Thursday, July 25, 2024

Their Respective Virginities

Jada wants Rafe to wake up. Thing is, whether Rafe is awake or unconscious it's hard to tell the difference. #DAYS

Stefan doesn't know whether or not to accept Gabi's apology. He didn't have any trouble accepting the make-up sex, however. #DAYS

...meanwhile in LA, the producers celebrate the unloading of the white elephant known as "Body and Soul" to a group of starry-eyed suckers. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Paulina: "So how bad is my cholesterol problem." Kayla: "Let me put it this way… you pretty much have maple syrup flowing through your veins." #DAYS

Opening shot: Smith Island. If you look closely on the left side of the island you can see the tail of Amelia Earhart's plane sticking out of the water. #DAYS

The PA system is down at the Salem Airport. The CrowdStrike outage continues to cripple the nation. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Alex: "My entire life is turned upside down." Sarah: "So is your bank account." #DAYS

Fiona says she's Xander's mom. Brady wins the Emmy for the best spit-take in a Daytime Soap Opera Awkward Situation. #DAYS

Fiona: "Someone forged the signature on the letter saying Alex was Victor's son." Brady: "Who?" Fiona: "Theresa." Do I hear the theme from "It's a Small-Small World" playing in the background? #DAYS

Q: When will Holly and Tate lose their respective virginities? A: Two years ago. #DAYS


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