Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Every Hooker In Salem

Stephanie busts into Payla's bedroom finding them smooching. Shock ensues. Later, Kayla is mortified that Stephanie might figure out they're going back in to have sex. This is just wrong on so many levels. #DAYS

They've drug out the old someone's-getting-the-wrong-idea-about-a-possible-proposal script. #DAYS

Stephanie to Steve and Kayla: "Which wedding was your favorite?" Only on #DOOL. #DAYS

Theresa to John and Marlena: "What is your secret for staying in love for all these years?" Six divorces? #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — John to Alex: "Just because it's Valentine's day doesn't mean you have to be intensely romantic. You just have to get laid." #DAYS

Johnny to Chanel: "Give me your tired feet, your burnt donuts, your lost car keys…" Isn't that what's inscribed on the Statue of Liberty? #DAYS

Johnny and Chanel get married "for the last time." Until Chanel's bisexual urges kick in. #DAYS

Theresa is as stupid, naive, and gullible as Gwen. Coincidence? #DAYS

John paid $100,000 to dance with Marlena? He could have had every hooker in Salem for that much. #DAYS


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