Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Xander slaps the biscuit away from Chloe: "If you eat that you'll end up in the hospital. Did you not hear the news?" If she had heard the news she wouldn't be eating the biscuit. OTOH, it is Chloe. The biscuit may have a higher IQ. #DAYS

Xander challenges Chloe to another dart match. I've watched enough #DOOL to know going to the dart board again means they are getting together. In fact, a second dart match should be considered foreplay. #DAYS

Rafe isn't in the hospital because he ate the biscuits. He's there because Duke beat the crap out of him. #DAYS

EJ: What's wrong?" Nicole looks at him like a puppy that just ate the Thanksgiving turkey. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Stefan: "Smoking can be hazardous to your health." Trask: "So can rejecting me sexually." #DAYS

Talia: "What did Rafe do when he was under the influence that was so terrible." Jada: "He stopped kissing me." #DAYS


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