Monday, August 07, 2023


Xander proposes. Chloe: "This is a joke." Just what every guy wants to hear. #DAYS

Protip for Chloe: Let's just assume this has nothing to do with Sarah or Gwen. It has everything to do with the fact you shouldn't marry Xander anyway. #DAYS

The marriage proposals are coming in like a swarm of bloodthirsty mosquitoes today. #DAYS

Gwen: "Why do you look so ashen?" Leo: "Because I've made an ash of myself." #DAYS

If Sarah didn't want to have a baby with Xander she shouldn't have played hooky the day they covered birth control in medical school. #DAYS

Mid-show assessment: Dimitri is a creep. Leo is a creep. Gwen is a naive idiot. #DAYS

Sloan accepts Eric's proposal. Nicole accepts EJ's proposal. Chloe rejects Xander's proposal. Chloe must be the only gal who know in Salem the word "marriage" is a synonym for "pre-divorce." #DAYS


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