Monday, April 30, 2012

Underestimating Radioactive Waste

Looks like it's still family day in Salem. It might be more believable if there were any normal families in town. #Days
Kate encourages Lucas to leave Sami, "There are a billion other women out there." And just about every one of them has dumped Lucas. #Days
Justin respects attorney-client confidentiality by yelling at Madison about her case in a public venue. #Days
Bo jumps off the couch and runs to the door waving his pistol. So in Hope's case, that WAS a gun in his pocket. #Days
Lucas says he doesn't want Sami playing him like a poker hand.  He'll change his tune if he can be her ace in the hole. #Days


Anonymous DonnaCarol said...

"So in Hope's case, that WAS a gun in his pocket. "

LOL, good one!

Great to see your commentary again, Prevuze.

5:34 PM  

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