Monday, October 03, 2005

You Have To Be Cruel To Be Kind

Jugs and Doolie show up at Jennifer's door. Jennifer whispers, "I called because it's about Jack."

Frankie finds Jack on the computer. He looks at the screen and asks, "What the hell are you doing, Jack?"

Mimi paces on the roof. She remembers holding Claire and telling Shawn she didn't know this would be so hard. Shawn finds her, "How can I make it better?"

"You can't. No one can," Mimi storms off.

Lexie takes Claire form Belle.

John phones Belle, "[D] Izzy, how's the new mom?"

"I'm dong pretty good." She's in the pre-postpartum depression phase.

John asks, "Would it be OK if I brought your mother over to see the new baby?"

"That would be great," says Belle.

John hangs up. Marlena and Alex come in and John tells them his plan.

"I have to advise against that," says Alex. I can't believe John doesn't just punch this guy out.

"What could be wrong with that," asks John.

"You are attempting to manipulate her into a moment you hope will pack some sort of emotional wallop," says Alex.

"Of course I am," says John.

"I don't want her to be traumatized and overwhelmed," says Alex. He gives Marlena the evil eye. Marlena brushes her hair back and zones out. She says, "He cares for me and protects me..." Then she shoots Dr. Frankenstein right between the eyes, "...but I would like to go see the baby."

John is delighted, "There's hope for a real breakthrough here." He reminds her she's beginning to remember her medical skills and she saved the baby and Belle. He asks her, "How's that for shrink talk, huh?"

"I don't remember," says Marlena, "You'd have to ask Alex, but I do know I want to go see the baby. Belle needs her mother there. She remembers me even if I don't remember her."

Alex agrees but says he has to go too, so he can monitor Marlena's reaction. Marlena goes to get her purse. John wins the Emmy for making contorted facial expressions at a co-actor in a pseudo-dramatic series.

Counselor Shawn tells Mimi, "I know it was hard to hold the baby, because it reminded you of the baby you and Rex would have had."

"It was my own decision," says Mimi, "I could have had children and I ruined everything."

"It was a freak accident," says Shawn. A freak accident? I guess she slipped and fell and woke up in the clinic. Shawn, you were doing so well. You shoulda quit while you were ahead. "Maybe it happened for a reason. There are so many children who need a home. My parents couldn't love JT more if he were their own."

"I know my life isn't over, Shawn," says Mimi, "but I just had so many dreams. I'm afraid to dream again. I lost the man I love, got rid of my baby and I have no one to blame but myself."

Julie says Jennifer's message was so alarming.

Jennifer says she gave them the wrong idea. She wants to throw a huge party for Jack.

A party," says Julie, "You called us over here to plan a party? Doug nearly sprained his ankle getting out of bed."

"Oh," says Jennifer, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were sleeping."

Doug smiles, "We weren't... sleeping."

"Why do you think we always look so happy," asks Julie.

Jennifer recovers, "I want to give Jack a party just because I love him. I think it would be just what the doctor ordered. Jack has been so down and distracted lately."

Doug can understand, "The experience on the island was terrible."

Julie thinks Jack might feel self conscious if Jennifer does this. Jennifer thinks once everyone is there and Jack sees the friends and support he has he will be thrilled.

"I agree," says Doug, "I wish more wives would get this party idea."

"Maybe wives," says Julie, "need to be more inspired."

Doug says, "I'll inspire you when we get back home."

Jennifer blushes and tells them they are amazing. "Use it or lose it," says Julie. More blushing and giggling from Jennifer. "Now," says Julie, "How can we help you stage the most wonderful party Salem has ever seen?"

Frankie tells Jack not to disappear on Jennifer and his kids.

"I'm just gonna slip out quietly," says Jack, "The last thing Jennifer needs is to play nursemaid to me."

"You selfish bastard," says Frankie.

Marlena goes in to see the kid while John talks to Lexie. John tells Lexie, "Alex is a shadow. We can't go anywhere without him."

"I hope the baby will spark her memory," says Lexie.

"You and me both," says John.

John goes into Belle's room. She introduces them to Claire.

Belle asks Marlena, "Would you like to hold her?"

Marlena hesitates.

"Don’t do this to yourself," says Shawn.

"I am such a loser," says Mimi, "Look at me, I'm an actress on Days Of Our Lives. How much lower can I go?"

"I understand," says Shawn.

"Why does Belle get everything she wants," asks Mimi, "Whining pays off? "She has a husband, baby, money, you pining over her. Is it ever going to be my turn?"

Lexie is on the phone, "...Information on all the cases Dr. Alex North has consulted on."

Alex cuts her off, "I wouldn’t do that if I were you."

Marlena holds the kid. Belle was hoping Marlena could give her some advice on raising a child. Marlena says she doesn’t remember anything about it.

John offers his 2-cent's worth, "Not dropping her would be good." That's experience speaking. Belle had to have been dropped on her head a couple times at least. John says, "I feel a female bonding session going on." That's any man's cue to leave, so he's going to go talk to the nurses about when Belle can get out of there.

Marlena remembers holding a baby, "Oh, Isabella, you are perfect in every way." Don't worry. You'll find a few flaws as she whines her way into adulthood.

Jack says Frankie is warped saying he is selfish.

"What about what your family wants," asks Frankie," I know Jen would want to be by your side."

"Of course," says Jack, "because she's unselfish and caring. People come to her all the time asking for advice and help and taking advantage of her. People are like that."

"People," says Frankie, "You're not people. You're her husband. If you disappear you'll destroy her. She'll blame herself."

"You’re just waiting for me to kick off," says Jack, "so you can take my place because you fell in love with her like I begged you to do. You SOB!" POW! Right in the kisser!

"Your life hasn't been all bad," says Shawn, "There have been plenty of good things."

"I'm having a hard time to think of one right now," whines Mimi.

"What about the dating show?"

Mimi says, "My mom cleaned out the winnings and blew it on lottery tickets. Of course, since she was a Lockhart, they were losing tickets. I had a couple of years with an incredible guy who loved me. Belle kept saying to tell him but I didn't listen. He didn't want kids."

"He was just saying that," says Shawn, "Men always say that. Women have babies so they want to have them." This guy is so deep.

"But I aborted mine," says Mimi, "I'll never have that experience. I'll never be in the hospital like Belle is and have people ooh and ahh. I shouldn't be on the rooftop. It's for lovers and people who put their initials in the door."

Shawn asks, "How long did I believe Belle and I would spend all the Days Of Our Lives together? And it didn't turn out that way."

"I lost Rex and lost the chance to have a baby," says Mimi, "It's God's way to tell me I don't deserve to be happy." They hug.

"You are a smart woman," says Alex, "but a sex scandal would put an end to your career. Unless you want Abe and the rest of Salem to find out, you won't even think of interfering with my treatment of Marlena Evans."

Lexie says, "It's Marlena Evans-Black." Marlena-Evans-Craig-Brady-Black, actually.

Alex asks, "What is a marriage if she can't remember the man she is married to?"

"The longer you treat her the more distant she gets form John and Belle," says Lexie.

"If I were you I'd worry more about my own marriage," says Alex, "Your reputation is on the line. If you want to maintain the status quo, you will not cross me."

John comes in. He sees Alex and says, "You're like that bad penny, always turning up."

"We were just finishing a consultation," says Alex, "Dr. Carver, please give my regards to your husband." He leaves.

"So, what did you find," says John, "Any dirt on Dr. North?"

"No," says Lexie, "I haven't found anything."

"He's a scam artist," says John.

"I'm sorry," says Lexie, "This is a bad time for me, but you'd probably have better luck checking him out yourself. If you'll excuse me I have to go give bad news to a family."

"You just called her Isabella," says Belle, "That's my name."

"Yes it is," says Marlena, "She is so beautiful. She's just like her mother."

"I'm just like my mother," says Belle. Without the brain. "You know, some say this could be the best time of your life when your children are grown and you can spoil your grandkids."

Marlena asks, "Have you chosen godparents yet?"

"Yes," says Belle, "Shawn and Mimi."


"Yeah," says Belle, "She has been my best friend forever. We've had tough times lately but we don't have to talk about that."

"How did Phillip feel about Shawn being the godfather," says Marlena, "You know, you called Shawn's name when you were in labor. You don't recall?"

"No I guess I was out of my mind with pain," says Belle. Pain, no pain, what difference does it make with Belle?

Marlena says, "Now you know how it feels not to remember something. I wonder if you're following your heart. You called another man's name."

"I don't have an explanation for that," says Belle, "We were together so long."

"But you married Phillip." Details, details. "You're newlyweds that’s often a very confusing time."

Belle says, "Phillip and I are growing closer every day, and now we have this little one."

"You deserve to be so happy."

"I am, and hopefully Shawn will move on with his life," Says Belle.

Jennifer says she wouldn't be throwing Jack the party if she weren't in love with him.

Julie says, "I'm just saying when there is someone from the past, you have a yen for him sometimes."

Doug says, "I know Julie has, but I'm the one she goes home with every night. I know I am the one for her."

Julie reminisces, "I remember standing on the deck in the moonlight with someone Doug never knew."

"Oh," says Doug, "I remember arguing about him. We should write a book."

"I'd love to read it," says Jennifer, "I'll bet it would be a sizzler, and sometimes a married housewife in Salem needs a sizzler." People in Salem are starved for anything which is well-written.

"This whole thing was your idea says Frankie," says Frankie, "Now you're blaming me."

"I didn't beg you to fall in love with her," says Jack. This disease is affecting his mind.

"The hell you didn't," says Frankie, "You locked us in a closet, Jack. It doesn't mean you can take a swing at me either."

"Frankie," says Jack, "You're the right one. I just don't want to hear about it. After I am gone she will be all alone. Think of her playing catch with Jack Junior. She can't play catch." She's a ggiiirrrlll

"So you want me to stick around to teach Jack Junior to play baseball?"

"No, I want someone to be there for her, as long as it's not Lockhart," Says Jack, "Look it's not just anybody. It's someone special who loves her and that is you."

"I admit the old feelings came back easier than I thought they would," says Frankie, "If you change your mind I'll respect that and leave town."

"No," says Jack, "That's what I'm gonna do."

"That's cruel."

"Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind," says Jack.

"That's crap and you know it. Give her what she wants," says Frankie, "To be with you as long as she can. She's your wife. Make the best of it. I'd do it if it was me." You're on deck, buddy.

"You'll have your chance," says Jack, "In the meantime, what I have to offer is a slow, painful death. She'll be there with me, but it won't be me after awhile. It'll stop being me bit by bit by bit. It'll be a body...

Breathing, then not breathing,
Breathing, then not breathing,
Then not breathing,
Then not breathing...

It will be ugly. I don't want her to go through that. You talk the talk, do you walk the walk? Do you love her enough to stick with her? Will you protect her?"

"I hate what you are doing," says Frankie, "but I know how much you love her, so I will keep your damn secret."

"Thanks," says Jack, "I'm sorry about what I said earlier."

Frankie asks, "This illness... Lexie says it has neurological symptoms. Are you sure you're thinking clearly?"

"Never clearer," says Jack, "That's what makes it so hard. I hope you accept my apology."

"As long as you don't take another swing at me," says Frankie. They hug and we have a male bonding session to compliment the aforementioned female bonding session.

Shawn tells Mimi she is feeling sorry for herself. She knows. She's sorry. He tells her she did the right thing. She doesn't have to apologize to anyone, "You are the sweetest funniest, most talkative... in a good way..., kindest, most giving woman I know. You worry about where polar bears are gonna go when the ice caps melt. You love your mother no matter how nuts she makes you. You are everything a man looks for in a partner. You are incredibly worthy of love."

Mimi asks, "Do you really mean that?"

"Yeah, I do." Closer... closer... Hot kiss.

Belle tells Marlena she isn't sure of what she is doing. She never even baby-sat when she was growing up.

"The instinctive part is to just let her know how much you love her," says Marlena. Alex butts in and says they should be going. Belle scowls as they leave.

John bumps into them, "Are you leaving so soon?"

"We really have to go," says Marlena.

John goes into Belle's room and asks what happened.

"We were having a wonderful time," says Belle, "Then Dr. North came in and said they had to go. She looked at the baby and called her Isabella."

"That's great," says John, "Maybe she was on the right track."

Belle says, "He came in and she just went away. She was there but the person I love disappeared."

"Don't worry," says John, "I'll bring her back to all of us. I don't care what I have to do." Hug. FF.


John says, "Here we are busting ourselves up to get your past back and we don't know a damn thing about his." Alex wlaks up and says, "All you had to do was ask."

Kate tells Roman, "We can work through it. I know we can." Roman says, "If it were only that easy, Kate."

Austin stands there like a shirtless bump on a log while Lucas says, "You were a damn fool for letting her back into her life, both of you." Sami turns and cries.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to wait for the bottom pictures to pop in for me....great as always. LOLOLOLO

Is this the next day YET?? If not, I can't believe Jen drug Jugs & Doolie out of bed at what has to be about 3:00 a.m. for a stupid party.

Another question - "Lexie takes Clair from Belle." Didn't Shimi take the baby back to the nursery?

LOVED the description of John's Emmy-winning facial contortions. HAHAHA

Another Monday gem!

7:58 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

OK. Here's a little Claire-ification. In her hysterical flashback at the start of the epi, Mimi hands Claire to Shawn and tells him she can't bear to hold her. She asks him to take Claire back to the nursery. The next time we see Miss Claire she is in Belle's arms and Belle hands her to Lexie, leading me to deduce the latest exclusive Prevuze Daze shocker: Claire is a clone of herself! The real Claire has been kidnapped by Tony DiMera and is a captive in the castle, which Tony has miraculously rebuilt after the fire. Every time her diapers need changing, Tony switches clones 'cause Tony ain't changin' no diapers.

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prevuze, you need to be writing this show. It would be SO much more entertaining.


11:08 AM  

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