Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Promiscuous Gold Digger

Next on #DOOL — Bonnie: "Did Theresa sign the pre-nup?" Justin: "Yes, she did. She has a very strange signature. It almost looks like someone scribbled, 'You've got to be s*itting me." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Justin: "Some might say Theresa is… fickle." Bonnie: "And some might say she's a promiscuous gold-digger." #DAYS

Theresa: "The pre-nup says if I commit fraud or adultery I get nothing." That's a pretty strict pre-nup. It doesn't even let a gal pursue her hobbies. #DAYS

Bonnie: "Theresa was trying to put one over on Sarah and me. What would Charlemagne do?" Obviously he would have her beheaded. #DAYS

Double weddings are stupid unless it's for identical twins or followers of Sun Myung Moon. #DAYS


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