Thursday, July 11, 2019

Zack's Eyes

Scenes we'd like to see… Xander: "Unless Kate walks through that door right now..." Kate walks through the door. Now that would be interesting. #DAYS

If Kate kills ted at least she'll have something to eat in there. #Ewwwwww… #DAYS

Eve threatens to sue Hope for defamation. Protip: If you're going to sue someone for defamation, don't do it based on a private conversation. #DAYS

Stefan fires Kristen/Nicole. Don't flip your wig, K/N, that would reveal your true identity. #DAYS

Nicole to Abe: "Are you blind?" Abe: "No. I was, but now I have Zack's eyes." #DAYS

Gabi: "I think I've proven I can handle anything." She's proven she can handle Stefan... if you catch my drift. #DAYS


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