Friday, October 01, 2021

Your Nuts On A Griddle

In a twist in today's episode we discover it's the tape recorder that's possessed, not Marlena. #DAYS

Satan to Marlena: "All you have to do is invite me back in to you." One could interpret that to mean Lucifer wants more than to possess her. #DAYS

Ciara: "What if Ben never wants to have kids with me." The way things go on this show you can have them with your next husband. #DAYS

Stop whimpering like someone has your nuts on a griddle, Doug, and just blurt it out, "MARLENA IS POSSESSED AGAIN!" #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Satan: "All you have to do is invite me back in to you." Marlena: "That's exactly what John said when he wanted to do it again after we romped for the first time on the conference table."


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