay at the hotel for a while. Instead, they throw her out. "Thank you for being so sympathetic." Melanie hangs up, "I have an hour to find a place to live and a way to pay for it."
John reminds her he just saved her life, "I'm sorry if I was too macho for you when I did that. Just because I'm not some new age metrosexual navel gazer doesn't mean I'm self destructive."
Marlena thinks she made the classic egocentric therapist mistake. She thinks her being in his life enabled him, "You need help. Unless you get it you're out of my life." John vows never to get help.
The medical team runs around Nicole's room screaming and working. The doc says, "We have to stabilize Nicole in order to save the baby."
A stewardess offers EJ a drink, He declines and tells her he's just happy he finished his business early and is headed home to surprise his family. After talking with EJ, the stewardess walks away, grabs her tummy and shrieks, "OMG! I think I'm pregnant!"
Nicole's machines continue to beep. The docs work. Panic sets in, "If we can't stop the contractions she'll lose the baby!" The doc walks up to Brady, "I suggest you get in touch with the father." Nicole wails and begs them to save the baby.
The brat is sorry Nick has a headache. He scolds her for feeling sorry for a mad dog killer like he is. "I loved you once," says Chelsea.
"Not for long," says Nick. He thinks it works better with girls before they get to know him. Chelsea thinks he cares a little too much. Nick thinks going to prison is a good thing for him. He'll go away and won't be able to hurt anyone. Maggie comes in.
Melanie sits at the complimentary computer the hotel evidently has in every room. She surfs the Internet looking for a job, "Hmmm... Titan enterprises. They think big. Just like me. I think big too, only without the thinking part. "
Nicole is better. Things have settled down. The doc says she can help by relaxing and staying calm. Nicole follows his advice for about five seconds and then her machines go berserk. Nicole follows suit and goes berserk herself.
Marlena tells John she has agonized over this. She suggests Dr. Kenneth Taylor, one of her thesis advisors, "He won't be able to help you, but you will be able to write a killer thesis. " John says he will think about it. Marlena says she has sent Dr. Taylor his files, "Until you talk to him I won't have anything to do with you. Here's his card. The ball is yours. I hope you can handle it better than the Kansas City Chiefs' offense.
"A paralyzed quadriplegic could handle a ball better than that," says John.
Nick tells Maggie, "Melanie doesn't have any friends. She doesn't have any family. She doesn't have any money."
Chelsea drones, "She has Max."
Nick sys, "Great. If she ever needs a beer or wants to have her floors mopped, she's home free. But you don't know the things that he said about her. She can't trust him." Nick knows he scared Melanie. He begs Maggie to let Melanie stay with her. Maggie sobs.
Nicole screams for EJ. The nurse goes outside and tells Brady. Brady says he's trying to call EJ right now, "How's it going with Nicole?"
"Things are bad," says the nurse.
"I wasn't talking about the acting," says Brady.
Brady and the nurse run back into Nicole's room. Nicole screams, "The contractions! The baby! I can't stop it." She can't stop the screaming and blubbering either.
John is indignant, "Haven't you just crossed some kind of line handing out my files without speaking with me?"
Marlena rants, "You're trying to deflect things by turning this into an ethical discussion. Nothing disgusts any doctor in Salem more than ethics. You have two choices: You may take the card and leave or you may leave. It's over now." Maggie arrives. She begs Marlena to help her with Nick.
Chelsea knows Nick feels guilty. "If I didn't feel guilty," says Nick, "I'd be a sociopath. Instead I'm just a plain old serial killer. I will never love anyone else. I can't change things. I don't care about what happens to me. It's how Melanie feels about me that's important."
"She hates your guts," says Chelsea.
"True," says Nick, "But she hates me in that cute, little adorable quirky way she has."
Melanie sees Phillip reading the paper but can't see his face. She somehow figures out he's a from Titan or something, "Hello I am Melanie Layton and I am the answer to all..." Phillip lowers the paper and looks at her. Melanie's voice trails off, "...your prayers."
"We'll see about that," says Phillip.
EJ arrives home and Mary tells him Nicole never came home.
Meanwhile, back in Nicole's hospital room... Contracting... Machine beeping... Whimpering...
Marlena tells Maggie John was just leaving. He scoots into the kitchen, "I'll make some coffee and clean my gun."
Maggie is scared Nick will do something to himself. Marlena tries to reassure her. She says she will give Mickey the names of some good psychiatrists who can help Nick, "Obviously, my name won't be on the list. I said I'd give him a list of good psychiatrists. " She thinks Maggie should get help also.
Maggie asks if Marlena thinks it's a good idea for Melanie to stay with her, "I don't like her."
"Hmmm," says Marlena, "Maybe you don't need help after all."
Marlena suggests Maggie tell Melanie she can stay temporarily.
"Dang, " says Maggie, "That's brilliant. How do you come up with this stuff? No wonder you get paid $250 per hour. I admire your clear head."
"It should be clear," says Marlena, "Most vacuums are." Maggie leaves.
Suddenly there is a huge explosion in the kitchen. John staggers out, "Oops... I got the coffee grounds and the gunpowder mixed up again."
Melanie can't believe Phillip owns Titan, has money and still works. Phillip is impressed by her resume. He gets a sarcastic look on his face. One of his faces, anyway, "Look at this. You graduated cum laude from the Sorbonne."
"Let's skip the zingers," says Melanie. She starts to leave but Phillip tells her he hopes things get better for her.
"Then put your money where your mouth is," says Melanie, "and give me a job."
"I can't do that," says Phillip.
EJ calls and leaves a message for Nicole, "Where are you?"
The nurse walks up to Nicole and hands her a perfect little girl. If you're buying this I have a bridge...
Outside, the doc gives Brady the terrible news, "Nicole is fine but the baby is didn't make it."
Poor Nicole stirs, looks up at the nurse and smiles, "Thank you for saving my baby."
Nick thinks this can never be fixed. He says he didn't mean to scare Melanie. He just wanted to make her happy, "Then in the room... I saw myself as she saw me... I saw an animal." He tells Chelsea if she needs to take care of someone, she should take care of her grandma, "She's not a totally lost cause." He tells her to go.
Chelsea looks over at the guard, "Can I give him a hug?"
Nick immediately says no. We have an uncomfortable moment of silence and then Nick says, "If I stand up, my pants will fall down. They took my belt."
Melanie rants because Phillip is being condescending. She starts to stomp out. Maggie stops her and says she can stay with them, "There is one condition..."
EJ calls the cabins and says he's looking for a guest who was there earlier.
The doc punts the job of telling Nicole over to Brady, "It was a baby girl." The doc leaves.
"How am I gonna do this," asks Brady. He goes into Nicole's room.
Nicole is chipper, "Brady, I had the baby then I fell asleep. I was dreaming. The baby hasn't been born, has she? She's still OK isn't she? Why isn't the doctor in here?"
Brady delivers the bad news, "The baby didn't make it. I'm sorry." Tears, tears, tears.
Maggie tells Melanie Mickey will be handling the case, so there could be a conflict of interest, on the other hand, Nick's room will be vacant for a long time... probably about 25 years to life. She says she's only offering the room temporarily, so Melanie will have to look for another place to live. Melanie thinks they think she is the one who led Nick astray. Maggie tells her to stay away from Nick and gives her the key. Melanie thanks her. Maggie leaves.
Chelsea comes into the pub. Melanie bellows, "Well, the hits just keep on comin' don't they?" Chelsea wants to talk about Nick.
The woman on the phone tells EJ Nicole left a couple hours ago with a young man. Confused EJ thanks her. The woman hangs up, grabs her tummy and shrieks, "OMG! I think I'm pregnant!"
Nicole zones. Brady tells her it was a girl. Nicole says she would have done anything for the baby but all she could do was just lie there and she couldn't stop things. Brady is sooooo sorry. The nurse comes in with pills and tells Nicole there shouldn't be any problem with another pregnancy. She leaves.
Nicole wails, "She doesn't know this is a miracle baby. Miracles don't happen twice." Tears.
Marlena says she can't stand by and watch John have something horrible happen in his life. John says he'll see Dr. Taylor but not at the hospital and will only see him one time.
"This is not speed dating, John," she says, "If you're using this as a stall tactic then we're back to square one. And you're out of my life."
"You've disowned me more times in this episode than Lucas has disowned Kate in his life," says John.
Chelsea tells Melanie she is the only thing Nick thinks about. Melanie rants. She doesn't give a damn about how he feels, "And look what you did to him. You're like the training wheels to his craziness. You act like I'm the one who did everything to him... like he was sweet and sane until he met megabitch Melanie."
"He took a bullet for you," says Chelsea.
Melanie starts to leave but can't resist a parting shot, "You and everyone else in this hell hole make me sick. And you! You killed your brother!"
"Stephanie was right," says Chelsea, "You don't have the capability of thinking of anyone but yourself."

You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website. Prevuze II should be up no later than noon, Eastern Time.
If you enjoyed today's recap and haven't left a donation in a while, please consider doing that. If you aren't in a position to donate, check out some of our advertisers. And you could also consider leaving a comment. We enjoy those. Look at it this way... I've already read Prevuze. YOU are MY entertainment.
Oddly, I have nothing to say about this episode. It doesn't bad, it sounds well DRAMATIC!
Loved the pregnancy comments - hysterical!
Melanie to Chelsea: "You're like the training wheels to his craziness."and "you killed your own brother"
Go Melanie! Who knew she could match wits with Chelsea & win! Bring on the CATFIGHT! Hope she mops the floor with Chelsea.
Loved the pregnancy comments too! I guess there is no way Nichole will do the right thing...bizarre thought as that is...and not with these writers, right...
Last episode, EJ was just getting on his way to Argentina and Nicole was starting her miscarriage crisis. Today it's not more than an hour or two later with Nicole, but EJ has already finished his business in Argentina and is on his way home? Huh?
Anon - they're using that magical Salem transporter again.
Oh how I wish all of the spoilers wouldn't be true and for once they'll just have the mother tell the father she lost the baby. That would be my DOOL Christmas wish.
"I hope you can handle it better than the Kansas City Chiefs' offense." LOW BLOW, Prevuze!! But I laughed at this low blow: "Mickey will be handling the case,...Nick's room will be vacant for a long time, probably about 25 years to life." HAHAHA
The best one, tho, is the Stefano/EJ picture. I'll be chuckling over that one all day.
Thanks, Prevuze! Too many great Prevuisms to mention. It got us going on a holiday week Monday.
I liked "You've disowned me more times in this episode than Lucas has disowned Kate in his life." Now THAT'S a lotta times!
"You got that right," says Pete, "You shoulda let the little snot drop."
A gal in the DROOL audience cheers in agreement.
John reminds her he just saved her life, "I'm sorry if I was too macho for you when I did that.”
Good one!
After talking with EJ, the stewardess walks away, grabs her tummy and shrieks, "OMG! I think I'm pregnant!"
That was spitworthy!! And it prepared me for the next pregnancy announcement.
The ball is yours. I hope you can handle it better than the Kansas City Chiefs' offense.
After giving up 54 points yesterday, I’d say the defense doesn’t do a much better job!
Marlena rants, "You're trying to deflect things by turning this into an ethical discussion. Nothing disgusts any doctor in Salem more than ethics.
Snark, Prevuze, snark. See Prevuze snark. LOLOLOL
"How's it going with Nicole?" "Things are bad," says the nurse. "I wasn't talking about the acting," says Brady.
That’s right. It’s Monday. Get that snark out, Prevuze. You’ll feel much better afterward!! LOL
Great, snark-filled report Prevuze. Monday can now officially begin.
Poor Nicole, I know the spoilers said she would lose the baby but I hoped she wouldn't. I really wanted her to turn around and then she and EJ could have a good relationship now that Sami is just an annoying pyscho.
Loved John's metrosexual comment!LOL I have never liked his character until now and it is now that he is leaving. Go figure!
I hope you can handle it better than the Kansas City Chiefs' offense.
I think their offense handled the ball pretty well to score 30+ points - I just wish I had had Thigpen playing on my fantasy team instead of sitting on the bench - he had a much better day than Cutler did for Denver!
John reminds her he just saved her life, "I'm sorry if I was too macho for you when I did that. Just because I'm not some new age metrosexual navel gazer doesn't mean I'm self destructive."
I had to look at that twice to make sure that wasn't italicized. Some witty lines actually written by Higley and crew? Has hell frozen over? (it sure looks like it in Michigan this morning)
After talking with EJ, the stewardess walks away, grabs her tummy and shrieks, "OMG! I think I'm pregnant!"
Good thing I've been reading Prevuze long enough to know not to read it with any food or drink in my mouth (and learned that lesson the hard way). That was a very spit-worthy line.
I agree with Bulldog - PLEASE don't let the spoilers be true. No fake pregnancy, baby snatch s/l!!! It was dumb enough the first time they did it. Of course these writers figure they've probably driven away all of the shows old fans now and that they can write this story as if DOOL viewers have never seen a fake pregnancy s/l before.
Maybe we should all make a pact to boycott the show until this stupid s/l has run its course? I know my personal boycott will continue.
Lots of great Prevuisms this morning (in addition to "slam-hog" from Saturday's post). It was a great start to the short holiday week. Thanks Prevuze for taking the hit and letting all the disgruntled non-viewers know what's happening in Salem.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Phillip says, "Yeah, a hero that got everything wrong until the last possible moment."
"You got that right," says Pete, "You shoulda let the little snot drop."
I really like Pete. He needs to be a regular with that kind of insight!
Just because I'm not some new age metrosexual navel gazer doesn't mean I'm self destructive."
Jawn, the fact you want to be with Marlena means you are self destructive.
A stewardess offers EJ a drink, He declines and tells her he's just happy he finished his business early and is headed home to surprise his family.
Unlike representatives of the big three automakers, EJ flies commercial. Apparently, DiMera shipping is not really in need of a government bail out.
"Things are bad," says the nurse.
"I wasn't talking about the acting," says Brady.
Naughty, naughty, Prevuze!!!
Nicole wails, "She doesn't know this is a miracle baby. Miracles don't happen twice." Tears.
...but tears are constant. Good grief! If the women in this soap aren't crying buckets of tears, they have nothing else to do. Too bad Prevuze can't be closed caption for my Daze viewing pleasure. Now that's a cable option I would be willing to pay for.
Prevuze, thanks once again for a great Monday morning pick me up!!
Is Nichole going to end up with EJami's baby??
EJami searching for their abandoned baby???
Nichole bonding with Sami's baby and then we have a fight over which one is the better Mother?
Been there, done that with the Twins and their two fathers!
Go Melanie.
I love it when someone on their high horse gets knocked off.
Great prevuisms. You truly out did yourself.
I have to admit I love Nicole and Brady together. They look really good. I see alot of chemistry there. If they ended up together I would be quite happy.I hope they go toward that angle. After all Brady is worth three times as much as EJ. John's son , A DiMera heir and a Kiraitis grandson. Geez he is probably worth more than any one on the show.
I think I know Dr. Dan's fetish. He has a thing for women who are or have been seriously ill. He fell for Chelsea when she was sick. He fell for Kate WHILE Chelsea was sick and then again after he found out she had cancer. Now, he's learned that Chloe was once a cancer patient, he's eyeballing her now.
Johnny. He's not with E.J. or Stephano or Sami or Maggie or Hope.
Allie. not with Lucas,Sami, Chloe or Maggie or Hope.
Ciara. not with Bo or Hope or Maggie or Lexie or Theo.
Is Caroline converting her pub into a "green" home for abandoned Salem kids?
Another thing I wandered about. Is Carrie John's child or Roman's child with Marlena? If she's John's child, they can work her back into the storyline. She can be the one kid that he hasn't met yet. Tink didn't do much for him, Brady hasn't done much for him. Lets see if we can drag Carrie in and see if she will work the wonder of wonders.
Carrie is Roman's daughter with Anna.
Marlena didn't give birth to her she raised her.
My favorite zingers:
(1) After talking with EJ, the stewardess walks away, grabs her tummy and shrieks, "OMG! I think I'm pregnant!"
(2) Marlena rants, "You're trying to deflect things by turning this into an ethical discussion."
(3) The woman hangs up, grabs her tummy and shrieks, "OMG! I think I'm pregnant!"
LOL, EJ is a baby machine.
I'm pretty sad Nicole lost her baby. It would have been interesting to watch her struggle with motherhood.
Marlena and John should actually break up. For good. John has a new direction -- cold, robotic, and unpredictable. I like that! Marlena seems like a one-dimensional character when all she does is pine for John. Boo.
Here's a storyline. Nicole goes to the "nervous hospital" for treatment after losing little Elvira. She pays off someone to get out before she's her "normal" self. Sami has her baby and Nicole kidnaps the little tyke from the hospital thinking it's really hers. NOW, Nicole gets to bumble through motherhood while Sami......cries, whines, blubbers and holds her breath until she gets her way.
Go Me! I should be a writer.
How about an even better story line? Nicole takes a hike off the show for a while. Maybe she can plan a soul searching vacation for ONE, where she can "find herself" and decide she enjoys a bottle way better than a baby. She walks away happily into the sunset, so we don't get these repetitive, predictable story lines. Maybe it's because I'm NOT a DOOL writer that I can come up with something original, rather than recycling old plots from past NBC shows. Anyway my s/l would acomplish at least one good thing. It would free up EJ to be able to impregnate his next female victim, be a stewardess on his father's private jet or the receptionist at the lodge, both whom Prevuze had the foresight to point out. Or, if the writers come to their senses, we can get a great Brady/Dimera love story in the works. This would eliviate Daze's current outbreak of incessant crying from the women actors on the show. I know, I'm asking a lot from the Daze writers to write "happy" more often than "sad". I thought this show was supposed to entertain us not depress us. Have a happy Turkey day y'all and don't forget to pop in your anitdepressants the next time you watch DOOL!
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