Living In Sin
Brady and Victor talk in the den and Brady wonders why Nicole was pumping Victor for info about him. Suddenly, Brady notices he lost his bluetooth, Fortunately, he still knows where all his yellow ones are.
Nicole is in the crypt. She listens in on Brady's bluetooth, and figures it's Vivian who is talking. Vivian asks for help.
Will comes to the mansion to get some stuff and talks to Kate. Kate informs him EJ has regained consciousness. Consciousness, yes, common sense, no.
Rafe guides Sami and the kids into a dungeon of a place. Turns out to be "home."
EJ says he knows he isn't married to Sami and knows everything that happened that night, "If Samantha thinks she can take my kids and walk out on me, she's got another think coming."
Stefano says, "If you remember everything, then you can tell me who shot you."
Vivian butters up Nicole.
Brady panics, looks for his earpiece and rushes out. Victor hopes the important call Brady is expecting isn't from a drug dealer.
Sami says she doesn't want EJ's blood pressure to go up again. "That's why he shouldn't be kissin' on you," says Rafe. Sami also says she doesn't want EJ to have a stroke because a gun is more effective. Rafe thinks EJ will get better and then Sami can tell him everything.
Kate thinks Will should have a little compassion for EJ. Shows his compassion by going through a litany of horrible things he'll do to EJ if anything happens to his mom.
EJ says he remembers what happened at the wedding. He says he was going to make Sami pay for keeping his daughter from him, but then fell in love with her. As he rambles his machines beep and almost have a stroke themselves. Stefano calls for help.
Rafe says he'll never let Sami go and the sooner EJ finds out the better. He knows EJ will try to take the kids, but thinks all of EJ's crimes will come out. Unfortunately so will Sami's.
Sami runs through some of her crimes. Rafe says, "Sami, that was the past. This is the present. And the rest is the future. Except for the rewritten history."
Kate tells Will she would never let EJ take the kids. Will reminds her the courts might have something to say about that. He also thinks it would be better if the cops didn't find out about her phone call to Sami.
Nathan tells Stefano EJ is better. "Where are the real doctors," asks Stefano.
"You want real doctors, try a different show," says Nathan. He tells Stefano EJ is lucky to be alive and needs to relax.
EJ huffs and puffs, "Samantha, How could you?"
Vivian tells Nicole she's inside the sarcophagus. She says she'll explain things when she gets out. Nicole swears off drinking and decides Vivian can't be in there. Vivian begs her to stay and save her.
Nicole is fizzlesprung. She asks if Isabella is in there with Vivian. Vivian says no and says she’ll tell Nicole everything when she gets out. Nicole tries to pry the lid off but Brady interrupts.
Nicole tells Brady Vivian is in there, and not dead, "And you are not shocked or surprised because you put her in there, didn't you?"
EJ tells Nathan he hates hospitals. Nathan reminds him they're better than funeral homes.
Kate finds Stefano, who tells her about EJ's 'episode.' He says Kate has to keep it secret, "But Elvis remembers everything."
Will shows up at the dungeon. He's about as impressed with the place as if they were living in a pup tent. Will tells Sami EJ is awake and wonders what if he remembers. Sami tells him she saw EJ and he doesn't remember, "He's never gonna remember what I did."
Can't have a DOOL episode without at least one of those stupid coincidences, so Rafe walks out and overhears, "What did you do?"
Brady tells Nicole Vivian isn't in the sarcophagus. Nicole doesn't buy it. She wonders how Victor convinced Brady to stash Vivian in there. Brady says the credit for any change in him goes to Nicole. Because it certainly couldn't be his fault he's trying to liquorboard himself.
Rafe asks Will's permission to marry Sami. Will mistakenly thinks they are adults and says they don't need his permission.
Nathan quizzes EJ. What year? Month? He asks the last thing EJ remembers. EJ says it was the wedding. Nathan says he wants to present EJ's case at ground rounds. EJ's brain turns into ground round and he tosses Nathan out.
Kate asks what EJ remembers. All Stefano cares about is who shot him, "He was beginning to tell me but he got ill. He's awake now so all I need to do is wait and I'll know everything I need to know."
Nicole asks if Brady is covering for Victor. Brady is silent. "I know he is behind this," says Nicole, "Victor is a sick son of a bitch."
As you all know, DOOL has been on the air 45 years. Even with all that history, Victor walks in and delivers one of the best lines in the show's history...
"Well Nicole I suppose that makes you my mother."
I am truly ashamed I couldn't come up with that one myself.
Rafe tells Will he has nothing to fear as far as the DiMeras are concerned. Rafe grabs a beer and Will asks if he can have one too. Rafe can't allow that since Will is underage and it might harm his still-growing body, "You have nothing to fear except beer itself."
Nathan comes out and tells Stefano EJ is better. Stefano goes in and tells Kate he'll see her at home. Kate sends her love to EJ. It won't be the first time he's gotten that.
EJ says he needs to get control of his life again — and Samantha.
Victor says he followed Brady because he was hysterical over an earpiece. Victor tells Nicole to get out and threatens. Nicole figures out Victor doesn't know about the sarcovivification.
EJ says he wanted Sami to be part of his life but if she's going to be with Rafe that can't happen. That makes Stefano very, very happy.
Sami and Rafe swill beer. Rafe hopes the hovel is as good as the DiMera mansion. Either Rafe has had one too many beers or he's a couple bottles shy of a six-pack. He says their new place reminds him of the safehouse, because it's the same set. Will spoils the moment by bringing the kids out. He announces they’re going for ice cream and then stopping by the pub to check on Sydney, who has evidently developed a drinking problem. As he leaves he thanks Rafe.
Sami says she has something big to tell Rafe.
Victor says he is sorry he came and starts to leave. Vivian begs him not go go, but it's all in vain. Victor leaves and Brady thanks Nicole for keeping her yap shut. Too bad he can't thank Vivian for the same thing. "Don't think me yet," says Nicole.
Sami rambles about how her marriage switcheroo is going to affect the kids, "First I was engaged to EJ and then to you and now we're living in sin here."
Rafe protests, "We're engaged!"
"That doesn't make a difference to Johnny," says Sami.
"It doesn't make a difference to me, either," booms God.
Rafe wants to make it legal ASAP.
Stefano is back with EJ asking what happened. "I want to know before you talk to the police, do you know who shot you."
A person with a gun.
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