Red Dogs
Carly is with Chloe in her apartment. She asks if Chloe cheated on Daniel. Chloe says she doesn't owe anyone any explanations and claims she didn't do anything. Carly accuses her of lying.
Bo is with Daniel at the hospital. They talk about Roman's mugging and Bo tells Daniel they've brought in Arianna for questioning. Bo says he doesn't think she did it, though.
Nicole and Brady are at the police station. She drops some papers and Brady asks what they are. Nicole claims the stuff is just background information she has dug up on Arianna for the news story on the muggings. Hope butts in and wants to see the papers, "Hand them over unless you think it's smart to withhold information during and ongoing police investigation." Nicole hands the papers over and Hope looks through them, "This definitely puts the case in a new light."
"I'm always glad to do the job the SPD should be doing in the first place," says Nicole.
Rafe is with Anna in her hospital room, "Anna... how do you feel."
"My head," moans Anna.
"I'll bet," says Rafe, "But you're a fighter. The doc didn't think you would even wake up. Now tell me, who is responsible for the Syd-napping."
Sami and EJ sit on the couch in the rumpus room. Sami says, "I know you don't always do the right thing, but I'm not exactly Miss Perfect myself. I'm proud you stood up to your father." She moves in and here we go again. Closer... closer... closer... OMG! We're going to have to call on the judges to make this call... YES! The judges have ruled there was actual lip contact. Just a few skin cells touched, but that's enough to take this from an almost-kiss to a... KISS!
The earth rumbles as Ejamis in the audience begin to quiver. They turn to each other and SQUEEEEE their lungs out until...
Stefano clears his throat. Sami and EJ jump like they've been shot.
Gabi is in the interrogation room with Arianna, who claims she is innocent. Gabi worries they could dig up Arianna's past, but Arianna tells her not to worry because all that stuff is in her past and the records have been sealed. Gabi asks, "Did you ever tell Brady?"
Hope asks how Nicole wound up with materials like this. Brady interrupts and says he wants to know about it. Hope Brady, "Do you know about Arianna's past?"
"No," says Brady, "We decided it would be better if we didn't talk about all the guys she's been with."
Hope says she's talking about Arianna's record as a juvenile, "She was involved in robberies."
Stefano suggests Sami and EJ should get a room, "But if you want to play in public... rumpus in the rumpus room, as it were... I just have to get this and I'll be out of your way." He picks up some papers and leaves.
Bo tells Daniel he gathers things didn't go well with Carly. Daniel says Chloe had a problem with her living there, but he assures Bo he has things under control.
Speaking of control, Chloe loses it. She insists she's not lying to anyone. Carly assures her there is nothing between Daniel and her. "If that's the case," says Chloe, "Why are you always here? What do you want?"
Carly says, "All I want is for you to tell Daniel the truth."
Rafe badgers Anna. The doc comes in and backs him off. He stops the drip and says the poison may have caused brain damage. "How could you tell if there was brain damage," asks Rafe.
"She'd start taking you seriously," says the doc.
Hope lays out Arianna's past, "When she was a juvenile she ran with a crowd called the Red Dogs.
"Oh, yeah," says Brady, "I know all about them. Their beer is great."
"Their MO was like the ones we're investigating now," says Hope. Nicole pretends to stick up for Arianna and says she probably didn't tell Brady about her past because of what he might think. Hope kicks her out.
Arianna tells Gabi that was a long time ago and she was running with the wrong crowd, "My so-called boyfriend was one of the leaders. He decided to cut a deal after he was arrested and blamed me for half the stuff he had done."
"You have way better taste in guys now," says Gabi.
"Right," says Arianna, "It's better to be with a guy who's just a junkie."
Hope and Brady come in and Gabi leaves. Hope shows Arianna her rap sheet, "I Hope you can explain this."
Carly says she doesn't care who Chloe slept with. Chloe thinks Carly is being high and mighty, "You're the one who kept Daniel from his daughter for decades." Carly admits that was wrong and says she wants Daniel and Chloe to get through this. "Go to hell," snorts Chloe.
Carly asks, "Would you rather he found out from you or from me?"
"You wouldn't!"
"One way or another he needs to know."
Chloe says she has wanted to tell Daniel but felt so guilty, "I just can't hurt him." Carly tells her a lie can hurt more than the truth. She insists she's trying to help Chloe and asks if she's going to tell the truth.
"Fine," she agrees, "I'll tell him. But it's your fault, though."
"I don't care who's fault it is," says Carly, "Just tell him." She leaves.
Nicole is outside with Baker. She tells him he did well and they are just a step away from throwing Arianna in the clink. Baker asks, "How about a bonus?"
"You're never going to get a dime from me," says Nicole, "and you're out of the mugging business. Arianna won't look guilty if the crimes keep happening."
Arianna tells Hope and Brady about her boyfriend and her past. She says she didn't mug anyone then or now. Brady reminds Hope, "You haven't Mirandized her yet."
"We use rubber hoses in the interrogation room instead," says Hope, "But it doesn't matter because when the results of the DNA tests come back in her favor all this will go away." Hope leaves.
Arianna says she's sorry Brady had to hear about her past from the cops. Brady wonders why she didn't tell him, but says all this isn't important now, "Just know you can trust me with anything."
Arianna vows, "I will never keep anything from you again."
Brady asks, "Does that include any of that Red Dog Beer you may have left over?" Hugs.
Sami and EJ have an uncomfortable moment. Sami says she really is grateful to EJ. EJ says working together is enjoyable and he doesn't want to jeopardize that. Sami announces she's going to bed. "Sweet dreams," says EJ. Sami leaves.
Stefano walks in applauding, "Well played, son, well played."
Rafe doesn't want the doc to take the stimulant away. The doc says Anna's heart rate has to return to normal. He leaves. Rafe mumbles, "This has DiMera written all over it."
EJ accuses Stefano of interrupting him and Sami on purpose. Stefano says EJ is undermining himself with Sami. He also tells him Anna woke up and wonders why EJ keeps telling him to stay out of his affairs. EJ blows his stack, "I thought this Anna problem was over and dead."
"It was," says Stefano, "But you know everything comes back to life on this show. Circumstances change. Do you want me to take care of this once and for all or not?"
Nicole asks, "How did you make it through med school? Did you sell your brain, too? The muggings have to stop. Show your partner that you-da-man. If you don't make it happen I will."
Hope contemplates the female empowerment symbol as Ciara calls and says she had a bad dream. "That wasn't a bad dream, honey," says Hope, "I really am your mommy." Hope tells her to have Delia put her in Hope's room and they'll be together when she gets home. She hangs up, "My poor baby is still having bad dreams. What am I gonna do?"
Carly arrives at Boand Hope's house. She and Bo express their undying love for each other and dive in for a heapin' helpin' of it.
Sami lies in bed and tosses and turns. She hears Sydney crying and gets up.
Stefano reminds EJ he's in danger of losing his kids and wants to know if he should make the call or step back.
A cop comes into Anna's room and asks if this is the victim. Rafe says yes and asks how the investigation is going. "We are about to arrest a person of interest."
Anna wakes up, "You can't arrest Rafe. You said you were going to arrest a person of interest and there's nothing interesting about him."
Chloe bawls, paces and swills wine. Daniel comes in all happy-happy and Chloe breaks down, "I need to tell you something about us."
Sami hits the sack again, looks at Sydney's picture and says she's so glad to have her back, "Now maybe Rafe and I will get back together and all my dreams will come true."
Out in the audience, the Safes look over at the Ejamis and stick out their tongues.
Stefano talks on the phone. He smiles, chuckles, hangs up and turns to EJ, "The Anna situation is taken care of. Samantha will never know the truth. She's all yours."
Out in the audience, the Ejamis look over at the Safes and stick out their tongues.
An usher walks up and tries to avert a confrontation, "All right, ladies. Let's settle down and leave the tongue-sticking-out shenanigans to the people kissing up on stage."
Rafe protests as they throw him in the slammer. He insists they've got the wrong guy. The cop tells him, "You had the means, motive and opportunity."
"What was the motive," says Rafe.
"You had a false passport," says the cop, "You were up to something. You are very clever."
"AHA," says Rafe, "If you think I'm clever, that proves you've got the wrong guy. I'm with the FBI. I had a fake passport because we didn't want to tip off the bad guys."
"You are the bad guy," says the cop.
Rafe says he can clear things up quickly, "Just call the state department and the people there will confirm everything."
"We have no diplomatic ties with your country," says the cop, "There is no one to save you. Have a nice life." He leaves.
Chloe and Daniel sit together. Daniel assures her they will get through this, "What is going on?"
Chloe turns on the whining afterburners, "I wanted to tell you but was afraid you wouldn't want to marry me."
"Don't ever be afraid," says Daniel, "I told you — this is my fault."
Chloe takes whining to levels never before experienced by humankind, "You have been so understanding..."
"I won't let you beat yourself up," says Daniel, "I'm grateful to have you in my life, but there is something I have to tell you. I talked to Father Matt and he agreed to move up our wedding date. We can't wait any longer." Daniel takes a knee, "Will you be my wife — as soon as possible?"
Dejected Hope comes back with the DNA results, "The hairs we found at the crime scene were Arianna's." Oh, the angst!
Carly and Bo cuddle on the couch. She says she wants to go somewhere with him. Bo asks where. "Do I really have to tell you," she asks. The clothes start to come off.
Rafe wanders alone in his cell. He takes a piece of chalk and does advanced algebra problems on the wall, then lays on his couch and talks to God, "I need a miracle here, got any ideas?"
"Yes," says the Lord, "There on the wall where you have sigma squared over pi... it should be sigma cubed over pi squared."
Sami lies in her bed, "Rafe..."
EJ thanks Stefano and asks why Stefano hates Sami so much.
"She is a Brady and can't be trusted and is a liar," says Stefano, "Why are you playing these games with her? Put your cards on the table and let her decide if she wants to be with you."
EJ says, "My personal life isn't anything..."
Sami interrupts, "Sorry, I came down for another glass of water. You're only billionaires. You'd have to be trillionaires to be able to afford faucets upstairs."
Chloe stares. Daniel asks what is holding her back, "We can do this."
Chloe smiles and says yes, "I can't wait to marry you. Then when the big bomb drops it will be an even bigger mess."
"So," says Daniel, "What was it you wanted to tell me."
Chloe stammers, "Uh... yeah... it can wait until tomorrow." Smoochies. Chloe stares.
Delia tucks Ciara in and leaves. Ciara gets up and looks under the bed for Hope's stash. She pulls it out, goes through the wallets and looks at Brady's driver's license.
Hope cuffs Arianna, "You are under arrest for the mugging of commander Roman Brady."
Arianna looks at Brady and whines, "You don't believe me now, so you?. I see the look in your eyes." Brady moves toward her, but Arianna rejects him, "Leave me alone, Brady." Hope hauls her off and reads her rights.
Outside, they go past Nicole, who stops Brady, "I am so sorry." Brady stares.
EJ says, "I'm sorry you're having trouble sleeping. If you need anything..."
"It's a big house," says EJ, "but it's crowded. It's probably a good thing if we keep our feelings in check, just like we talked about."
"It's no problem with me," says Sami, "because I'm still in love with Rafe. Goodnight." She leaves.
Rafe tosses and turns. He imagines coming into the DiMera mansion. No one answers the door so he walks in. Everything is dark. He walks into the rumpus room and finds Sami. Where have you been," she asks.
"Searching for the truth."
"Did you find it," asks Sami.
"Yes," says Rafe, "The answer is not sigma squared over pi... it should be sigma cubed over pi squared. I love you and I always will." Kisses. REAL kisses.
Back in his cell, the dream ends and Rafe tosses and turns.
Anna moans and remembers Rafe grilling her. "Who caused you all this pain? Who caused you all this pain? Who caused you all this pain?"
Bo is with Daniel at the hospital. They talk about Roman's mugging and Bo tells Daniel they've brought in Arianna for questioning. Bo says he doesn't think she did it, though.
Nicole and Brady are at the police station. She drops some papers and Brady asks what they are. Nicole claims the stuff is just background information she has dug up on Arianna for the news story on the muggings. Hope butts in and wants to see the papers, "Hand them over unless you think it's smart to withhold information during and ongoing police investigation." Nicole hands the papers over and Hope looks through them, "This definitely puts the case in a new light."
"I'm always glad to do the job the SPD should be doing in the first place," says Nicole.
Rafe is with Anna in her hospital room, "Anna... how do you feel."
"My head," moans Anna.
"I'll bet," says Rafe, "But you're a fighter. The doc didn't think you would even wake up. Now tell me, who is responsible for the Syd-napping."
Sami and EJ sit on the couch in the rumpus room. Sami says, "I know you don't always do the right thing, but I'm not exactly Miss Perfect myself. I'm proud you stood up to your father." She moves in and here we go again. Closer... closer... closer... OMG! We're going to have to call on the judges to make this call... YES! The judges have ruled there was actual lip contact. Just a few skin cells touched, but that's enough to take this from an almost-kiss to a... KISS!
The earth rumbles as Ejamis in the audience begin to quiver. They turn to each other and SQUEEEEE their lungs out until...
Stefano clears his throat. Sami and EJ jump like they've been shot.
Gabi is in the interrogation room with Arianna, who claims she is innocent. Gabi worries they could dig up Arianna's past, but Arianna tells her not to worry because all that stuff is in her past and the records have been sealed. Gabi asks, "Did you ever tell Brady?"
Hope asks how Nicole wound up with materials like this. Brady interrupts and says he wants to know about it. Hope Brady, "Do you know about Arianna's past?"
"No," says Brady, "We decided it would be better if we didn't talk about all the guys she's been with."
Hope says she's talking about Arianna's record as a juvenile, "She was involved in robberies."
Stefano suggests Sami and EJ should get a room, "But if you want to play in public... rumpus in the rumpus room, as it were... I just have to get this and I'll be out of your way." He picks up some papers and leaves.
Bo tells Daniel he gathers things didn't go well with Carly. Daniel says Chloe had a problem with her living there, but he assures Bo he has things under control.
Speaking of control, Chloe loses it. She insists she's not lying to anyone. Carly assures her there is nothing between Daniel and her. "If that's the case," says Chloe, "Why are you always here? What do you want?"
Carly says, "All I want is for you to tell Daniel the truth."
Rafe badgers Anna. The doc comes in and backs him off. He stops the drip and says the poison may have caused brain damage. "How could you tell if there was brain damage," asks Rafe.
"She'd start taking you seriously," says the doc.
Hope lays out Arianna's past, "When she was a juvenile she ran with a crowd called the Red Dogs.
"Oh, yeah," says Brady, "I know all about them. Their beer is great."
"Their MO was like the ones we're investigating now," says Hope. Nicole pretends to stick up for Arianna and says she probably didn't tell Brady about her past because of what he might think. Hope kicks her out.
Arianna tells Gabi that was a long time ago and she was running with the wrong crowd, "My so-called boyfriend was one of the leaders. He decided to cut a deal after he was arrested and blamed me for half the stuff he had done."
"You have way better taste in guys now," says Gabi.
"Right," says Arianna, "It's better to be with a guy who's just a junkie."
Hope and Brady come in and Gabi leaves. Hope shows Arianna her rap sheet, "I Hope you can explain this."
Carly says she doesn't care who Chloe slept with. Chloe thinks Carly is being high and mighty, "You're the one who kept Daniel from his daughter for decades." Carly admits that was wrong and says she wants Daniel and Chloe to get through this. "Go to hell," snorts Chloe.
Carly asks, "Would you rather he found out from you or from me?"
"You wouldn't!"
"One way or another he needs to know."
Chloe says she has wanted to tell Daniel but felt so guilty, "I just can't hurt him." Carly tells her a lie can hurt more than the truth. She insists she's trying to help Chloe and asks if she's going to tell the truth.
"Fine," she agrees, "I'll tell him. But it's your fault, though."
"I don't care who's fault it is," says Carly, "Just tell him." She leaves.
Nicole is outside with Baker. She tells him he did well and they are just a step away from throwing Arianna in the clink. Baker asks, "How about a bonus?"
"You're never going to get a dime from me," says Nicole, "and you're out of the mugging business. Arianna won't look guilty if the crimes keep happening."
Arianna tells Hope and Brady about her boyfriend and her past. She says she didn't mug anyone then or now. Brady reminds Hope, "You haven't Mirandized her yet."
"We use rubber hoses in the interrogation room instead," says Hope, "But it doesn't matter because when the results of the DNA tests come back in her favor all this will go away." Hope leaves.
Arianna says she's sorry Brady had to hear about her past from the cops. Brady wonders why she didn't tell him, but says all this isn't important now, "Just know you can trust me with anything."
Arianna vows, "I will never keep anything from you again."
Brady asks, "Does that include any of that Red Dog Beer you may have left over?" Hugs.
Sami and EJ have an uncomfortable moment. Sami says she really is grateful to EJ. EJ says working together is enjoyable and he doesn't want to jeopardize that. Sami announces she's going to bed. "Sweet dreams," says EJ. Sami leaves.
Stefano walks in applauding, "Well played, son, well played."
Rafe doesn't want the doc to take the stimulant away. The doc says Anna's heart rate has to return to normal. He leaves. Rafe mumbles, "This has DiMera written all over it."
EJ accuses Stefano of interrupting him and Sami on purpose. Stefano says EJ is undermining himself with Sami. He also tells him Anna woke up and wonders why EJ keeps telling him to stay out of his affairs. EJ blows his stack, "I thought this Anna problem was over and dead."
"It was," says Stefano, "But you know everything comes back to life on this show. Circumstances change. Do you want me to take care of this once and for all or not?"
Nicole asks, "How did you make it through med school? Did you sell your brain, too? The muggings have to stop. Show your partner that you-da-man. If you don't make it happen I will."
Hope contemplates the female empowerment symbol as Ciara calls and says she had a bad dream. "That wasn't a bad dream, honey," says Hope, "I really am your mommy." Hope tells her to have Delia put her in Hope's room and they'll be together when she gets home. She hangs up, "My poor baby is still having bad dreams. What am I gonna do?"
Carly arrives at Bo
Sami lies in bed and tosses and turns. She hears Sydney crying and gets up.
Stefano reminds EJ he's in danger of losing his kids and wants to know if he should make the call or step back.
A cop comes into Anna's room and asks if this is the victim. Rafe says yes and asks how the investigation is going. "We are about to arrest a person of interest."
Anna wakes up, "You can't arrest Rafe. You said you were going to arrest a person of interest and there's nothing interesting about him."
Chloe bawls, paces and swills wine. Daniel comes in all happy-happy and Chloe breaks down, "I need to tell you something about us."
Sami hits the sack again, looks at Sydney's picture and says she's so glad to have her back, "Now maybe Rafe and I will get back together and all my dreams will come true."
Out in the audience, the Safes look over at the Ejamis and stick out their tongues.
Stefano talks on the phone. He smiles, chuckles, hangs up and turns to EJ, "The Anna situation is taken care of. Samantha will never know the truth. She's all yours."
Out in the audience, the Ejamis look over at the Safes and stick out their tongues.
An usher walks up and tries to avert a confrontation, "All right, ladies. Let's settle down and leave the tongue-sticking-out shenanigans to the people kissing up on stage."
Rafe protests as they throw him in the slammer. He insists they've got the wrong guy. The cop tells him, "You had the means, motive and opportunity."
"What was the motive," says Rafe.
"You had a false passport," says the cop, "You were up to something. You are very clever."
"AHA," says Rafe, "If you think I'm clever, that proves you've got the wrong guy. I'm with the FBI. I had a fake passport because we didn't want to tip off the bad guys."
"You are the bad guy," says the cop.
Rafe says he can clear things up quickly, "Just call the state department and the people there will confirm everything."
"We have no diplomatic ties with your country," says the cop, "There is no one to save you. Have a nice life." He leaves.
Chloe and Daniel sit together. Daniel assures her they will get through this, "What is going on?"
Chloe turns on the whining afterburners, "I wanted to tell you but was afraid you wouldn't want to marry me."
"Don't ever be afraid," says Daniel, "I told you — this is my fault."
Chloe takes whining to levels never before experienced by humankind, "You have been so understanding..."
"I won't let you beat yourself up," says Daniel, "I'm grateful to have you in my life, but there is something I have to tell you. I talked to Father Matt and he agreed to move up our wedding date. We can't wait any longer." Daniel takes a knee, "Will you be my wife — as soon as possible?"
Dejected Hope comes back with the DNA results, "The hairs we found at the crime scene were Arianna's." Oh, the angst!
Carly and Bo cuddle on the couch. She says she wants to go somewhere with him. Bo asks where. "Do I really have to tell you," she asks. The clothes start to come off.
Rafe wanders alone in his cell. He takes a piece of chalk and does advanced algebra problems on the wall, then lays on his couch and talks to God, "I need a miracle here, got any ideas?"
"Yes," says the Lord, "There on the wall where you have sigma squared over pi... it should be sigma cubed over pi squared."
Sami lies in her bed, "Rafe..."
EJ thanks Stefano and asks why Stefano hates Sami so much.
"She is a Brady and can't be trusted and is a liar," says Stefano, "Why are you playing these games with her? Put your cards on the table and let her decide if she wants to be with you."
EJ says, "My personal life isn't anything..."
Sami interrupts, "Sorry, I came down for another glass of water. You're only billionaires. You'd have to be trillionaires to be able to afford faucets upstairs."
Chloe stares. Daniel asks what is holding her back, "We can do this."
Chloe smiles and says yes, "I can't wait to marry you. Then when the big bomb drops it will be an even bigger mess."
"So," says Daniel, "What was it you wanted to tell me."
Chloe stammers, "Uh... yeah... it can wait until tomorrow." Smoochies. Chloe stares.
Delia tucks Ciara in and leaves. Ciara gets up and looks under the bed for Hope's stash. She pulls it out, goes through the wallets and looks at Brady's driver's license.
Hope cuffs Arianna, "You are under arrest for the mugging of commander Roman Brady."
Arianna looks at Brady and whines, "You don't believe me now, so you?. I see the look in your eyes." Brady moves toward her, but Arianna rejects him, "Leave me alone, Brady." Hope hauls her off and reads her rights.
Outside, they go past Nicole, who stops Brady, "I am so sorry." Brady stares.
EJ says, "I'm sorry you're having trouble sleeping. If you need anything..."
"It's a big house," says EJ, "but it's crowded. It's probably a good thing if we keep our feelings in check, just like we talked about."
"It's no problem with me," says Sami, "because I'm still in love with Rafe. Goodnight." She leaves.
Rafe tosses and turns. He imagines coming into the DiMera mansion. No one answers the door so he walks in. Everything is dark. He walks into the rumpus room and finds Sami. Where have you been," she asks.
"Searching for the truth."
"Did you find it," asks Sami.
"Yes," says Rafe, "The answer is not sigma squared over pi... it should be sigma cubed over pi squared. I love you and I always will." Kisses. REAL kisses.
Back in his cell, the dream ends and Rafe tosses and turns.
Anna moans and remembers Rafe grilling her. "Who caused you all this pain? Who caused you all this pain? Who caused you all this pain?"
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
What a stinking load of .... That's what we get? Several almost kisses and Rafe dreams a kiss with Sami. I really am quite disgusted with this show at this point.
They really want to make Sami and Rafe a super rooting couple..but by making that they destroy the character of Sami ! Let her scheme again writers and not thinking about Rafe it is so lame...sigh..
Anyone who has been a true Sami fan since the beginning has got to be incapable of rooting for Rafe. He's the kryptonite to what makes her Sami. I don't want to see my girl sniveling and begging for forgiveness all the time! I don't want to watch her feel unworthy of being with the man in her life (yet again). That's what she's got her hypocritical family for!
Her rebellion and feisty-ness is why I love her! Everyone has a character on every soap they identify with. She's mine. Granted, I didn't kidnap my sister or sleep with my other sister's boyfriend, but I get the whole black sheep angle. The writers will ruin Samantha if they keep this Safe propping. Boo writers.
And boo Rafe-dreams. *crosses fingers hoping Rafe gets shanked on Tuesday's show* Let's hope he gets a long sentence in jail.
And Stefano, you're a jerk. You couldn't have come back later? Boo Stefano, too. Doesn't he understand the boy needs some lovin'? EJ had better be topless on Tuesday to make up for that one!
Well, well, well, Botox and Bo bumpin' uglies some more...guess TPTB really don't want this show to continue...
First of all I love the pic about Nathan & Stefanie's almost ....! You had me roaring this morning! LOL!!!
Second of all, this whole thing about Rafe & Sami kissing and all that...who cares??? We all know she wouldn't want EJ if she was still in love with Rafe. And she wants EJ...hey, and almost kiss that could be ruled as a kiss by a DOOL umpire is proof enough for me! And about can't make a supercouple out of one that isn't!
If you deny your feelings for each another, somehow they always end up getting the better of you. This should only make EJ work harder at getting some Ejami loving...fine with ME!!!
I'm going to barf, truly!
Dreaming of Rafe when you just "almost kissed" EJ. Yeah Prevuze, I still refuse to qualify that as a kiss-not when Rafe gets to play tonsil hockey, argghhhhhh!!!
I'm with Emily, I want him shanked!! I always loved Shane, maybe he'll do it for us!!
Sadly, I continue to be "frustrated in Salem"-and if I'm fed up just think how poor EJ must feel! I mean, come on, he has to be the most sexually frustrated leading man in soap history!!!!
Carly accuses her of lying.
Maybe Carly should check Chloe’s purse for birth control pills. Wait a minute. That was Stephanie and Melanie. Sorry – all the insipidness can be very confusing, but I digress. Chloe is dumb as a post, but it amazes me how easily Carly deduced that Chloe cheated on Daniel.
"This definitely puts the case in a new light."
"I'm always glad to do the job the SPD should be doing in the first place," says Nicole.
You think? If Nicole can dig up dirt so easily, that means the information is readily available. It could be that the SPD doesn’t know how to do a Google search.
“Now tell me, who is responsible for the Syd-napping."
Nice! Anna was just brought back from the brink of death. Does the super macho hunky FBI dudesicle question her about who might want to kill her? No – Rafe grills Anna about the Sydnapping. Once again, it’s all about Rafe and his personal agenda. Geez!
"No," says Brady, "We decided it would be better if we didn't talk about all the guys she's been with."
Prevuze is sent to a neutral corner for hitting below the belt. LOL!!!
"How could you tell if there was brain damage," asks Rafe.
"She'd start taking you seriously," says the doc.
Anna wakes up, "You can't arrest Rafe. You said you were going to arrest a person of interest and there's nothing interesting about him."
Truth, justice, and the Prevuze way!!
"Now maybe Rafe and I will get back together and all my dreams will come true."
Holy whiplash Batman!!!!!!! Sami was about to play tonsil hockey with EJ, and now she’s pining for Rafe.
"We have no diplomatic ties with your country," says the cop.
Finally, a dose of reality and it comes out of the mouth of a cop in a banana republic. Rafe faked his passport but what about the guy who cuffed Calliope and dragged her away? He was wearing a jacket with FBI emblazoned on the front of it. I wonder if the bad guys were able to figure out the connection between Calliope, Rafe, and the FBI jacket guy. Since the bad guys are undoubtedly smarter than a below average G-man, I think so. Great undercover work Agent Obvious. Duh!
TGIF, TGFP, and a super advanced algebra equation to all the faithful Prevuzites!!!!
In trying to be grateful for the small things, at least it was Rafe's dream and not Sami's! :)
Plus there seems to be a few cells of actual Ejami lip contact! :)
If Arianna's juvenile records were sealed, then how did Nicole get hold of them so easily?
It wouldn't surprise me if the Salem PD offers Nicole a job since she is doing better detective work than they do, never mind she has a criminal record a mile long.
If Safe were so great the writers wouldn't have to try so hard to prop them.
I'm with everyone else, I hope Rafe gets shanked.
Thinking about Rafe and Sami is comparable to thinking about Sami with Roman. Just blind me.
I'm with the Sahnk Rafe crowd. Anything to get him off my screen.
I hope no one is ever in love with me the way Sami is in love with Rafe! Oh Rafe, I'm so in love with you that I almost keep making out with EJ every 5 seconds...
Keep trying to convince yourself Sami...
LOL at "You said a person of interest and there's nothing interesting about Rafe"
It's amazing to me that all of the folks bashing Rafe can conveniently forget what started the whole mess to begin with - Sami hated EJ's and Stefano's guts and wanted to keep her pregnancy from them and EJ hated her guts for keeping the secret and plotted to take both of her kids to another country forever. True love.
I guess while the two groups - EJami's and Safes - are going at it that lone Lumi hung herself.
Shouldn't Hope have Mirandized Arianna as soon as she snottily informed her "You're not going anywhere!" ? From then on wouldn't it be false inprisonment or whatever? Or do they have to announce she's under arrest and then read them? I don't know the sequence of this stuff - any lawyers or law student out there? Anyway, I'd bet whatever the rules the SPD has done it incorrectly. HA
LOL over That wasn't a bad dream, honey," says Hope, "I really am your mommy." and "You'd have to be trillionaires to afford faucets upstairs."
And with this - it should be sigma cubed over pi squared - Prevuze proves you can still learn something while ditching class or work. Prevuze - best educator on the Internet. ;)
Thanks and happy TGIF everyone.
They make such a disservice to Sami : she is totally fickle and generally people resent the character in the middle of the triangle who plays the other two characters ! And once again it is the same scenario than with Lucas and Ej two years ago..they just replace Lucas with Rafe ! It is ridiculous.
I love Sami but they are making viewers hate her with this wimpy heroine BS this character was rootable because precisely she was an anti-heroine. It was the core of this character..i don't understand what they are doing...
Shouldn't Hope have Mirandized Arianna as soon as she snottily informed her "You're not going anywhere!" ? From then on wouldn't it be false inprisonment or whatever? Or do they have to announce she's under arrest and then read them? I don't know the sequence of this stuff - any lawyers or law student out there? Anyway, I'd bet whatever the rules the SPD has done it incorrectly. HA
I don't practice in this field, but as I recall from early law school, this can be a grey area. The Miranda warnings should be given incident to arrest or taking into police custody (which can be different things depending on the jurisdiction). If Hope was serious about the "you're not going anywhere" [is Ari really not free to leave?], Ari should have been Mirandized right then. Even if Hope wasn't serious, Ari should probably still have been Mirandized because frankly it's "close enough" but I suppose that would be arguable. Ari was Mirandized upon official arrest, so probably no harm done to the case (basically, the only effect would be that Ari's pre-Miranda statements are excluded) but as we know, this arrest is moronic and Justice in Salem is non-existent.
The Salem PD are horrible with regards to even the most basic arrest procedures, though I would argue that what passes for the "FBI" (Rafe) is much much worse.
I'm always glad to do the job the SPD should be doing in the first place," says Nicole.
It’s a tough job but, dang, somebody has to do it!
Hope lays out Arianna's past, "When she was a juvenile she ran with a crowd called the Red Dogs.”
Again with the running-off-of-the-mouth! Granted, Nicole would have been happy to spill the beans to Brady (although how she got hold of Arianna’s sealed juvenile records is a mystery). But Detective Brady has no business spewing it out to whoever asks.
All right, ladies. Let's settle down and leave the tongue-sticking-out shenanigans to the people kissing up on stage."
That’s all well and good, but there ISN’T any kissing going on except in Rafe's dreams.
Rafe wanders alone in his cell. He takes a piece of chalk and does advanced algebra problems on the wall
"Yes," says the Lord, "There on the wall where you have sigma squared over pi... it should be sigma cubed over pi squared."
Well, now we have that all “squared” away. PREVUZE can be Will’s tutor. Prevuze – the best mathematical blog on the Internet®.
Some many great prevuisms and pictures, especially Chloe making up for the "almost kissing". TGIP!
What bothers me most is if fingerprints can be transferred so easily to frame an innocent person, then is anyone safe anymore? And can hairs just be taken from a brush and planted on a victim like that to frame a person? People this is really scary!
So Sami and Ej have a weird Love/Hate relationship. At least they are interesting and have chemistry no matter how they feel about each other at the time. Rafe is ruining Sami! I didn’t like Lumi, but I’d do the Snoopy Happy Dance if they brought back Lucas, gave us Lumi and dropped Rafe down an elevator shaft. Who cares if Ejami ever gets back together, just get rid of Rafe!
Let's pair Rafe with someone else in Salem; there's no blood lines (we think) so he's fair game for pretty much anoyone except Ari!
- Hope
- Stephanie
- Carly (there was some initial chemistry there)
I would say Chloe but having sex with her, by now, is probably like throwing a football down a hallway, so I'll save him that experience and the herpes.
But Stephanie's about to be knocked up; and Hope has a young daughter, a granddaughter, and a grown son you say? No problem! We all know Rafe isn't afraid of moving in an playing dad to a classroom of illegitimate rugrats. So soon-to-be-pregnant Steph's has a set of open arms (Rafe's) to run to once Nathan kicks her to the curb for what she's done. Rafe's the only guy left in Salem (that Stephanie's not related to) that Stephanie hasn't already "loved and slept with", right?
Mona, I thought it was "like throwing a hotdog down a hallway". LOL either way!
I only read Prevuze, I don't watch the show, so I can't tell, what's Hope's deal? Does Hopeless know about Hope and vice versa?
Rafe's the only guy left in Salem (that Stephanie's not related to) that Stephanie hasn't already "loved and slept with", right?
The only free agent I think - Victor and Stephano are aleady spoken for. LOL
Does Hopeless know about Hope and vice versa?
Hopeless knows about Hope. Hope, as usual, is clueless.
Let's pair Rafe with someone else in Salem; there's no blood lines (we think) so he's fair game for pretty much anoyone except Ari!
- Hope
- Stephanie
Whoa! Now I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Hernandez either, but let us be merciful and consider throwing him to some hungry wolves first.
Rafe is the worst, worst, worst thing that has ever happened to Sami he needs to be killed off...
if the writers cannot stand to have her with EJ (eventhough they are perfection) than they should bring back Lucas since Rafe is Lucas with a job and a worse attitude(if possible) but really let Ejami happen PLEASE!!!
A entering the country on a false passport after leaving his own country before being cleared of a crime, harassing and spying on a tourist without a warrant of any sort, false imprisonment... I hope Rafe is locked up forever! I can't imagine anyone who legitimately would have the ability to get him out by the DiMeras, because it's all TRUE!
Much more beloved characters have been killed off the show Jack Deveraux (my personal fav Days character was killed 8 or 9 times) KILL RAFE
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