Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bad Vibrations

Missing a day of DOOL is like missing root canal. Unfortunately in either case, you're just postponing the misery until later. Here's what happened during yesterday's lost root canal session:

Rafe, Sami and EJ go through an angst-riddled conversation. Sami thinks Rafe isn't grieving for Sydney and kicks him out.

Sami discovers Rafe at his office, crying over Sydney.

Mia continues to attempt to undermine Gabi's relationship with Chad.

Bo gets upset with Carly for violating the terms of her release by going to see Melanie.

Lawrence the phantom urges Vivian to finish what she started with Melanie. Vivian realizes that's what has to be done.

Carly and Melanie's "mother and child reunion" doesn't go so well.

Melanie tells Phillip what Carly said about being her mother.

So, for those who haven't gone catatonic from all that excitement, here is today's spine-tingling edition:

Bo and Carly are at the pier. Phillip calls Carly and tells her Melanie wants to see her. Bo blows his stack, but Carly insists she has to go. Unwavering Bo "stands firm" but then decides to go with her. The man is the Rock of Gibraltar, isn't he?

Melanie dreams about the shooting and wakes with a start. Phillip decides she is in no condition to see Carly, but Melanie begs him to let her come anyway.

Stefano stands in the rumpus room talking on the phone. He crushes a cuban with his bare hands. He also crushes a cigar. Hey, what's a $75 cigar compared to two seconds of melodrama? "Thank you for letting me know," he drones.

He hangs up as Kate comes in and sees him brooding, "It's Sydney, isn't it?"

"No," says Stefano, "She hasn't called me in weeks."

Officer Lopez walks into the bustling cop-shop bullpen. He finds Hope sitting at a desk working and faints from the shock. Hope gets a call, "I'm sorry, but I can't comment on the Sydney DiMera case... OMG! No! that can't be true."

Rafe sits in his office and flashes back to bringing Sydney back to Sami. He holds Sydney's bloody clothes and huffs and puffs, then breaks down and cries. It becomes uncontrollable since emotion is a new thing to Rafe. Sami walks in and finds him bawling. Sami just can't have it that someone else is having a good cry without her, so she joins in.

EJ is at the hideout and tells Anna he's leaving Salem... for good.

Stefano tells Kate they found Sydney's bloody dress in the Salem river, "The FBI says she's dead..." Stefano breaks down and bawls, "My precious little Sydney is dead..."

EJ says he's going to tell Sami he needs a break and will take Johnny with him for moral support, then grab Sydney and head out on a permanent vacation. "And Sami will be permanently heartbroken," says Anna.

Rafe sees Sami and rustles through some papers like he's busy or something, but... hey, he's busted.

Carly and Bo head for Melanie's room. Phillip lets them in. Bo decides his eardrums can't take the shouting that is surely to follow so he goes out into the waiting area where he sees Hope.

"Thank God I found you," says Hope.

"That's your opinion," says Bo.

Sami says she should have known Rafe would grieve for Sydney and that he was just trying to be strong for her.

Hope drops the Sydney bomb on Bo. It reminds them of their ordeal with Ciara. Bo grabs her and hugs.

Carly wakes Melanie, "It's me, your mother."

Melanie comes unglued, "Don't ever call yourself that again says Melanie.

Hope suggests getting together with Ciara for dinner. Bo thinks that would be just great but, unfortunately, he's indisposed. He says he has to stay there. Hope assumes it has to do with Carly. That does it. Hope gives him a verbal thrashing, "You've been playing hero to her ever since she came back to Salem. You've sacrificed everything. I Hope to hell she's worth it." Hope stomps off.

Melanie says she wants answers, "I want to know how I came into this world. I want to know who I am."

"You are Premiere Party Girl. And as your mother I must tell you, I don't approve. You're grounded, young lady."

Sami is sorry for this, that and everything in between. Rafe is sorry he broke his promise and let her down. I'm sorry I'm watching. They go on and on about all this sorriness and seem so miserable and grief stricken I'm surprised they don't clear the desk and romp right there.

Kate comforts Stefano, who rants about his bastard son. He says he was certain Sydney would come back, "OMG, how could this happen? How could I be so wrong?" He proves Sami Brady ain' go nuthin on him as he collapses into a heap o' tears.

Anna tells Sydney she will miss her. EJ wonders where her maternal instincts were with Carrie. "I knew Carrie would be better off without me," says Anna.

EJ says he isn't having his children torn between two families, "They are DiMeras through and through."

Hope is at the Kiriakis mansion. Victor shows up and she says she has some questions for him.

Melanie asks Phillip to leave, "I think Carly will be more open with me if we are alone. I want to get this over with and then I'll never have to look at her again." Translation: by Christmas, they'll be singing Kum Bah Yah and hanging their bulbs next to each other on the Horton tree. Phillip leaves. Outside, he fills Bo in. Phillip is mad at the world, including Bo.

Melanie tells Carly about her parents, Jane and Trent. Carly says she didn't realize what a monster Trent was or she would never have let him raise her. Melanie blames Carly for making her life a living hell.

Sami says she couldn't get through anything without Rafe and a box of tissues.

Kate tells Stefano he can't blame himself for Sydney's death. Stefano zones out and talks about the way things could have been. He vows revenge on EJ, "God only knows what will happen to him. I swear to it. I swear to it."

EJ hands Sydney off to Anna and tells them both he will be back. He leaves and Anna says she has a bad feeling the plan will blow up in EJ's face.

Hope confronts Victor with the fact she knows he replaced the deadly comb. "That's far-fetched," says Victor, "You should focus on your true enemy, yourself."

Phillip lectures Bo for not telling him Carly was Melanie's mother. Bo defends his actions. Phillip vows to make sure nothing ever happens to Melanie again, "Melanie and I have something very special together... matching bullet wounds."

Carly tells Melanie when she was conceived she was married to Lawrence, who was a dangerous man, "He became paranoid and cruel."

"So you cheated on him," asks Melanie.

"Do as I say, not as I do," says mommy, "I'm not proud of it. I vowed in the future I would kill him before I went slumming again, so I wouldn't be a married woman having an adulterous affair. He told me he would kill you if I didn't pawn you off on some poor, unsuspecting schlump." Melanie wonders how Carly knows for sure she is her daughter.

Kate reminds Stefano there is nothing to say for sure Sydney is dead. EJ walks in, "So... you heard."

Stefano runs off the rails, "But not from you, you swine. Why didn't you let me know? Instead, I had to hear it from an outsider."

EJ explodes, "Because you are an outsider. You might want to steel yourself, old man. I'm taking a little trip and taking Johnny with me." Stefano flips out. Italian cruses fly. "There is nothing you can do," says EJ, "I'm taking Johnny away from the bad vibrations of this place."

Sami and Rafe cling to each other. Sami assures Rafe, "I don't blame you for Sydney's death, but wait a nanosecond and I'll change my mind. I love you so much, and that is what matters."

Carly says she remembers holding Melanie for the first time, "It was the most special moment of my life."

We flash back to Carly and Lawrence in the hospital room. He graciously lets Carly hold Melanie as unseen Trent waits in the wings to take her. Carly looks down at the little bundle of joy and vows, "Someday..."

Lawrence snatches the kid away, "It's even more painful now, isn't it?" He walks off as Carly bawls.

Carly snaps back to reality, "I knew I would always be able to recognize you."

Melanie asks, "So your daughter has a birthmark?"

"Yes," says Carly, "A picture of Satan on her forehead."

Hope tells Victor she can back Carly's story up, that she feared for Melanie's life.

"So," says Victor, "your testimony can keep Carly out of jail and in Bo's bed." A referee tosses a flag and penalizes Victor for unsportsmanlike conduct. "But," says Victor, "if you don't cooperate, she'll be out of Bo's life forever."

Rafe vows not to stop looking for Sydney's kidnapper. They leave to go back home, "We'll start looking for her in your bedroom."

Sympathetic Kate thinks Sami might need Johnny in her time of grief. "She has two other children," says EJ, "With Sami, kids are interchangeable." He goes.

Stefano thinks EJ is acting nervous and edgy. "I can tell something is amiss."

"I think you're a mile off," says Kate.

"Why would you say that," asks Stefano.

"Because you know what they say," says Kate, "Amiss is as good as a mile."

Bo tells Phillip he's having an officer posted at Melanie's door for protection. Phillip insists he can take care of her. "You got the wrong idea," says Bo, "I'm having him posted there to protect the rest of the hospital from Melanie. And I want your statement about the shooting."

Phillip nukes, "OK, here's my statement — I wasn't there when it happened and neither were you, and you aren't using me to get the woman you are sleeping with off scott-free."

Carly says she lived with Lawrence's abuse for years and then he vowed to track Melanie down. So she killed him.

The awful realization hits Melanie, "So, a man is dead because of me."

"Actually," says Carly, "Two men if you count the fact that Nick killed Trent because of you."

Hope refuses to make a disgusting deal with Victor. Victor twists the knife, "But Bo is with Carly and you're all alone."

"I'll be all right," says Hope, "I have a supply of pet flies I can pull the wings off of until Bo gets back."

Rafe tucks Sami in, "Get some rest." Sami asks him to stay with her a little bit. Rafe is all-too-happy to jump into bed with her. Outside, EJ comes up to the door and knocks.

Phillip accuses Bo of being loyal to Carly, "Are you blind?"

"I must be," says Bo, "I married Hope."

Hope walks up, "And... he's in love with Carly."

Carly insists none of this is Melanie's fault.

"I'm a curse on everyone's life," screams the curse, "I thought it was enough I had Trent's blood running through my veins, but I have yours too.

"It's not Trent," says Carly, "He isn't your father." The surprises just keep rolling in.

Victor calls Stefano and says he has to meet with him. Stefano isn't in the mood, but Victor convinces him. He hangs up and suggests Kate disappear because Victor is on the way over, "I have no idea what he wants but I'm sure we'll find out, won't we?"

Sami and Rafe cuddle. Not only is Rafe spending every waking minute tracking down Sydney's kidnapper, but he's also doing it without any clothes on because he's so busy looking for her he doesn't have time to get dressed.

Outside, EJ uses the hide-a-key and invites himself into Sami's place. He comes in and calls for her. No answer, so he walks to the bedroom door and gets a free show.

NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuze

Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:22 AM  
Anonymous Maggie Mae said...

Along with anonymous I need to hear it from a totally unbiased viewer, how did GG handle a crying scene?
I know the writers are twisting themselves into a knot trying to figure out new and improved ways to get the viewers to root for Safe, but squirting out a tear or two isn't helping.

4:36 AM  
Anonymous Berg said...

I don't care how GG handled the crying scene - I am worried about the breakfast I just lost given how DOOL ends today and will probably start tomorrow. Maybe I should skip breakfast tomorrow?

5:00 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

"It's Sydney, isn't it?"

"No," says Stefano, "She hasn't called me in weeks."

LOL!!! What? EJ took Sydney’s cell phone away from her?

Sami walks in and finds him bawling. Sami just can't have it that someone else is having a good cry without her, so she joins in.

Rafe and Sami join together to cry themselves a river. Spare me their grief – geez!

Stefano breaks down and bawls.

Well isn’t Daze just a veritable blubberitorium today?

They go on and on about all this sorriness and seem so miserable and grief stricken I'm surprised they don't clear the desk and romp right there.

Isn’t that the truth? Dealing with depression, anger, and agony over the presumed death of a missing child is better than foreplay to get this ridiculous duo in the mood for some quality schtupping.

Phillip is mad at the world, including Bo.

Phillip should be mad at himself. He’s the idiot that thought it was an excellent idea to marry Melanie.

"Melanie and I have something very special together... matching bullet wounds."

…and they also share a good plastic surgeon. The next time we have the supreme pleasure of watching them romp (gosh, I think my tongue is stuck in my cheek), they will be scar free.

No answer, so he walks to the bedroom door and gets a free show.

It appears that the writers dusted off the old “Lucas discovers Sami and EJ in a compromising position” script. This time it’s EJ catching the bawl and boink team giggling in the afterglow. Hmm – I wonder just how angry EJ will be. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m betting the fury level will be around a 187.

Prevuze thanks for bringing us a terrific twofer!!!

5:57 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

I need to hear it from a totally unbiased viewer, how did GG handle a crying scene?


I don't think I have ever been accused of being unbiased before, so...

TELL-YA-WHAT-I'M-GONNA-DO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... I'll include the "Rafe crying scene" in today's Prevuze II, and let you be the judge.

6:09 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

Well isn’t Daze just a veritable blubberitorium today?

And it's the men's turn to cry. None of this screamin' stompin' bouncin' off the walls nuclear stuff... just a good manly sob.

…and they also share a good plastic surgeon. The next time we have the supreme pleasure of watching them romp (gosh, I think my tongue is stuck in my cheek), they will be scar free.

Well, of course. I mean if we can overlook something like an artificial limb, I figure it ought to be a piece of cake to get rid of a couple scars. Just ask Chloe.

6:29 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

He finds Hope sitting at a desk working and faints from the shock.

Pass me the smelling salts while you're at it. I also LOL at these Prevuisms:

"I'll be all right," says Hope, "I have a supply of pet flies I can pull the wings off of until Bo gets back."

Not only is Rafe spending every waking minute tracking down Sydney's kidnapper, but he's also doing it without any clothes on because he's so busy looking for her he doesn't have time to get dressed.

LOL - Cut the guy some slack, Prevuze. He’s got to have some mindless relaxation and since the Olympics have preempted practically everything else on TV what else can he do to pass the time? You know, other than actually looking for Sydney?

If EJ goes through with his (ill conceived) plan then Sami might be heartbroken but she'll also have a mission - finding him and her son. If he never shows back up with Johnny, Sami and her whole family would be after him for kidnapping. She has joint custody of the boy.

Loved Bulldog's pic of Steponme and the separated/not separated at birth pictures. Also Leslie's blubberitorium gets added to our treasury of Prevuze words-of-the-day.

Prevuze is back and the sun is out. A coincidence? I think not!

6:55 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Oh yeah, and thanks to the caption of today's recap I now have the Beach Boy's "Good Vibrations" running through my head.

I suppose it could be worse. The prevuism about Carly & Melanie humming "Kume By Yah" by Christmas time could have triggered an endless loop of THAT insipid song for me.

Oh no, what have I done now? kume by ya, my lord, kume by yah......ACK!

7:03 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

Translation: by Christmas, they'll be singing Kum Bah Yah and hanging their bulbs next to each other on the Horton tree. Not only that, in a few years Carlanie will be giggling and reminiscing about the fun picnics they went on and the bedtime stories Carly used to read to Melanie when she was little, etc. They've done that on Daze before, like Sami and Pard, when viewers with half a memory remembered Pard was held captive by Stefano and Squints was raising the kids.

Speaking of memories, Prevuze has a mind like a steel trap. Since I'm one of those viewers who usually doesn't remember most of this stuff, I'd forgotten about poor ol' Nick offing Trent. BTW - who eventually ended up with the big alternative fuel project gold mine? Or is that another storyline we suffered through just to go unresolved?

Bo gets upset with Carly for violating the terms of her release by going to see Melanie. So he accompanies her back there?!?? To quote Victor the Three Stooges on crack would be better police commissioners than he is.

LOL over "I don't blame you for Sydney's death, but wait a nanosecond and I'll change my mind. and the great separated-not-separated at birth pictures. Great to have you back, Prevuze! :D

8:09 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

Speaking of memories, Prevuze has a mind like a steel trap.

Which begs the question, is steel harder to trap than a raccoon?

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOO not a Rafe/GG fan, but I don't think his crying scene was bad. Its alot more emotion than I've ever seen out of him. I was expecting it to really suck, but I have to give credit where credit is due (as much as it pains me to do so!)

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok i saw the scene, it was not awful but it was not good. He is definitly one of the weakest actor on this show.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Maggie Mae said...

Maybe it'll be better tomorrow. Today it just made me giggle, imagining all the rehearsal it must have taken to slam that phone on the desk.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous the last two. I hate to agree cause I really just don't like the chartacter,but he did a fair job. And thanks so much applecheeks. Kum ba ya my Lord.

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Melissa said...

Loved the Vivian caption of Carly "ho'in" LMAO. Keep up the good work here.

11:11 AM  

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