Monday, November 22, 2021

Any Chance I Got Lucky?

Rafe has made his choice: Ava's minestrone is his favorite. Now he has to make the same kind of choice between Ava and Nicole. #DAYS

Why is Ava serving the minestrone in 55-gallon drums? #DAYS

It's a good thing John backed off. If he would have had sex with Satan in a crypt with his wife in the next room, when he gets to the pearly gates he'd have a lot of splainin' to do. #DAYS

Gabi: "People in hell want ice water." When she goes there she should remember that and take her own supply. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — MarDevil: "If anyone knows why Abe and Paulina should not be married, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." << ETERNITY PASSES >> Chanel: "Oh,yeah, me." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — John: "When you were under Satan's spell you tried to seduce me." Susan: "Any chance I got lucky?" #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Abe finds out about Paulina's lie and walks out of the wedding. Roman: "Come on, everyone, let's not waste the wedding cake." #DAYS

Kristen/Satan: "I'm exactly your type." John: "What type would that be?" Kristen/Satan: "Female." #DAYS

Marlena's new name: Marlena Evans-Craig-Bradford-Brady-Black-North-Black-Dimera-Black-Dimera/Johnson-Black-Satan


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