Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Depraved Baby-Snatcher

Nicole to Eric: "If this little baby is mine then that means it won't be yours." Life is full of little surprises, isn't it." #DAYS

Nicole: "…You know… a bird in the hand…" EJ: "Whoever said 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush has got his bird in the wrong bush." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Rafe: "Someone stole drugs from the evidence room." Harris: "Do you think it was an inside job?" Rafe: "What else would it be? We don't store the drugs outside." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Nicole; "I know that baby is mine." Sloan: "How can you possibly know that." Nicole: "He had a birthmark that resembles a misty circle." #DAYS

Dimitri: "We all know the success rate of the Salem PD." With the Salem PD it would be more appropriate to call it a failure rate.

Sloan: "If that were Nicole's baby I would be some depraved baby-snatcher." That about sums it up. #DAYS

Eric: "We need a name for our baby." Eric Jr. would be really appropriate. #DAYS

EJ to Nicole: "We will get through this together." Until they figure out who the real father is, then Nicole will take a bigger powder than D.B. Cooper. #DAYS


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