Monday, October 17, 2005

Streets Of Love

Shawn and Mimi have finished watching the movie. He says he doesn’t like sad movies. Mimi looks at the listings through tear-streaked eyes and says, "Ohmygosh, I forgot this was going to be on." She turns on the TV.

Shawn didn't know Mimi was a 'Stones fan. "World Premiere Video" flashes onto the screen as Mimi says, "This is going to be amazing." I hope you're as excited as I am.

Streets of Love. World Premiere. Mick belts it out like there is no tomorrow. We're doing the Streets of Love to death these Daze. If Mick needs DOOL to give his career a shot in the arm, he's really in trouble. Shawn tells Mimi he wasn't in the mood for an educational video.

When the video is over, Shawn turns it off and sees Mimi is crying. "It was just so good," says Mimi.

Shawn doesn't get it, "Then why are you crying?"

Phillip brings things to a halt in the Kiriakis passion pit.

Bonnie and Roman eat ribs, "It's been a long time," says Roman.

"I know what you mean," says Bonnie. She thinks Roman enjoyed it because of the company. She can't see Kate enjoying herself in a crummy joint like this. If Roman gets lucky we'll call this episode 'Lays Of Our Dives.'

Sami takes Nicole aside. "If you keep vamping at Austin, I'll fix it so you won't be able to pick up a pool cue."

"You can't threaten me," says Nicole

"Like hell I can't."

As the girls trade threats, Lucas comes out and scowls.

John and Kate have dinner. John hasn't eaten anything. He's too worried about Marlena.

Kate tries to reassure him. "I don't trust that man," sneers John

"At least you know she's safe from him tonight," says Kate. John looks out the window.

Meanwhile outside Marlena's window...

Roman liked the ribs and promises to come back. He turns down the shoo-fly pie, though, "I have to keep my girlish figure."

"You don't have anything to worry about," says Bonnie.

Sophie tells Lucas he keeps staring at his two exes playing pool with his brother, "Not all women are like Sami and Nicole. Take me for instance."

"You're a very nice person," says Lucas, "I'm just not ready for anything serious right now."

"Who said anything about getting serious," asks Sophie. That got his attention.

Sami says Austin is letting Nicole get away with winning the bet. Nicole protests. Sami says, "Aw, go to hell!"

"And spend eternity with you," asks Nicole, "All I have to do is sink this eight ball and Austin comes home with me tonight." Sami huffs.

John grabs the binoculars and sees Alex sneaking around on the balcony.

"He'd be crazy to do that," says Kate, "Let me take a look."

Alex gets inside. Kate looks and sees nothing. John takes another peek, "He's not there. Did I see him, or was it the damn fog?" Could be the fog in John's brain...

Alex says, "A locked door means nothing to me John. Now that I'm in, Marlena has lost you forever. From tonight on she'll belong to me."

Mimi says, "Between the movie and the video... I felt they were speaking to me. You think your life is going OK then you make one wrong turn and you can't find your way back no matter what."

Shawn says she is wrong. She won't wind up alone.

Phillip says Dr. Bader said they should wait. Belle needs him to be close to her so she won't feel like he doesn't want her any more, "If you wanted me you wouldn't make me beg. My body has changed. You don't think I'm pretty anymore."

"I think you are beautiful." Completely nuts, but beautiful. "You are saying this because you are depressed."

"I'm completely overwhelmed," she says.

"Don’t do this to yourself," says Phillip, "Think of how you were there for me. Now is my chance to do that for you. PPD is completely treatable."

"You lost your leg," wails Belle, "Why am I having such a hard time dealing with something that should make me happy. It's never gonna be the same."

"You're right," says Phillip, "We have a little girl now. It will be better. I will always love you."

"Then make me feel it," she cries, "Hold me tight." A straight jacket would do the job.

Kate thinks Alex wasn't there. John is positive he saw Alex on the terrace, "If I'm right and Alex is in her bedroom he's a dead man." John storms out.

Bonnie thinks Roman is a noticeable kind of guy.

Roman tells Bonnie she is fun. He reconsiders the pie. Bonnie goes to get him a 'big-boy' slice. Roman checks her out as she goes. Bonnie checks out Roman checking her out. Have another beer, Roman, and she'll look like Miss Universe.

Lucas thinks he wouldn't be good for someone right now. Sophie takes his hand, "You're gonna be OK. You have too much going for you."

Lucas says, "The women I'm used to being with don't know how to reach out and comfort someone like that. That's why you're refreshing to be with." That, and the fact she doesn't want a serious relationship.

Sami coughs as Nicole makes her shot. The cue ball bounces off the eight ball and scratches.

"You did that on purpose," says Nicole.

Austin chuckles. Nicole thinks he is laughing at her. "No," says Austin, "This whole thing is very funny. You lost."

"Now, Austin will be going home with me," says Sami.

"Not necessarily," says Austin.

"Where are you going to go," asks Sami

To the john. "Man," he says, "beer moves right through you. Excuse me."

Nicole and Sami take the opportunity to argue. Sami tells Nicole she always bounces back. "Like an inflatable clown," asks Nicole. Nicole does her best inflatable clown imitation.

Roman gets a call. Kate tells him John just went to the penthouse, "He said he might kill Alex." Roman will get over there as soon as he can. Bonnie gives him a bite for the road. Roman promises to come back for more... pie, that is.

"Lucas," says Bonnie, "love is hard to find. But there is always pie."

Sami asks why Roman left.

"He has his own life, Sami," says Lucas, "He went to the penthouse. Something about John."

"OMG," says Sami, "John is crazy." She runs out.

Alex drones, "John Black is dangerous. You fear him. For your own preservation you can't have anything more to do with him. Alex is the only man you should be with."

Marlena chants, "I hear Alex. I understand."

Mimi asks if Shawn saw her smiling and happy in his crystal ball.

Shawn says, "You're a good person. You deserve to be happy."

"When you call a girl a good person," says Mimi, "that means she's not that hot. When we were in school, did you ever even once look at me and think, 'she's hot?'"

Shawn says, "In high school, I didn't look at anyone but Belle. But we're not in school anymore."

"You are still in love with Belle, aren't you," asks Mimi.

Claire cries. "They say babies have radar and can tell when their parents are in the mood," says Phillip.

"You're not in the mood," says Belle.

"That's not true," says Phillip. He picks Claire up. Belle pouts. Phillip says they are a family now, "This is common but not a permanent condition." Belle wants to feed her. Phillip says no. He will use the milk she expressed before.

Belle explodes. She wants to take care of her own kid. It's just so hard to tell which one is the baby – Claire or Belle. Phillip prescribes rest. Sooner or later he'll have to go back to work and Belle will get her time alone with the baby. Belle agrees and goes upstairs.

Sophie and Lucas flirt as Austin comes up to the bar. He asks where Sami went. Lucas tells him. Austin runs after Sami, much to Nicole's chagrin. Lucas smiles.

Nicole sneers, "Whatever you're dying to say, Lucas, don't."

Nicole storms off. "She could use an anger management class," says Sophie.

"I trust Alex completely," says Marlena.

"Good," says Alex, "When you come out of the hypnosis you will not remember I was here, and you won't remember what I told you."

"I do remember you were here," says Marlena, "I thought you wanted me to remember. Don't you want me to?"

A noise downstairs interrupts things. "What is that noise," asks Marlena, "Is someone here to see me?"

John tries to get in, but the door is chained. He starts to kick it in as Kate and Roman come up. Roman says if Marlena kicked him out he has no right to be doing what he is doing. "If you kick the door in I have to arrest you," says Roman. Roman peeks inside, "Quiet as hell in there."

John says, "I'm gonna break that door down. if you want to stop me... you got a gun. Shoot me."

Shawn thinks it's weird hearing the baby cry. "You do still love her," says Mimi.

"It doesn’t matter," says Shawn, "They have a kid now. And, yes, I was upset when she chose to stay with Phillip and I did not step aside graciously." Could have fooled me. I thought it was pretty gracious of him that he didn't kill anyone when he drove his motorcycle through the church window.

"I guess I should stop feeling sorry for myself," says Mimi, "I miss Rex so much. I guess it should start thinking of him as my FIRST great love and maybe someday there will be a second one."

"There is no doubt in my mind," says Shawn. Nothing else is in there either.

"You're such a good friend to me," says Mimi.


Phillip tells Claire he's glad to have the time together alone. He needs to talk to someone who is more adult than Belle. He loved her from the first moment he saw her. "Because of your beautiful mommy, we're the luckiest baby girl and daddy on earth." The earth has run out of luck for sure.

Belle sleeps. To sleep, perchance to dream of Shawn and Mimi. Belle wakes and frets.

Mimi and Shawn cuddle. Shawn lays her down on the couch and covers her. Mimi sleeps.

"Who knows," says Shawn, "Maybe you and I will end up together someday. He kisses her and walks away. "Oh crap," he says, "I left the other CD's on the roof."

Phillip sings rockabye baby. The 'Stones were better. "Your mommy and daddy will always be there for you," he says, "I promise."

Belle has gone to the roof. Shawn comes through the door. Blubberin' Belle does what she does best.

Lucas tells Nicole, "You should fix yourself up a bit. Austin ditched you for Sami. What's Sami got on you, huh? I know what it's like when Sami wants to get even. She can make your life a living hell."

Marlena wants to check out the noise. Alex asks if she remembers what he told her. Marlena says, "Remembering isn't my strong suit. Gotta go."

Sami and Austin barge in. John tells Sami to get the hell out. Roman asks Sami why she sticks her nose into every bad situation.

"Dad," she protests, "she's my mom."

John says they are wasting time.

Sami freaks when she finds out North is in there. "First time we ever agreed on anything, Samantha," says John. He turns to Roman, "For God's sake, get in there!"

Roman kicks the door open. Half of Salem runs into the penthouse. Roman yells for Marlena.

Marlena descends the stairway, "How did you get in here, John? Are you OK? You don't look well."

Alex comes down in his PJ's and asks, "What is going on here?"

John rushes Alex. Roman tries to stop him. FF Alex.


Shawn says, "Belle, I didn't know you were up here." Belle yells, "Don't touch me!" Shawn moves toward her and she throws herself off the roof. "SSSCCCRRREEEAAAMMM..."

John breaks away from Roman and screams, "YOU SOB," as he rushes Alex. Roman draws his gun and fires. Both John and Alex fall. Roman blows the smoke away from the barrel of his pistol and says, "Pard, you ain't lost your touch."

Marlena stands at the exact spot where she fell and lost her memory. She faints when she sees Roman shoot John and Alex. Her head slams into the floor. She comes to and says, "I remember everything."

OK, OK, OK. Actually there were no previews, probably due to the time taken by the Stone's video in the first scene. MWAHAHAHA! PREVUZE STRIKES AGAIN!


Blogger Prevuze said...

>> Have you sent your resume to the DOOL staff for consideration yet? <<

The way we pan the Daze writers on this site, if I sent them my resume, they'd probably send a hit man after me.

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"she throws herself off the roof."

Before I knew these were fake previews I thought, as if they'll pick up with her falling on the next episode. No, she wouldn't even have tripped.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally believed your previews for the next day. You would be such a better writer than the "dazed" staff . . . . .

Thanks for the fun.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Jeez! Prevuze suckered me right in with the previews. I was thinking, there toward the final one, "This is too good to be true." HAHAHA

The pictures were great as always - especially the license to peep and the hind quarter.

I do have to stop reading these things when someone is in my office. I was controlling myself to internal giggles right up to the point where I hit Pard getting lucky with the "Lays of our Dives" and lost it. Nose snorking, braying, belly laugh. I had a guy in here taking the window A/C unit out and replacing the window glass. I'm lucky he didn't drop the A/C unit out the (2nd story) window and kill someone!! LOLOLOLO

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto on what everyone else said re: the previews and pictures. Fantastic Prevuze.

Mimi's crushing class load must not involve studying or homework. Every evening I've seen her she's at work, hanging around Belle, or staying up all hours watching old movies!

One more comment - about Sophie and why Lucas is attracted. Can it have anything to do with the fact her top is cut down to her navel and her implants are about to pop?

Just asking.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always get a kick out of your prevuez thanks for making my day! i read this because sometimes i miss the show so this helps me stay up to date on my favortie soap! thanks again


10:47 AM  

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