Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Scary Horny Women

Nathan rushes into Melanie's room, "You were shot? Is it serious?"

"Nah. Not since Dr. Dan revived me after I died on the operating table." Suddenly, Melanie pours her heart out to him, what's left of it, anyway, "I should have told you this a long time ago but I love you. I never stopped. I love you so much."

Stephanie runs into Phillip at the Java Café. She's surprised to see him there since he's supposed to be on his honeymoon with Melanie. "Oh," says Phillip, "I forgot. You weren't there when it happened."

"Happened," asks Stephanie, "Are you and Melanie still together?"

Melanie and Nathan hug, and then, as I'm sure you were expecting, Nathan pops out of his little fantasy. "If I would have known," he says, "I wouldn't have left town. What happened?"

"I kind of took a bullet."

"Are you going to be OK?"

"Do you even care?"

"Of course," gasps Nathan.

Bo and Carly are at the pub. Bo assures her Melanie is fine, except for the gaping bullet wound in her chest. He tells her about Vivian being alone in the room with Melanie. Carly freaks, "There is only one person who can take care of Vivian, and that's me."

"If you take care of her like you took care of your daughter, Vivian should be dead soon," says Bo.

Daniel finds Vivian in the Kiriakis mansion den. Vivian gushes when she sees him. "Shut up," he yells, "You listen to me. You will never hurt or insult anyone I care about again."

Vivian plays dumb. It's not a stretch. Daniel says this is about her visit to Melanie's room. Victor walks in and breaks things up. Daniel tells him he doesn't want Vivian near Melanie, "She snuck in there when the guard was distracted. They found her hovering over Melanie. She was interrupted. She was trying to kill her."

Bo doesn't get that, but cluelessness is one of his few strong points. He tells Carly to leave Vivian up to him. Carly says that's not fair to Bo. He says he doesn't like where this is going. Carly says she will plead guilty, "Let me sit in that jail for the rest of my miserable life."

Victor says he doesn't want Vivian threatening Melanie. Vivian defends herself. She insists she has nothing against Melanie, "If I wanted her dead, she'd be... well... dead."

Daniel says he won't let Vivian get that chance again. He turns to Victor, "I expect you to back me up on this."

Victor asks, "What's Melanie to you?"

Nathan beats himself up for leaving town. He wonders how Phillip could have let this happen to Melanie. She says it had nothing to do with Phillip, "It's my family. Didn't you know... I'm descended from generations of the scum of the earth." Nathan wonders if her getting shot is an omen that her marriage is a mistake.

Stephanie says she doesn't know why she asked if Phillip and Melanie were still together, "Sometimes words fly out of my mouth without first going through my brain. But I'll always be your friend. I'll always (say it with her) be there for you." She tells him she and Nathan are doing well.

Phillip thinks Grandma Brady will love the fact that he's a Horton, "Maybe now Nathan will get a life and stay out of mine. I think Melanie feels guilty for dumping him."

Stephanie flashes back to hiding Melanie's note and tells him Nathan has moved on. She asks why Phillip isn't on his honeymoon. Phillip tells her about Carly being Melanie's mother.

Bo assures Carly she will be found innocent. Carly says Melanie won't testify for her since she hates her, "You can't tell her my fate is in her hands."

"It's not up to you," says Bo, "We're handling this my way. The bumbling idiot way."

Melanie can't believe Nathan said that, "Why are you coming here after I'm married and acting like I matter to you?"

"I said you do before the wedding," says Nathan.

"You were bombed when you said that," she reminds him.

"Only a drunk would have feelings for you," says Nathan, "The nurse outside said you were asking why I didn't visit. I think you still care about me."

"Only someone with potent painkillers running through her system would have feelings for you," says Melanie.

Stephanie is shocked. She can't imagine what finding out Carly is Melanie's mother did to her. Nathan drops the other bomb and tells her Carly shot Melanie.

Carly forbids Bo to do this. Bo says he's just going for the truth. Carly says she will tell Melanie not to cooperate, "I'm a curse to Daniel, just like I was to Lawrence. And what about you?"

"Don't worry about me," says Bo, "I haven't been hurt." Bo must have the memory of a goldfish.

Carly asks, "Is that why you're having second thoughts about Hope?"

Bo gives her one of his great snappy comebacks, "What's between Hope and me is between Hope and me."

"I haven't heard dialog like that since my first grade teacher read us the Dick And Jane Reader aloud," says Carly.

Daniel tells Victor Melanie is his patient and that's all. Daniel and Vivian bicker around and Daniel tells Victor to keep Vivian away from his patients, especially the ones he's manufactured during his one-night-stands.

Phillip says the shooting was an accident but it was bad. He also says Melanie will be OK. Stephanie realizes Melanie is still in the hospital, remembers Nathan went there and bolts from the pub like she's just had a double helping of chowdah and the rest rooms are outside.

Nathan thinks Melanie is hiding something from him. Melanie flashes back to giving Stephanie the note. She huffs, puffs, whines and hyperventilates, "You know what's wrong."

"Just tell me," begs Nathan.

Victor scolds Vivian for visiting Melanie's room. Vivian revs up a truckload of excuses but Victor stops her short, "That dithering thing you do on me stopped working back in the Reagan administration."

Vivian admits she was going to smother Melanie, but reminds him she didn't go through with it. She says she now realizes Carly is the target, not Melanie, "And, don't forget, Carly has now arranged her own poetic justice."

Bo says, "I understand wanting to punish yourself. I've wanted to do that in my life, too. That's why I married Hope. God knows, that's enough punishment for any man. I also wanted to do it after Zack died. Melanie needs you." Seeing he's not getting through, Bo resorts to reverse psychology. Bo's brain works better in reverse anyway, "You'll go to jail and I'll miss a future with you. A future I thought you wanted as much as I do. Am I wrong?"

Nathan tends to Melanie's hysteria. He sticks a stethoscope down the front of her gown, "Nothing there..." Stephanie watches.

Bo continues to work on Carly, "Not too far down the road all this will be behind you and we'll have that fresh start. Isn't that worth fighting for?" Carly leaps over the table and into his arms.

Bo clears the table and gets ready for action right then and there. "Not here," says Carly, "That would be gross. There are chowdah stains on that table."

Nathan examines Melanie, "It was just an anxiety attack."

Stephanie walks in, "I just heard."

"I was wondering where you were," says Melanie.

"I was out of town," says Stephanie.

"You too," says Melanie. Suddenly she gets it, "Oh, you guys went away together, huh?"

Phillip finds Carly at the dock. She says Bo told her what happened, "How is Melanie?"

Phillip starts up the lecture. Carly shuts him up and says Phillip can't take Melanie back to the Kiriakis mansion with Vivian there.

Vivian defends herself. Victor asks, "Have you noticed that nondescript brown sedan parked outside? That's Bo's guy. He wants to make a case against you and wants me to help. I would become father of the year for helping Bo do that, and you'd move into a big house with a lot of scary horny women."

Vivian insists she is no longer a threat to Melanie. Victor reminds her she's had that epiphany before. "It's true this time," insists Vivian, "I swear on Lawrence's life."

"Lawrence's life," chokes Victor, "He's as dead as vaudeville!"

Daniel goes into Melanie's room but leaves when he sees the crowd. Stephanie tells Melanie she and Nathan went skiing. Melanie gets sarcastic, "Oooooo... Butter and rum by the fire. Sounds great."

"It was more like Mazola and whipped cream by the fire," says Stephanie.

"Sounds like you two had so much fun," says Melanie.

"We did."


Nathan asks what Melanie was trying to tell him before Stephanie butted in. "Doesn't matter now," says Melanie, "I think you should get going." Stephanie starts to leave but Melanie says she meant Nathan should go. He leaves and we have a gen-u-wine bitchstare.

Outside, Bo finds Daniel. He asks to talk to Melanie, but Daniel gets nasty, "That's not OK. Not one bit OK. Melanie is in no condition to be grilled."

"No grilling," says Bo, "Unless she doesn't cooperate. Then I drag out the bright light and the rubber hose."

Daniel knows Bo knows Melanie is his daughter, "I busted my ass to get Carly on staff here at the hospital. If you keep being her wingman, you will regret it."

Carly stands at the pier and hears a ship's bell in the distance. She flashes back to a time when Bo rung her bell.

Phillip walks in on Victor and Vivian. He says Melanie is doing well and will be discharged, "But she's not coming back here until you kick that crazy bitch to the curb. Would you like to do the honors or should I?"

Bo says Daniel should still let him ask Melanie a few simple questions. "Coming from you," says Daniel, "they wouldn't be anything but simple."

Stephanie says, "I don't want you to be mad at me."

"It's not you," says Melanie, "It's your boyfriend. He didn't even bother to read my letter. Whatever happened to my letter?"

Stephanie flashes back to tearing it up, "I didn't do anything with it."

"I want you to destroy it," says Melanie, "I wouldn't want anyone to see it." She won't have to ask that twice.

Bo walks in and asks to speak to Melanie alone. Stephanie bolts. Bo gives Melanie his Mortimer Snerd smile.

Victor says Phillip has misinterpreted what Vivian did. Phillip thinks with Vivian there it makes Victor's plotting and scheming more convenient. Victor says, "All right, you gave me your terms and I rejected them... what now?"

Phillip asks, "Are you ready to give up your family for Vivian?"

Victor asks, "Do I need to remind you if it weren't for her you wouldn't be here?"

Phillip says he doesn't need that reminder. He turns to Vivian and tells her he never wants to see her again. Phillip leaves.

Vivian turns to Victor, "I'll go."

Daniel finds Carly in the waiting area. He blows his stack and tells her to stay away from Melanie. "I came to see you," says Carly, "not Melanie." She apologizes for letting the big secret slip when she was with Chloe.

Daniel's in no mood for it, "It's too late for sorry."

"It's also too late for good dialog," says Carly.

Stephanie and Nathan are back together in the waiting area. Stephanie says, "If I had known Melanie was going to get shot I would have..."

Nathan interrupts, "What?"

Bo sits with Melanie. He tells her if she thinks Trent was bad, he had nothing on Lawrence Alamain, "He killed a good friend of mine and raped one of Hope's cousins."

"Sounds like you and Carly are a match made in heaven," says Melanie.

"You're smart," says Bo, "just like your mom."

"Keep insulting her like that and she'll stop sleeping with you," says Melanie.

"I'm sure you've learned from your mistakes just like your mother," says Bo, "You married a great guy. You could have something you thought you would never have... A mother who would love you."

"That bullet that ripped through me had 'love' written all over it," says Melanie, "Why are you telling me this?"

"You're going to have to get used to this new brother in law giving advice," says Bo, "And here's the advice... Give Carly a chance."

Victor tells Vivian, "When you get to where you are going don't unpack everything... you'll be back." Vivian leaves.

Phillip walks in and scolds Bo for questioning Melanie, "You shouldn't even be on this case when you're living with Carly. It's not professional."

"I never let professionalism get in the way of me doing my job," says Bo.

Melanie chimes in, "You want a statement. I'll give you one."

Nathan says the Carly thing explains why Melanie was so furious at him, "We couldn't have done anything to change her situation, right?" Stephanie stares.

Carly says she needs to make this up to Daniel and Melanie. Daniel thinks that's impossible. He tells her Bo is interviewing Melanie, "Your future is in your daughter's hands."

Back in Melanie's room, Bo sets up the recorder, and then Melanie gives her statement, "Vivian wanted to talk to me alone, so we went upstairs. Vivian started talking but not making sense. Then Carly showed up with a gun. She pointed it at me. I thought... 'She's about to kill me and I don't know why.'"

A voice screams from the audience, "I can give you a few reasons..."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds euh...boring !
Maybe SC will save it with decent acting (i am not kidding he was good the last episodes).
Nathan seems quite desperate with his corny fantasies (the rooting lovers on soaps are so cheesy, it's not even funny).
Bo : it's not you freaking business !
You and your stupid advises go away hey maybe you could be friends with Rafe after all, he likes to care about other people's business too !
Don't know don't buy the devil in Stephanie..the evil guys on this show are so lame right now (even Vivian) bring back Lawrence, oh Ej is interesting but not anymore funny, witty, charming as a villiain so it's also disappointing.

5:02 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

"Are you going to be OK?"

In spite of the bullet hole in her chest, Melanie’s mouth is already working at full capacity. Of course she’s going to be OK.

"She snuck in there when the guard was distracted. They found her hovering over Melanie. She was interrupted. She was trying to kill her."

Why is Daniel telling this to Victor? If he is so certain that Vivian tried to kill Melanie, Daniel ought to be contacting the SDP. Should Daniel decide the FBI would be a better option, he could leave a message for Mr. FBI. Rafe can get back to him between boinking sessions with Sami. Me bad. To Rafe, those boink-a-thons are categorized as fact finding missions because he's on the clock.

Nathan wonders if her getting shot is an omen that her marriage is a mistake.

It doesn’t take an omen to know that the marriage was a mistake. All it takes is a Vegas bookie to set the odds on how long the marriage will last.

“…you'd move into a big house with a lot of scary horny women."

I didn’t know that Sami, Stephanie, and Chloe are living together.

"Oooooo... Butter and rum by the fire. Sounds great."

"It was more like Mazola and whipped cream by the fire," says Stephanie.

OMG! What a picture! LOL!!!!!!!!

"You shouldn't even be on this case when you're living with Carly. It's not professional."

"I never let professionalism get in the way of me doing my job," says Bo.

Right on Prevuze!!!

“I thought... 'She's about to kill me and I don't know why.'"

A voice screams from the audience, "I can give you a few reasons..."

Only a few?

Victor stopping at three ho’s – LOL!!!!!!!! Thanks for the recap Prevuze, and happy hump day to the faithful!!!

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Betyar said...

When Prevuze stated that "Bo must have the memory of a goldfish" I hope they understood that Goldfish have NO memory...or at least as much as former Pres Clinton did when he said "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!" Actually, now that I think about it, there's some sort of parallel in this...Clinton vs. Clinton...Bo vs. about punishment enough to last a lifetime!

5:54 AM  
Blogger Firstfall said...

TFP Prevuze!

Betyar, I think goldfish have a limited memory - but they have one! (Mythbusters baby!)

6:30 AM  
Anonymous LemonGrass1985 said...

I think goldfish have a three second memory.

Love Melanie and Phil and I've noticed that Nathan only likes women when they're with Phil. He really does need to get a life of his own.

I, too, miss Ej's wit. I guess those writers got fired along with Scott.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

I would think Melanie getting shot would have more to do with Mellip not being on their honeymoon than Carly being Melanie’s mother. Why would Philip bring up the mommy issue first when he answered Stephanie's question?

"That dithering thing you do on me stopped working back in the Reagan administration" and …you'd move into a big house with a lot of scary horny women" and "Lawrence's life," chokes Victor, "He's as dead as vaudeville!"

Finally! Scenes worth watching tomorrow. Victor is really on a roll. LMAO

Here’s a HUH?! moment:
“Melanie is in no condition to be grilled."

But she’s in condition to find out Carly is her mother and be smothered by a bazillion visitors (once almost literally)?

She pointed it at me. I thought... 'She's about to kill me and I don't know why.'

Wow, talk about revisionist history! Melanie had to leap across half the rooftop in order to throw herself in front of the gun.

Yes, tomorrow's show will be a zap-fest for sure. Thank God for Prevuze!!

6:45 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

I see many of us watched the same Mythbusters. However, they proved over time the goldfish could learn to go through a maze to get the food. I think this puts the fish ahead of Bo. HAHAHAHA

Like bro like bro. Phillip tossing Vivian out of his life has come very close to matching the number of times Lucas disowned Kate.

And why is carefree surfer-dude bachelor Daniel, who used to practically turn green whenever Chloe mentioned kids, now so uber-protective about Melanie? What a character switch.

Loved It's too late for sorry." "It's also too late for good dialog," says Carly. And "Only someone with potent painkillers running through her system would have feelings for you," says Melanie. Only viewers with some potent painkillers running through their system can watch some of this stuff.

But Prevuze is virtually pain free. (Well, for the readers, I don't know how Prevuze does it.)

Thanks and happy mid-week everyone! :D

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bo must have the memory of a goldfish"

That's an insult to goldfish everywhere!!!

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Mel said...

Okay, in Prevuze II when Melanie finishes telling Bo what happened it seriously looks like Bo is choking back a laugh, in fact, when I think about it, during the telling, Melanie has a big smile on her face!! Me thinks there were some hijinks going on off-screen.

I guess if we can't have Steve w/ his "one liners" Victor is the next best thing - scary, horny women - now that's funny!

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Lemograss 1985 has James Scott been fired? Inquiring minds want to know? c.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Donna said...

James Scott fired? Uuuuhhh, what??!

I gotta know now.. does Victor really say the word horny?

5:04 PM  

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