Friday, August 30, 2024

Stick It To Me

Melinda babbles to herself: "I have to get rid of that lunatic before I become a lunatic." Too late. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Ava: "I know all about your litigious history." Connie: "Better litigious than promiscuous." Ava: "Are you talking about me?" Connie: "If the shoe fits..." #DAYS

Melinda lets Connie know she thinks Connie may have killed Li. She doesn't exactly play things close to the vest, does she? #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Gabi: "Let's get together and stick it to Stephan, Ava, and Nicole." EJ: "Just how do we stick it to them?" Gabi: "You stick it to me." #DAYS


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