Friday, February 19, 2010

The Three Stooges On Crack

Arianna pours Brady a cup-o-joe at the pub as Brady reads a text from EJ, "EJ wants to meet me at the pier. OK — We hate each other's guts so why not hang out?" He gives Arianna a smooch & go. Some nasty guy follows him out the door.

Rafe comes in talking on the phone and ranting about dragging the river. Arianna hears him and gets all upset. "I'm sorry," says Rafe, "I'm losing it."

"I hate to tell you," says Arianna, "But you never had it in the first place. What happened?" He tells her about the bloody clothing.

Arianna whines, "I'm so sorry."

Rafe runs off the rails, "It doesn't prove anything! She could still be alive!"

"She'd be pretty cold undressed and floating in the river, though," says Arianna.

EJ strolls Outside as Anna calls. She tells him he's being cruel. He tells her she's being paid to do what she's been told.

Victor is at the police station talking on the phone with Daniel, "What do you mean Melanie is still in a coma?"

"I'm not sure," says Daniel, "I think I mean she's still in a coma."

"My high and mighty son called me down to the police station for questioning," says Victor, "I don't know what he wants to talk to me about. Carly is locked up — case closed."

Bo walks up and overhears, "Not exactly."

"Gotta go," says Victor, "Here comes the gestapo."

Bo takes him in for questioning, "There are a few things I'd like to know about your girlfriend."

Phillip screams for Vivian to come downstairs. She slowly comes down and asks what is wrong. Phillip unloads on her as he picks up a poker, "Tell me exactly what happened at the wedding reception."

Carly begs, "Baby, wake up."

Melanie's eyes open and shift around like a couple of crazed pinballs, "Where am I? Why are you here?"

"You're in the hospital, and you will be fine."

"What happened," gasps Melanie.

"Before or after I blew your butt to kingdom come?"

Melanie starts to remember things, "We got married... Where is Phillip?" She struggles to get up...


Apparently the drugs haven't kicked in. She goes into a rage that would do Sami Brady proud.

"You were shot," says Carly.

Phillip pokes the poker. Vivian cowers, "Put it down."

Phillip refuses, "I might need it. I am angry at my father. Seems he knew a big secret involving Melanie. Someone was plotting against her."


Phillip's eyes bug out like a Boston Terrier standing on a hotplate, "YES!"


Phillip grits his teeth, "My father chose not to tell anyone and now we don't know if she'll live."

Vivian turns away from the menacing poker as Phillip corners her, "Because Carly shot her."

Phillip is totally unglued, "Don't say Carly's name. I'm angry with my father. I want him to pay!"

Vivian asks, "What does that have to do with me?"

Phillip explodes, "He loves you. I kill you and he suffers. I want revenge. Would you do something like that?"


Phillip blows a gasket, "I don't believe a word you're saying!" He holds the poker parallel to the floor and rams it into Vivian's throat.

Bo tells Victor Vivian will pay for what she is done. Victor thinks it's wrong for the commissioner to be so biased. Bo tells him Hope remembers what happened in the basement and brings up the conversation she had was with Victor.

"All we talked about," says Victor, "was the wedding and Greek tragedy."

Bo tells him about the receipt for a comb. "It won't be difficult to prove accessory after the fact or conspiracy." Victor stares.

Vivian begs Phillip to stop. He tells her Hope corroborated everything, "You think Carly deserves to die because she did something to someone you love."

Vivian chokes, "Yes..."

"SO," screams Phillip, "You just gave me permission to do this." He cocks the poker back and gets ready to swing for the fences.

Melanie flashes back to getting shot, "You did it! You shot me!"

"Nobody's perfect."

EJ wraps things up with Anna and tells her to keep her mouth shut as Brady walks up. Anna turns to Sydney, "I can't get through to him when he is like this. Like Stefano. She looks at Tony's picture, "What am I gonna do?"

"Just hold on," says Tony, "I'll help when I come back from the dead."

Rafe continues to insist they don't know if Sydney is dead. Arianna asks if he told Sami this. "It's not a good idea says Rafe," says Rafe, "She's mad at me right now. She thinks I panicked the kidnapper. She thinks I'm dealing with this like it's any normal case, so she pushed me out."

EJ says he needs Brady to tell Nicole something, "Tell her Sydney is dead."

Arianna says Rafe shouldn't say anything to Sami, "Let her handle this her own way. And you keep doing what you think is right."

Brady gasps when he hears the news, "OMG! Sami knows?

"Yeah," says EJ, "And Nicole should hear it from someone who cares. I don't know how Samantha will get through this."

Victor calls Bo's bluff, "You don't have squat... unless you could find the person who did the work."

"He disappeared," says Bo.

"It's not hard to do when the SPD is after you," says Victor, "He and his wife have never seen Delphi."

"So you sent him to Greece," says Bo.

"No," says Victor, "An automotive plant in Kokomo. This is over."

Bo tells him he went to far this time. Victor disagrees, "Melanie is fighting for her life because your slut girlfriend shot her and she will pay." He leaves.

Abe walks in, "That went well."

"I knew the bluff wouldn't work," says Bo, "But I've got nothing else."

"I know," says Abe, "You're big on bluff, but not much when it comes to little things like facts, clues and evidence."

Back in Melanie's room...


Daniel rushes in as Melanie screams and tells Carly to get out. Melanie nukes, "She shot me! Why are you letting her go?"

"Because the awards ceremony for shooting you isn't until later," says Daniel, "She donated blood for you."

Melanie asks, "Why would she do that?"

"You need to ask her."

Phillip rages. He makes a check-swing, "You're not worth it. You're not worth anything." He flings the poker and starts to go. Vivian tells him when he calms down he'll realize it's all a pack of lies. Phillip ain' buyin' what Vivian's sellin'.

Carly stands out in the hall and cries as Daniel comes out. He says he thinks Melanie will be OK, "She'd like to see you — behind bars."

"I'm scared," says Carly.

Daniel gives her a grope for good luck, "Keep your chin up."

Melanie looks at Carly as she comes into the room, "Why did you shoot me?"

"I believe in doing my civic duty."

Abe wants Bo to do something drastic like make a case. Bo defends himself, "Just because this is personal doesn't mean I can't do my job."

"You can't do your job when it isn't personal," says Abe, "Slow down and think about what this could do to your family."

"I would," says Bo, "If there was anything left of my family."

Vivian bobs and weaves, "I knew Carly was Melanie's biological mother. I took Melanie up to the roof to explain things. Carly is the one who shot her."

Phillip is apoplectic, "You and Dad both have a story for everything."

"Melanie suffered all her life," says Vivian, "because Carly was a horrible mother."

Daniel calls Victor and tells him Melanie is OK. He asks to talk to Phillip. Victor says he'll have him call. He hangs up and drones, "So, Carly... Melanie will be able to testify against you."

Carly tiptoes around the subject at hand. There's too much of the show left to drop the big bomb right now. She says Vivian wanted to hurt Melanie and that's why she fired the gun, "You stepped in front of her and saved her life. But she wanted to beat you with the steel pipe she was holding. This wasn't about you."

Melanie doesn't get it, "She wanted to beat me in the head, but it wasn't about me?"

"No," says Carly, "It was about me."

Arianna finds Brady and EJ, "Rafe told me what happened. I'm sorry."

EJ is aloof, "Did he? Is he?" Brady wants to know what this is all about.

EJ says, "My daughter is dead because of your brother." He leaves. Arianna fills Brady in on what Rafe said. She defends Rafe and riles against Sami for not understanding. Brady tells her EJ asked him to tell Nicole.

Arianna flips out, "Sydney is dead because of her and we're supposed to feel sorry for her? I Hope it kills her."

Abe asks Bo to tell Carly to keep a low profile. "I'm already on top of it," says Bo, "And Carly."

Victor comes in as Vivian and Phillip continue to argue. "Carly is self absorbed," says Vivian.

Phillip shuts her up and sees Victor. Victor tells him Melanie is awake. Phillip heads for the hospital. "Give her my love," says Vivian.

Phillip turns and unloads on her, "I see right past your ghastly smile into your decay-ridden soul." He turns and leaves.

Victor says, "You have some bridge building to do."

"I've lost him," says Vivian.

"You deserve to."

"It's Carly's fault," she says.

Carly tries to 'splain things to Melanie, "Vivian wanted to hurt you. She blamed me for my husband's death."

"Well," says Melanie, "You did stab him."

"She knew it would kill me if anything happened to you," says Carly.


"I'd tell you now, but... let's drag this out until the end of the episode, shall we?"

Rafe is at the pub on the phone with Tim, thanking him for what he has done. He gets off and looks at a picture of Sami and Sydney, then he gets up and leaves.

EJ calls Anna and says she might not hear from him for a couple of hours.

Bo tries to call Carly but can't reach her, "We need to talk." He gets off and tells Abe Carly is probably sleeping. Abe reminds him since he posted bail what she does is his responsibility. Abe leaves. Bo huffs, "Thanks for the support. Come on Carly... tell me I didn't make a mistake."

Victor pours a drink. Vivian says that's a good idea and asks him to pour her one, too. He tells her he's cutting off her booze given all the scrutiny she will be under. Vivian protests, "I can handle that."

"Really," growls Victor, "The way you handled the last fiasco? That really ran like a Swiss watch, didn't it? All the planning... All the audio-visual aids... The Three Stooges on crack could have come up with a better plan."

Vivian defends herself, "But all's well that ends well. Phillip and Melanie will be OK. Carly will be in prison and Bo can do nothing."

"Bo can do nothing as long as I keep quiet," says Victor, "You disobey me one more time and you will spend your golden years in an orange jumpsuit."

Carly whines, "You mean a lot to me."

Melanie doesn't understand why, "We just met."

"No," says Carly, "We met once before. Long, long ago and far, far away."

Arianna insists Nicole is responsible for all this and tells Brady he shouldn't defend her. Brady says Nicole is out of their lives. Arianna doesn't believe that is true, "She's standing right here... between us."

Rafe walks up to Sami's door and knocks. EJ answers.

Vivian says, "You won't put me away because of what you would miss."

"What," snarks Victor, "your delightful company?"

"No," says Vivian, "It would exonerate Carly."

"Don't push it," sneers Victor, "This isn't over yet." He leaves.

"You're not kidding," says Vivian.

Bo rants because he can't contact Carly, "Dammit... you didn't... you did not!" She did.

Daniel stops Phillip from rushing in to see Melanie. Phillip wonders why he is stalling

The old John and Marlena tinkle music plays. Melanie loses her patience, "Dammit, Carly tell me what you know!"

"The reason you don't remember when we met before is you were just a little baby. I only held you for a moment, but it was the most wonderful moment of my life."

Why would holding some baby be the most wonderful moment of your life," Enquiring minds want to know.

Finally... we get to the point after the longest hour in the history of television... well, except for the last episode of DOOL... or the one before that... "I was holding my daughter," says Carly, "Melanie, I'm your mother."

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Anonymous Leslie said...

"I'm sorry," says Rafe, "I'm losing it."

"I hate to tell you," says Arianna, "But you never had it in the first place.”

Arianna is the smarter of the two siblings but that’s not saying much.

Melanie's eyes open and shift around like a couple of crazed pinballs.

This I’ve got to see! LOL!!!!

She looks at Tony's picture, "What am I gonna do?"

"Just hold on," says Tony, "I'll help when I come back from the dead."

Since Thaao is not allowing DOOL to use his image out of the goodness of his heart, there’s got to be a reason that they keep showing that photograph. Hopefully, Prevuze is on to something!

Melanie looks at Carly as she comes into the room, "Why did you shoot me?"

"I believe in doing my civic duty."

Too bad Carly didn’t finish the job.

"I've lost him," says Vivian.

"You deserve to."

"It's Carly's fault," she says.

That’s not exactly accurate but I’ve got to give Vivian props. She’s the most entertaining whack job in Salem.

Nicole is out of their lives. Arianna doesn't believe that is true, "She's standing right here... between us."

If these two were conversing anywhere else on the planet except Salem, Arianna wouldn’t be concerned about Nicole. After all Nicole got 20 years in the big house for the Sydnapping but the DOOL creative team will come up with some bizarre reason to get Nicole out of the slammer early. I’m sure it will be equally as brilliant as the reasoning they used to keep Arianna from going back to prison. Geez!

Bulldog that wedding dress does look like something you can pick up at Target! LOL!!! Arianna and Brady dealing with tragedy Sami and Rafe style – love it! Instead of grief counseling, it’s called boink each other's brains out therapy. TGIF and TGFP!!!!!!!!!!!!

5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sound like a rather good episode..for once.
I am looking forward the Philip and Vivian scene and the Victor and Vivian scene.
The writers give some good one-liners to Victor but they should to give it also to others characters; that would make them more fun and really most of them really need to be less lame and more fun !
I love Ej i can't help it, ok he is out of control right now but at least he is again smart (remember last year he was totally dumbass a la Austin Reed but Stefano Dimera as a mentor to save him euh..forget what i said it wasn't enough..grrr painful to watch) and manipulate everybody..i don't feel sorry for them, they are so self-righteous, they deserve it hahaha. And we see that on his hit-list/revenge mode he doesn't forget the little Nicole ! lol
And the big revelation is here for Carly and Melanie !
Oh and i also looking forward the Bo and Vic scene, the dialogue seems good.
p.s: i know Sami is not on the epi but i just want to say it is really needed to see her with other characters than Rafe or Ej. The girl needs to interact with her family, her children and to have girlfriends ! Why Arianna is buddy buddy with Mel, Stef or even Chloe but Sami doesn't have the right to have a friend in years ?!!! The last time she had a girlfriend she was a teen ! I really wanted a Sami and Hilda team up in this freaking storyline instead of a dullest love-interest like Rafe !

6:01 AM  
Anonymous Berg said...

Since Thaao is not allowing DOOL to use his image out of the goodness of his heart, there’s got to be a reason that they keep showing that photograph. Hopefully, Prevuze is on to something! I am hoping the same thing Leslie.

6:13 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Phillip's eyes bug out like a Boston Terrier standing on a hotplate,

How would Prevuze know what a Boston looks like on a….OMG - Killer! How’s Killer! Do we need to call PETA??

"Why did you shoot me?" "I believe in doing my civic duty."

More like a humanitarian act to put a good chunk of the audience out of their misery.

"Bo can do nothing as long as I keep quiet," says Victor, "You disobey me one more time and you will spend your golden years in an orange jumpsuit."

We’ve been down this road before with both Victor & Stefano. Once they get to this point their threats to turn their victims over to the police are pretty much just a bunch of hot air. If they turn their blackmail victim in they’d be in just as much trouble as accessories before, during and after the fact. A better threat would be to promise Vivian a nice long sleep at the bottom of a landfill somewhere.

Carly, "Melanie, I'm your mother."

OK, NOW Melanie should be screaming her head off.

Bulldog, your picture was right on {snicker} target. And loved all the Carly snark. However it should be pointed out that it wasn’t Carly’s lousy aim that got Melanie shot. Even though Vivian was scaring Melanie to death, pushing her toward the edge of the roof, the little twit jumped in front of Viv when Carly pulled the trigger.

Even though it’s sleeting and nasty outside, it’s warm and toasty and snarky inside with Prevuze. TGIP!

6:38 AM  
Blogger edwardsgirl20 said...

Its about time carly tells melanie! that was making me crazy! phillip should have taken vivian OUT! This is gonna be a good show today:)

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

Bo can really pick 'em can't he? Why does the guy even bother to tell Hope or Carly not to do something? I hope Carly gets her butt tossed in jail permanently for rushing right over to the hospital. And how great would it be if Bo demanded she pay back the bail with interest?

Now, I know you can't apply logic to Daze and I'm certainly no medical expert. But I'd think anyone who just came out of near-death heart surgery wouldn't know what planet they were on for several hours. They'd be totally out of it and in intensive care for at least awhile. But there's Melanie, not only remembering what just happened but learning about her life history from Carly. And, I'm willing to bet, with full wedding makeup still intact.

Thank God I read this at home at not at work. I got completely hysterical over the image of a Boston on a hotplate. One of the best Prevuze descriptions ever! HAHAHAHAHAHA

I also enjoyed Bo defends himself, "Just because this is personal doesn't mean I can't do my job." "You can't do your job when it isn't personal," says Abe and "What do you mean Melanie is still in a coma?" "I'm not sure," says Daniel, "I think I mean she's still in a coma."

Great TGIF recap and pictures today. Have a nice Friday and weekend everyone. :D

8:07 AM  
Anonymous WingNut '75 said...

Cleanup on aisle 3! When will I learn that it's never safe to have anything in my mouth while reading Prevuze. I can't believe nobody has commented on it yet, but my favorite line is the title of todays thrilling episode...

"That really ran like a Swiss watch, didn't it? All the planning... All the audio-visual aids... The Three Stooges on crack could have come up with a better plan."

At least I missed spewing on my keyboard this time and just got my desk...

And I'm with Leslie and Berg - here's to hoping Tony's on his way back from the dead.

As for the Nicole saintification process, my money is on her somehow (from prison) figuring out that EJ is behind the Sydnapping. Scami will be so thrilled to have her baby back that she will plead with the judge to reduce/suspend Nicole's sentence. Scami and Nicole will end up the best of friends, and eventually sisters-in-law. Anyone want to put some money on it? (I've gotta' make back some of my Super Bowl losses) Prevuze® - best online gambling site on the internet.

But hey, it's Friday, the sun is shining (temporarily) and the temp is almsot over freezing (though I'm glad we're supposed to get more snow next week so I can go skiing next weekend). TGFP!

P.S. Word verification - sufra as in "I can't believe we are still sufra'n through this stupid Sydnapping storyline."

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't Carly have a son? Wasn't it the happiest moment of her life when he was born too? Poor Nicky.

What is wrong with Bo? I didn't have a problem with Bo and Carly, but he seems to have lost his mind. Isn't he worried about Hope at all? She's been unconscious longer than Mel. And he's all about Carly. Hope is right this time. Their marriage really does seem to be over.

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't Carly have a son? Wasn't it the happiest moment of her life when he was born too? Poor Nicky.

No, because when he was born, she was told that he died.

11:28 AM  
Blogger cassandraleighx said...

Doesn't Carly have a son? Wasn't it the happiest moment of her life when he was born too? Poor Nicky.

Vivian took him from her for eight years. She thought she lost Nicky because Vivian told her he was dead.

By the way, I'm VERY happy that she finally told Melanie. Evidently she lets Carly stay so she can know who her father is. :)

12:16 PM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

How would Prevuze know what a Boston looks like on a….OMG - Killer! How’s Killer!

Hungry, as usual. Also peeved that a cat has moved in to share his domain.

One of Killer's predecessors liked, of all things, watermelon. I'm sure it wasn't good for him, but every now and then we would give him some. When you held a piece of watermelon in front of that dog's face his eyes would pop across the room. That's the image I should have used, but no one would have gotten it.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

Prevuze® - best online gambling site on the internet.

So that's why I just got a call from the IRS.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

One of Killer's predecessors liked, of all things, watermelon. One of our Bulldogs very favorite treat was the garlic cheese biscuits from Red Lobster. I'm sure that wasn't good for him either so he only got a little. But just the sight of them would send him into a frenzy. We have to make note of this every time we eat there. HA

1:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"SO," screams Phillip, "You just gave me permission to do this." He cocks the poker back and gets ready to swing for the fences.
Remembering the boat fiasco, I don't know how Philip became a soldier. He doesn't seem to able to handle stress well.

"She'd like to see you — behind bars."
Wouldn't we all.

Phillip is apoplectic, "You and Dad both have a story for everything."
I'm going to watch this episode just to see Philip bounce off the walls.

"Melanie suffered all her life," says Vivian, "because Carly was a horrible mother."
Hmm... technically Carly wasn't Melanie's mother for that long, so she suffered at the hands of Trent.

She defends Rafe and riles against Sami for not understanding.
Yep. I'm sure Rafe is suffering far more than the actual mother of the child.

"Sydney is dead because of her and we're supposed to feel sorry for her? I Hope it kills her."
Said the self-righteous former drug abuser-dealer.

"It's Carly's fault," she says.
It's always Carly's fault. Give it a rest.

~I'd rather see all the Hernandez's gone and if takes Nicole getting out of prison to start the process, then I'll just have to support it.

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so i'm a day late and a dollar short. I just got to watch todays show. Yesterday Prevuze.Got to the end and it was nice to see the Frances Reid, the Queen of the soaps. Finally on days they did a little right. She will be sorely missed.

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew there was something I was forgetting about Nicky and Carly and Vivian, but I couldn't remember when they were first separated. That makes sense. Although, I guess this was almost the same situation except she got to hold her first and at least she knew/believed she was alive. She still had them ripped away from her when they were first born. That isn't cool, but I think it's way too late to do anything about it now.

10:21 AM  

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