Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Born A Bad Girl

Both Abe and Eli say they hate lying to Lani. Apparently not as much as
they hate her wrath. #DAYS

Tripp insists he did not rape Allie, while they continue to ignore the
elephant in the room… or, rather, the baby in the next room. #DAYS

Allie: "Tripp didn't yell or anything… I almost started to believe him."
They'll probably be engaged pretty soon. #DAYS

Eli: "I've started the ball rolling about the baby shower." Lani: "There
isn't going to be a baby shower. I've decided not to have the babies." #DAYS

All her visitors just waltz in to see Kristen. Statesville must be the
only prison in the country with an open-door policy. #DAYS

Kate: "I was born a bad girl." Yeah, the same year as Jake's mother. #DAYS

Abby: "Are you going to give me the silent treatment for falling asleep
in Jake's lap?" Chad: "No. That calls for a spanking." #DAYS

Eli: "We should work this out." Lani: "No. No more words. You put the
"lie" in Eli." #DAYS


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