Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dr. Copafeel

If Salem has a City Manager, as Mayor Paulina doesn't have the power to fire the Commissioner, let alone wake the near-dead. #DAYS

Why didn't Melinda make some noise when Jada was at the door? She could bang on the headboard… make a squealing sound through her gag… a loud fart would have even done the trick. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — NewAbby: "You must be the guy they call Patch." Steve: "How did you know that?" NewAbby: "The Patch." #DAYS

Rafe wakes up. The really good news is that someone from Salem finally comes back without having amnesia. #DAYS

Connie: "There is a fine line between lust and hate."

Brady walks in as Fiona screams to Stefano's painting, "Brady is an innocent man." When will they learn… When will they learn?" #DAYS

When Eric talks to Holly about Daniel, he should also let her know his nickname was Dr. Copafeel. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Maggie: "Are you sure you're up for your session with Marlena?" Sarah: "No. I'm going to cancel. I can fall to pieces on my own." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Tate: "I wish I hadn't told you about Eric Killing your dad." Holly: "That's OK. You know I'm still going to sleep with you." #DAYS

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Great Boobs

Stefan: I blame Gabi for blowing up our marriage." EJ: "The only one to blame for blowing up your marriage is you." In Salem, "blame" is a commodity. #DAYS

The entire Hernandez family spent the night bedridden… Gabi for different reasons than Rafe. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL —  Ava and Stephan bump into each other. Stefan: "How are you doing?" Ava: "At the moment… celibate. How are you doing?" Stegan: "The same." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Johnny: "You slept with your brother's wife. What were you thinking?" EJ: "I was thinking she had great boobs." #DAYS

It's just amazing how the hostages on #DOOL never have to go to the bathroom. #DAYS

Monday, September 09, 2024


Before you can jump into bed on #DOOL
Sparks must fly is the golden rule
Tate messed things up and there's hell to be paid
Holly will forgive and Tater-Tot gets laid.

Scenes we'd like to see: Sarah dies of her injuries. Brady is convicted of her murder. He sits in the electric chair as the warden prepares to throw the switch. The governor calls to grant clemency. Brady: "Tell that bastard to mind his own business." #DAYS

Holly tells Eric she's 17. If she's 17 it's a rare case of un-SORASing. #DAYS

If Holly is going to have such a strong opposition to impaired drivers, she might work on cleaning up her own mind-altering substance issues first. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Guilt-ridden Brady asks mob boss Ava to put out a hit on him. #DAYS

Friday, September 06, 2024


John is certain there is more to the story than just Brady running over Sarah. He's either psychic or he's been reading future scripts. #DAYS

Sarah remembers. Fiona checks her phone to see if she can get a quick flight to Timbuktu. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Tate: "You know Eric. You know how he is." Holly: "Yes, not only is he a failure as a priest, he's also a bad driver." #DAYS

Brady is exasperated that Justin convinced EJ not to keep him in custody. Brady's single remaining brain cell must be working overtime. #DAYS

Thursday, September 05, 2024


Holly watches Sarah struggle to get into bed. OH, THE ANGST! OH, THE GUILT! #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Tate: "What made you relapse?" Brady: "Drinking a bottle of gin." #DAYS

Eric returns to Salem, continuing his tradition of abandoning Nicole just days after they get together. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Brady: "I don't want my kids to be ashamed of the kind of man their father is." John: "It's too late for that." #DAYS

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

A Depraved Alley Whore

Next on #DOOL — Gabi: "EJ is better in bed than you are." Stefan: "Only when he's with a depraved alley whore." #DAYS

Gabi gets cold feet. EJ reassures her. Gabi: "Why are you being so nice about this?" So he can have something to hold against her. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — HewAbby: "Dr. Johnson is great." Stephanie: "She's my mom. Everyone in Salem is related. We're the most inbred town in America." #DAYS

Aaron: "Tate's dad is rolling in money." What he's rolling in right now is his own puke on the floor where he passed out drunk. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — NewAbby: "You were a racecar driver?" Stephanie: "Yes… there was this one race where I had a really bad crash…" NewAbby: "Oh, so you were a lousy racecar driver." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Stefan: "You sleeping with EJ was premeditated." Gabi: "It was a roll in the hay, not murder." #DAYS

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Her Debaucherous Romp

Next on #DOOL — Chanel: "Since when are you an actor?" Alex: "I've done some acting, but since when are you an actor?" Chanel: "Since I faked an orgasm when we had that three-way." #DAYS

Gabi fantasizes about Stefan then wakes up to the reality of her debaucherous romp with EJ. #DAYS

Kate: "I think everyone should do some sexual adventuring." When it comes to sexual adventuring, Kate is Jaques Cousteau and Amelia Earhart all rolled into one. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Alex: "I'll TRY to kiss Chanel." Chanel: "OK, I'll TRY, too." Johnny: "Don't TRY too hard." #DAYS

Chanel and Johnny agree: "It's going to be so much fun working together." The calm before the storm? #DAYS

Monday, September 02, 2024

Condoms Are For Wimps

Gabi, married to Stefan and EJ, Married to Nicole, hook up. They're doing that because Stefan, married to Gabi, had sex with Ava, the town pump. Eric, married to Sloan, and Nicole, married to EJ, run off together. God gives up and strikes adultery off the Ten Commandments. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Gabi: "Do you have protection?" EJ: "Condoms are for wimps." #DAYS

Since all the characters on #DAYS will now be characters on "Body and Soul" from this point forward #DOOL will be formally called "Body and Soul" with far more emphasis on the bodies than the souls.

As close as Stephanie and Alex are standing to practice his lines, they need breath mints. If they stand any closer they'll need protection. #DAYS

Chanel's husband is her director, her father chooses the players, and her kinky sex partner plays opposite her. For Chanel, this is a new kind of three-way. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Leo: "There are lines Leo Stark will not cross." Hattie: "Like what?" Leo: "Truth be told, they haven't found them yet." #DAYS

Chanel to Johnny: "You are the only arrow I want in my quiver." Was that a double-entendr… never mind. I think I figured it out. #DAYS

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