Monday, April 18, 2005

I Don't Take Kindly To Bullies

Down at the dock, the three stooges hope he shows. The operation requires four men. “How do we know we can trust him,” asks Shawn.

Lucas shows. The boys tell him the plan. They need help. They sure do. Professional help.

Victor and Caroline are playing Gin. She’s waxing him 127 to 19. Caroline asks if he smells smoke. “Now that you mention it...”

The quartet fries and the flames roll in.

Bart discovers the abyss Tony has fallen into, “He’s surprised me before but there is no way the Phoenix can rise form the ashes again.” This time he's even got real ashes to rise from.

Poor Jennifer puts the finishing touches on the party. Patrick busts in. She runs off at the mouth. He stops her, “I have bad news. Really bad.”

The paramedics hustle at the scene of the accident. Billie talks to Chelsea. She’s stopped breathing. Billie screams for help. The paramedic works mouth to mouth. Too bad it’s not Patrick. “I’m sorry,” he says.

Billie asks, “What are you doing? Why are you stopping?”

Mimi has come to the hospital bearing gifts for Jan – a balloon and candy. I’m sure Jan will really enjoy the candy when they feed it to her through her tube. Mimi flashes back to the big argument with Jan. She loves Rex and won’t lose him because of a psycho like Jan. They fight. Jan falls down and breaks her crown.

Now Mimi flashes back to the questioning form Tec, “How do I get into these messes? If Jan wakes up I’m dead.”

“Which is why you need to 86 those gifts girl, and get the hell out of Salem,” says Bonnie.

Patrick lays the horrible news on Jennifer. The driver of the other car was drunk. He died at the scene. Panic. They’re off to the hospital. Pan in on the pitiful, lonely little stuffed lambie waiting for Abby to come home to the party.

Billie continues the CPR on Chelsea, “Come on baby don’t you give up.” The paramedic asks her to stop. Billie won’t. Chelsea chokes. SHE’S ALIVE!

Lexi comes up. The paramedic tells her Billie is a miracle worker.

Billie goes over to Mrs. Benson. Her dying eyes stare at Billie.

Bonnie wants to know if Mimi is out of her mind. Coming back here makes her look guilty.

“News flash Mom, I am guilty.”

Bonnie grabs the chocolates, “I’m not letting you waste these on the likes of Jan Spears. Bonnie encourages Mimi to leave, “You watch Law and Order; the perp always comes back to the scene of the crime.”

Mimi reminds Bonnie the hospital is not the scene of the crime.

Tec comes up. He wants the truth.

Lucas wants the truth, too - the full story. He wants Phillip back, but doesn’t get it. The guys tell him they have their hands on a very detailed plan. It’s John’s plan. Each one of them will have a very detailed assignment. Rex hands him an outline of the mission and its objectives.

Lucas asks, “If this plan is so freaking great how come the ISA shot it down?”

Caroline and Victor pile pillows in front of the door to keep the smoke out. They choke. The pillows aren’t working. They decide to break the window out. Things get worse. Victor pounds the door, “Help! Get us out of here!”

Jack covers himself in a rug and runs out. He makes it. The chandelier crashes down on him. Jack lies crushed. Lights out, so to speak.

Tec grills Mimi. Mimi tells him she doesn’t know anything more. He wants to know about the acrylic nail. He sees she comes bearing gifts. Bonnie offers him a chocolate. Tec asks if she is trying to bribe him. Bonnie doesn’t consider it a bribe. She invites him to Alice's for a free warm meal. Tec ignores that non-bribe too, “Why are you here to see Jan, Mimi?”

“Jan was my roommate. We weren’t best friends, but I’m worried about her.”

Tec says, “You’d save the taxpayers a whole lot of money if you’d tell the truth.”

Bonnie tells her not to say another word. She’ll call her husband. “You know who he is don’t you, Mickey Horton. [Whoa, that'll scare Tec. Get Mickey on the case and they'll convict Mimi instantly.] If you keep bothering my daughter I’ll sue for harassment.”

“I don’t take kindly to threats,” says Tec.

“I don’t’ take kindly to bullies,” snaps Bonnie.

Tec says, “We are this close to charging Mimi with attempted murder. And you’d better hope miss Spears doesn’t die or I’ll drop the word attempted.”

Jennifer worries. Patrick drives. Jennifer talks about how she used to cover drunk driver stories and not think much about it, “With all this publicity about drunk driving why does this keep happening?” Patrick comforts her.

Billie tells Mrs. Benson Chelsea will be OK. Mrs B thanks her. Mrs B asks if Billie has children.

“A daughter Chelsea’s age.”

“It’s easy to see you'd make a wonderful mother,” says Mrs B.

Lexi needs to get Chelsea to a hospital. There’s an ambulance shortage in Salem. She calls commissioner Gordon to pull strings and get another ambulance.

Billie tells Chelsea to hang in there.

Chelsea asks, “Mom, is that you...” Billie stares.

“Technically the ISA only tabled John’s plan,” says Brady. It calls for four men and they need Lucas.

This is the first Lucas has heard this. He wants a chance to think, “What’s going to happen to the people behind if you get killed?”

Victor and Caroline breathe through wet rags. Victor assures her someone will come. If they don’t at least they will roast together. That’s a big comfort to Caroline.

Bart rushes down looking for Tony. He remembers Victor and Caroline are in the castle, “Kiriakis and the old Lady. I’d better evacuate the place before they both get 86’d.” 86 is the word of the day.

Marlena, Cassie and Roman wonder what happened to Jack. Roman covers himself with a rug and runs out to see. The girls hear a crash. Roman lies under a beam that has collapsed. Cassie and Marlena huddle and call out for him.

Bonnie doesn’t care for Tec’s attitude.

Mimi wants to hear what he is talking about.

“What I am talking about is that acrylic nail. It matches nine other nails we found in your garbage can.”

“So what,” asks Bonnie, “That doesn’t mean anything. It certainly doesn’t mean Mimi was there when Jan tripped.”

The sly fox Tec asks, “What makes you think Miss Spears tripped? I’ll be in touch. Don’t leave town – either of you.”

Tec leaves. “What am I gonna do now,” asks Mimi, “Mom, Jan keeps a diary. She hates me so much you can bet I’m on every page.” Mimi flashes back to another argument with Jan. Another fight. Flashback to Mimi discovering the cage. The gun. Locking Jan in the closet.

“Mom, if Tec finds the diary, I’m finished. With the police and Rex too,” whines Mimi.

Bonnie says, “Tec won’t find the diary if we find it first. Let’s go.”

The nurse tells Jennifer Abby is in surgery. Jennifer wants to know why the hospital didn’t get her permission first. She wants answers.

Billie tells Chelsea, “It's not your Mom, it’s Billie. Your Mom is OK. She just needs to rest right now. Abby is at the hospital. You’re dad’s still in the car but the firemen are doing everything they can to get him out.”

Lexi comes up and tells Chelsea to relax. The ambulance arrives. Lexi’s call to Commissioner Gordon worked.

Billie stares into space, “Oh, damn you, Hope, if you hadn’t hung up on me when I called for help... If anybody dies it’s gonna be on your head.”

Lucas asks if they have thought about the women in their lives.

Brady says, “Nicole knows. She isn’t too happy about it but she knows I can’t let Rex and Shawn do it alone.”

“What about Belle,” Lucas asks Shawn, “The only reason you’re so gung-ho to find my brother is you want Belle.”

“OK,” says Shawn, “Do I hope things will work out between Belle and me? Yes, but I also want Phillip back.”

Lucas asks, “How will Belle deal with that if you die? Rex, have you thought about Mimi? What’s it gonna do to her if you don’t’ make it back?” She’ll be even more unhappy rotting in jail.

Bart rescues Caroline and Victor. He leads them out.

Roman lies crushed under debris. Jack comes back in and shows the women another way out. They tell him Roman went after him because he thought he was hurt. The women leave. Jack hopes he can find Roman in time. Roman lies unconscious.

Bonnie and Mimi sneak around Jan’s place in the dark looking for the diary, “Where’s the bedroom,” asks Bonnie.

“Upstairs,” says a male voice.

Tec turns on a light, “Mimi Lockhart, you’re under arrest for the attempted murder of Jan Spears.”

Rex is aware of the risks, but they all plan on coming back. Lucas says Rex and Shawn stand to lose the most because they have women in their lives. Lucas thinks it over. Rex shows him the map, “This is rugged terrain, but if we enter right here, we can do it.”

Lucas is worried about his son, but to hell with Will, he’s in. “Let’s go get my little brother and bring him home.” Group shake.

Marlena and Cassie run outside. Roman lies amidst the flames and debris. Jack wakes him up. He pries the beam off of Roman. Roman struggles to get up as the building collapses around them.

Debris falls on Bart, Caroline and Victor.

Lexi barks orders. Billie frets and prays.

Billie fidgets. Time passes.

Lexi comes up to Billie, “I’m sorry, we lost her.”

Jennifer overhears, “NO,” says Jennifer, “No. Lexi, please, not my baby!” FF on the distraught Jennifer.


Tec tells Mimi, “You wanted Jan out of the way so you could keep Rex in the dark about your lies.” Mimi says, “I hated her and I wanted her dead.”

Stami tells Nicole, “You mean about as much to me as a two-dollar whore.” Nicole slaps him upside the head.

Cassie tells Marlena, “They’re dead. Or they will be very soon.”

Billie tells Bo, “Hope wouldn’t let me talk to you. She hung up on me, so if anyone’s responsible for this tragedy, it’s her.” Hope stares.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The caption with Meem's pic was priceless. ;-)

So, if Lexi has time to get to the accident scene from the hospital, why doesn't Patrick just load Chelsea in his car and drive her to the hospital?

6:35 AM  

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