Thursday, March 21, 2024

Contingency Plan

Leo says his article will contain a soupçon of panache. Apparently he's going to write it in French. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Stefan: "Did you ever have any deep regrets that chewed at your soul?" Chad: "No but I once had a dog that chewed my slippers." #DAYS

Johnny: "There's a warm place in hell for whomever helped Clyde escape from prison." I believe Steve and John's reservations were already confirmed long ago. #DAYS

Johnny: "With my family it might not be a bad idea to have a contingency plan." With your family it might not be a bad idea to have life insurance. #DAYS

Harris to Jada: "You of all people ought to know about breaking the rules." You mean the rule about not letting your boss pull a Harvey Weinstein on you? #DAYS

Chanel to Leo: "When you put your sense of humor on the back burner you're almost a sweet guy… and almost like you're straight." #DAYS


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