Friday, November 14, 2008


EJ deshirtifies and jumps into bed, "Now all I need is a girl. Where are you Nicole?"

Nicole is shocked. She stares at Brady and asks, "Why come here?"

"Because this is where you are," says Brady.

Sleazy Ray the caretaker looks at the photo and fingers Nick as the guy he saw in the cemetery that night. Bo gasps, "Didn't see that coming."

"Just like everything else says," Hope.

Melanie wails. She wants to take the picture of her dad with her. Nick hugs her and and has a flashback to killing Trent.

Ray confirms seeing Nick, "You will tell the DA I cooperated, won't you."

Hope gets snotty, "Yeah, after we had you dead to rights." She leaves and joins Bo across the room.

Bo snorts, "Nick's already taken a bullet for that little wench."

Hope sighs, "What's he gotten himself into this time?"

Nick comforts Melanie and trashes the memory of the dearly departed Trent. Melanie pours out her heart and tells Nick how much she loved Daddy Dearest. Nick begs her to let him protect her. Melanie bawls and mumbles, "What did I do this for? My mind won't even let me remember it."

Nick says, "We gotta get out of here."

Suddenly the electron Melanie uses for a brain flips poles and she decides she can't go, "I have to turn myself in to the police."

John finds Marlena at the cop shop. He tells her he's working with the bounty hunter to find the mayor's killer. Marlena bugs him about Brady. "I know," says John, "You thought I was rude, insensitive, unfeeling..."

Marlena helps out, "Dumb."

Brady invites himself in. Nicole walks over to the stairs and yells, "EJ... go ahead and start without me."

Impatient EJ gets up and heads out to investigate what's taking Nicole so long.

Brady wants to get a few things off his chest. Nicole has already done that. He says as a part of his treatment, he has to make amends with the people he has hurt in the past. Nicole reminds him she did horrible things to him. Brady says, "I'm ready to put the past in the past. And the future in the future. But now we need to put the present in the present because today, tomorrow is the future but tomorrow, today will be in the past. I'm here because I want to start over."

"In other words," says Nicole, "You want to erase the past."

"Yes," says Brady, "So we can go into the future."


John gasps, "DUMB? You don't use words like that."

"You may not think so," says Marlena, "But you're never around when I'm watching DOOL."

"True," says John, "I'm not as sharp as I used to be, but I haven't totally lost my mind." Marlena says when she appeals to his emotions she gets nowhere so she figured she'd try a little name calling. She thinks John is afraid Brady will evoke some emotion in him, "Pushing him away is really dumb."

John turns to go, "This is where I came in."

A gal in the back row gets up, "This is where I leave."

Marlena lectures, "You know what you have done. You ran away from Brady and now you are running from a conversation about him."

"I wasn't rude," says John, "I was detached. I won't pretend to have emotions. That would be lying."

"It's a pity you're wrong," says Marlena. She walks away.

Brady tells Nicole he thinks they could possibly even be friends.

Nicole thinks about that one, "I see, you've done that growing up thing haven't you?"

"It was tough," says Brady, "So I can't stay in Salem. No grownups allowed. "

Nicole tells him about the baby, "It's kind of a miracle. Not a virgin birth kind of miracle, though. "

"That goes without saying," says Brady. She tells him EJ is the father. Brady isn't thrilled with EJ but he's glad she's happy. Hugs. EJ comes down and walks in on the disgusting display.

Bo beats himself up for not checking out Nick thoroughly. Hope wonders if Nick saw Melanie do it, "She's playing him." The dynamic duo heads for Maggie's house.

Melanie insists she has to turn herself in. She says she hated Trent but needed him. Maybe wah if wah I wah turn wah myself wah in wah I'll wah finally wah be wah at wah peace.

"You will be," says Nick, "Right after your execution." He tells her he's a little scared, "They're gonna arrest me, too."

Roman looks up as John comes into his office, "Great. I was having a bad enough day as it was." John tells him he hired a PI. "Well," says Roman, "then let me take the rest of the day off."

"I'm not trying to one-up you."

"I know what you are doing," says Roman, "You're trying to convince Marlena you are back to your old self so she will come running back to you."

Nicole comes up for air and sees EJ, "I got waylaid. Sorry. I didn't mean it to sound like that. Every girl loves moments like these. Past meet present. I guess in this case, the past is with the present and the present is with the past. " Brady thinks it's time to go. EJ says he was just heading out and has Nicole walk him to the door.

Out in the foyer, Nicole asks if EJ is mad at her or jealous. "All I care about," says EJ, "is being in your present."

"Because the present is in the present," asks Nicole, "and the past is in the past and the future is in the future and today, tomorrow is the future but tomorrow, today will be in the past?"

"Something like that," says EJ.
Nicole says she has done terrible things to Brady and he's just trying to put his life back together. Smoochies and bye-byes.

As he leaves, EJ tells Maid Mary, "Miss Walker has a guest. Keep an eye on them for me."

Melanie rants, raves and rails. Nick says he's an accomplice and they should go through this together. He says he doesn't care what happens to him but he cares about her, "We can go away and be happy. If you turn yourself in the only person you are hurting is yourself." Melanie agrees to go.

Maggie answers the door to find Bo and Hope. Maggie is SO happy to see them. Bo tells her they are not there for a social call. Maggie gasps, "Then why are you here?"

"We saw your Bat-Signal," says Hope. Maggie goes looking for Nick and Melanie, but comes up empty-handed. Bo and Hope ask to wait. Hope asks Maggie why she let Melanie move in.

"Mickey says it's because I like drama," says Maggie, "That's why I stopped watching DOOL. " She tells them Nick has been agitated and she thought it was because of the medication. Hope reminds her Jessica was on pain killers. The viewers wish they were.

Nick and Melanie arrive at their room in the No-Tell Motel. Nutso Nick says, "There is a way to make everything OK. Tomorrow we fly to Vegas and get married." Melanie stares and contemplates becoming the Bride of Nickenstein.

Roman tells John Marlena will see through this, "You helped me think about my daughter. You think about your son."

Nicole dismisses Mary, who walks away. She stands in the doorway and stares. Brady says, "Nothing prepares you for when your dad looks at you like you're a stranger."

"To most people in this town," says Nicole, "their father is a stranger, at least until the paternity test comes in."

Brady says, "Chloe told me you're friendly with the person who my dad is now. I want you to help me get through to him."

EJ is with Marlena to talk about Brady. He wants to know if he should be worried about Nicole.

Nicole and Brady argue about who John is. Nicole thinks if he gives it a chance he might just like John 2.0. "That's not gonna happen," says Brady.

John comes back into Roman's office and says, "This falls under the category of minding your own business." He leaves. On his way out, he gives a parting shot, "You have something important to do — Like finding an assassin."

Nicole and Brady talk about John. Nicole defends him. Brady wants him to change. Brady says he's happy and smooches her, "EJ is a lucky guy." He leaves.

Nicole tells herself, "Don't get involved. Yeah, like that's gonna happen." She makes a call, "Hi! It's me. Can you come over?"

EJ rambles about Nicole and Brady. Marlena thinks EJ is smitten.

Maggie panics and says she thinks she let Melanie take advantage of Nick. She's worried about the pain killers, "You think they've run away don't you."

Hope asks to use the bathroom and leaves. Maggie tells Bo she's scared. Bo assures her they will find Nick.

Nick realizes that wasn't a romantic way to ask Melanie to marry him. He says he didn't tell her everything Hope said, "Hope implied she would come after me to get to you, but husbands can't testify against their wives." Nick says he will get the tickets and then go get something to help them relax.

John arrives at the mansion. Nicole brings up Brady. She tells John Brady asked her to help the two of them connect. John won't promise but asks why she cares so much.

Marlena gives EJ some advice, "Ask Nicole how she feels about Brady."

EJ thinks it over, "Honesty... candor... bold new concept. Thank you, Marlena. And may I ask you to keep this conversation private?"

Marlena chuckles, "Oh, goodness..." Translation — be sure to look for the report on the six o'clock news. "Go home and start communicating like crazy." Marlena opens the door and finds Brady standing there like a statue. She squeals, hugs him and is so happy to see him she immediately books.

Brady thanks EJ for letting him spend time with Nicole. "No problem," says EJ, "There are a couple of things I'd like to get straight with you."

Maggie asks if Bo thinks Melanie killed her father. Before Bo can answer, Hope comes back with the big news bulletin, "Their stuff is gone. She's left town and taken Nick with her!"

Nick pours the bubbly, "I think we should take a hot bath and then go to bed." We zone in on the ice pick as Nick the Slasher chops away. Melanie flashes back to the murder. Nick toasts, "To my wife."


You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website. Prevuze II should be up no later than noon, Eastern Time.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

EJ deshirtifies and jumps into bed.

This will obviously be the highlight of this episode so it’s safe to quit watching after this scene is over.

Bo gasps, "Didn't see that coming."

"Just like everything else says," Hope.

That about sums up the entire SPD.

Brady wants to get a few things off his chest. Nicole has already done that.

As Prevuze astutely points out, pregnancy has not boobified Nicole.

John tells him he hired a PI. "Well," says Roman, "then let me take the rest of the day off."

"I'm not trying to one-up you."

"I know what you are doing," says Roman, "You're trying to convince Marlena you are back to your old self so she will come running back to you."

As Sami’s father, Roman should be trying to move heaven and earth to find the mayor’s killer. Instead of being insulted by Jawn’s attempts to find the murderer, Roman is jealous about Marlena. Sami, honey, Daddy’s really watching out for you. Geez!

Maybe wah if wah I wah turn wah myself wah in wah I'll wah finally wah be wah at wah peace.

"You will be," says Nick, "Right after your execution."

If that’s what it takes, go for it!

We zone in on the ice pick as Nick the Slasher chops away.

What do we have here…a little Basic Instinct? Where’s Sharon Stone when you need her? I’m sure Ms. Stone is also asking the same question because she could use the work. Since Melanie is an unlikeable as Trent, will Nick be offing her too or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

TGIF and TGFP...thank God for Prevuze!!!

5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prevuze does a great job, but this show is soooo boring and ridiculous that I can't even bear to read through all this anymore, let alone watch it. Can somebody just tell me, did John ever get his memory back and if not, do you think he will? Thanks.

5:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been watching days, but have been keeping up with the prevuze. I'm glad Brady's back and like the Brady/John/Marlena angle. I hope things start looking up. Thanks for the prevuze.

Loved this line:
"You may not think so," says Marlena, "But you're never around when I'm watching DOOL."

"True," says John, "I'm not as sharp as I used to be, but I haven't totally lost my mind."


5:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The show isn't much of a show today (or maybe any other) But it is great fun to see how prevuze views it. Loved bulldogs pic and caption of Phillip and Steph. The one of Hope's bling was tooo true. Where does she get that junk. Thanks for the laughs. c

6:20 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...


I see I'm not the only one who can bend the English language to its limits and come up with faux words, a process known, of course, as verbification.

7:29 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

This one had me LOL: "To most people in this town," says Nicole, "their father is a stranger, at least until the paternity test comes in." How true is that!

Once again the pictures are one of the highlights of the report. Besides the ones already mentioned (Mr. T - LOLOLOL), I loved Philip's qualifications to date Stephanie.

When I saw the picture of Kayla and her "widdle baby" I flashed on the cartoon that preceeded "Who Killed Roger Rabbit". Wouldn't it have been great if a cigar-chomping, hairy armed midget had popped up and planted one on Kayla??

"I'm ready to put the past in the past. And the future in the future. But now we need to put the present in the present because today, tomorrow is the future but tomorrow, today will be in the past. I'm here because I want to start over."

"In other words," says Nicole, "You want to erase the past."

"Yes," says Brady, "So we can go into the future."

And that, in a nutshell, is pretty much the philosophy of the writers – we can recycle scripts because today is today and tomorrow will be the future and the audience won’t remember the past.

Thank heavens tomorrow is Saturday and Prevuze will make it possible to get through today!

7:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess I am the only one who likes pyscho Nick. He just suits it so much.

7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started to ask what does EJ think Bricole are going to do, start writhing around having sex in the foyer? Then I remembered how Nicole got pregnant and realized it was a silly question.

"We zone in on the ice pick and Nick the Slasher chops away." Who chops ice anymore except the occasional picnic or the 4th of July?

And this: "Hope gets snotty." In other words, just her normal attitude. And I loved "Well," says Roman, then let me take the rest of the day off." That one wasn't a Prevuism but I oh how I wish Jawn had actually replied "Please do, then some crimes might actually get solved."

Great Prevuze today, thanks!

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer a question, no, John has not gotten his memory back. He left the DiMera mansion in hopes it would stop Marlena from divorcing him but it didn't. She wants him to get medical help and he refuses because it reminds him of the torture chamber at the DiMera mansion and how he was a pawn for Stefano so many years.
John actually likes the way he is now. Apparently, he feels no emotions like other people, and his body resists getting hurt (as in the plane crash and mysterious gas filling the hospital.)

I think it's pretty clear that Nick wants Melanie to marry him so she can't be forced to testify against him should she ever remember what really happened the night Trent was killed. Remember, she is bumped over a balcony next week and hangs on for dear life. Personally, I don't like Melanie at all. I do like Nick though, at least, until he started acting like a psychopath, as well as taking drugs and drinking too much alcohol. Now he is just totally acting like a criminal, covering up a crime. It never ceases to amaze me how fast these soap writers can change their characters personalities so fast. Here, they had all of us really liking Nick a lot. Now they are turning us all against him. And on November 20th he will be the one Bo and Hope arrest for Trent's murder, not Melanie. Will Melanie marry Nick? Will they have sex? Will Melanie get pregnant? Will she fall off that balcony? lol I guess we just have to wait and see.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

Someone asked a couple days ago why Nick would be on painkillers in the first place. I think it may be from the "Vegas incident" where he got his famous disappearing in one day head injury.

Nicole thinks about that one, "I see, you've done that growing up thing haven't you?"
You really ought to check into that yourself Nicole. Seeing how you are going to be a mother and all.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really ought to check into that yourself Nicole. Seeing how you are going to be a mother and all.

Would that it would be true, Deb. But when have these writers ever let a little thing like motherhood mature any of these women until they are the sainted age of Mrs. H or OWB? HAHAHAHA


12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nick's already taken a bullet for that little wench."
feh, it seems like they're on that 'YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY CHOICES!' nonsense again.

Hope wonders if Nick saw Melanie do it, "She's playing him."
Ah, the wonderful Brady protection scheme.

"Miss Walker has a guest. Keep an eye on them for me."
HAHA! After that incredibly long winded conversation about trust.

"There is a way to make everything OK. Tomorrow we fly to Vegas and get married."
lmao, wut?? Crazy Nick is crazy.

"You helped me think about my daughter. You think about your son."
Unfortunately Brady isn't the one who requires assistance.

He wants to know if he should be worried about Nicole.

"That's not gonna happen," says Brady.
Goodness, he only met RoboJohn, like, once? For 10 minutes. What a little brat.

Hmm, my impression is that Nick is using this situation to isolate Melanie and make her totally dependent of him. I don't think Nick cares about testimony, this is all just about his obsession with a teenage girl. I'm surprised he didn't think of anything to get her to have sex with him. And why all the Melanie hate? Mel is awesome.

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick is on painkillers from being shot in Paris.

Big news - the actor that Plays Philip is leaving the show! Apparently the role will be recast.

Also Sami is going to a convent soon.


1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get the Melanie hate, either and I hate how the Brady's hate her because Nick's now twisted.

Roman, puhleeze, Marlena is not all that.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone said Nick was on painkillers from the Vegas incident. No. It's from getting shot in France when Melanie was about to be a bed toy for her Daddy's gambling buddy.

Anybody other than me ever want to scream to Melanie that Nick's nipples are not his eyes? She can't work with tall guys very well if she can't look them in the eye.

Now, Friday when Nicole went to her prenatal visit, WHO goes to a prenatal visit dressed in a silk mini dress with an entire jewelery store on her neck and ears?

When Brady and Chole were hugging in the restaurant, I wanted Lucas to walk in. I would like to see how far in he could draw his lips on that one. When he does that he looks like the eagle off the old Muppet Show.

Where's Steve? Are he and Celeste keeping Ciara and Will? Also, where's Victor? He'll want to know his grandson is in town.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anybody other than me ever want to scream to Melanie that Nick's nipples are not his eyes? She can't work with tall guys very well if she can't look them in the eye."

turn about's fair play. Men have been looking women straight in the nipples for eons.

6:45 PM  

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