Friday, January 27, 2023

In Flagrante Delicto

Sloan goes off the deep end about Eric and Nicole. What happened to the Sloan that gave Eric the big lecture about not wanting a relationship? #DAYS

Allie has a hissy-fit over Chanel and Johnny Hugging and accuses them of wanting to have sex.  At least that would keep the relationship with Chanel in the family. #DAYS

Sloan isn't fond of the pub's chowdah – thinks it's "too heavy." Maybe it would be lighter if they took the clams out of the shell before serving it. #DAYS

Scenes we'd like to see: Nicole waits to get sick until she and EJ are in flagrante delicto. #DAYS

Chanel and Allie argue. Time for Dr. Alex to show up for a house call. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Roman: "Why are you suing Chanel for wrongful death?" Sloan: "Did you ever hear of anyone suing for rightful death?"

Next on #DOOL — Nicole: "Thank you for being a gentleman." EJ: "My pleasure… or I guess I should say 'my lack of pleasure.'" #DAYS


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