Friday, August 02, 2024

12-Step Program

Protip for Connie: an anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters of another word. So, the only anagrams for the word "Ava" are: vaa and aav, and neither of them make sense. A mnemonic is a memory device. Good mnemonics for "Ava" might be "Audio Visual Assistant," or "Avaricious." #DAYS

Nick/Everett/Bobby has died almost as much on this show as John Black. Almost. #DAYS

Brady is the same color as the rare steak I had for dinner last night. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Sarah: "There is still time for you to go reconcile with your mom." Xander: "And why do you think I want to?" Sarah: "Because you don't want to be celibate." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Marlena: "Brady didn't come home last night." Paul: "He's still living with his parents? What is he… a Millennial?" #DAYS

Fiona doesn't like going to AA meetings and listening to the sad little people whining about their insipid lives. She and Brady prefer to stay in their hotel room and be sad little people whining about their insipid lives. #DAYS

Marlena: "Brady is tempted to drink but he knows I will always be there for him." Isn't that the definition of an enabler? #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Xander: "Was Brady in here?" Fiona: "What makes you think that?" Xander: "This room smells like Axe Body Spray." #DAYS

Fiona tells Xander she's in a 12-step program. When she's out every night each drink counts as a step. #DAYS


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