Monday, September 09, 2024


Before you can jump into bed on #DOOL
Sparks must fly is the golden rule
Tate messed things up and there's hell to be paid
Holly will forgive and Tater-Tot gets laid.

Scenes we'd like to see: Sarah dies of her injuries. Brady is convicted of her murder. He sits in the electric chair as the warden prepares to throw the switch. The governor calls to grant clemency. Brady: "Tell that bastard to mind his own business." #DAYS

Holly tells Eric she's 17. If she's 17 it's a rare case of un-SORASing. #DAYS

If Holly is going to have such a strong opposition to impaired drivers, she might work on cleaning up her own mind-altering substance issues first. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Guilt-ridden Brady asks mob boss Ava to put out a hit on him. #DAYS


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