Friday, January 03, 2025

Strip Tennis

Alex and Joy… JJ and Gabi… Phillip and Stephanie… Stephanie obsessing over Alex… Chanel nukes over Johnny and Joy… Those folks down the road in Peyton Place were amateurs. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Johnny: "Chanel may never even look at me again. If she can't look at me, how could she ever get back with me?" Abe: "By texting you?" #DAYS

Johnny, just tell Javi you and Gabi were playing 'strip tennis.' And you were losing. #DAYS

Johnny and Joy: Did they or didn't they? That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of Chanel's wrath or to come clean about their carnal misdeeds. Only time will tell. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Alex: "You're a tough cookie." Joy: "Too bad for Johnny that he took a bite out of me." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Phillip: "Maybe we could have dinner together." Stephanie: "Can we invite Alex?" #DAYS

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Musical Hookups

DiMera New Year's party guests continue to play "musical hookups." However, Chanel thinks the bond between Johnny and Joy is anything but musical, or happy, or anything but infuriating. #DAYS

I'm surprised some of the guests at the party can count backwards from ten. #DAYS

Arnold, in his role as a proxy for Rafe, is all too happy to take advantage of Jada. #DAYS

I'm getting mixed up about who's with who and who has been with who and who is going to be with who. And by "with" I mean… Oh, heck, you know what I mean. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Gabi: "I feel a little spark between us." JJ: "So do I." Gabi: "Sounds like those sparks are about to become a bonfire." #DAYS

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

The Wet Evening Gown Contest.

Joy: "I would die if Chanel found out what happened between Johnny and me." Because she would kill you?" #DAYS

EJ isn't enthusiastic about Chanel organizing a party. Chanel: "Roman is catering it. No one will have to lift a finger." I can think of a finger I'll bet EJ would like to lift right now. #DAYS

Not that Gabi's dress is low cut, but I don't think we've ever seen her belly button before. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Stephanie: "I'm done making new year's resolutions. I try to stick to them but always wind up in bed with the guy anyway." #DAYS

Stephanie wins the Wet Evening Gown contest. #DAYS

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