Five Minutes Is All It Takes
Holly to Doug" "If I tell you what's going on, you have to promise not to tell anyone else." Ben Franklin: "Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead." #DAYS
Next on #DOOL — Holly: "Tate and Sophia weren't really together long enough but she still got pregnant." Doug: "Five minutes is all it takes." #DAYS
Scenes we'd like to see: Mrs. Choi calls Mr. Choi: "Make sure your shotgun is clean and in good working order." #DAYS
Arnold cold-cocks Rafe. Rafe's hurt, but at least we can rule out brain damage. #DAYS
Arnold on phone: "Hi, baby doll. What's shakin'?" Jada: "Both of them. Like a bowl of jello." #DAYS
Holly: "Even if Tate and Sophia aren't together they'll always have this thing together." This 'thing' is called a baby. #DAYS