Monday, September 02, 2024

Condoms Are For Wimps

Gabi, married to Stefan and EJ, Married to Nicole, hook up. They're doing that because Stefan, married to Gabi, had sex with Ava, the town pump. Eric, married to Sloan, and Nicole, married to EJ, run off together. God gives up and strikes adultery off the Ten Commandments. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Gabi: "Do you have protection?" EJ: "Condoms are for wimps." #DAYS

Since all the characters on #DAYS will now be characters on "Body and Soul" from this point forward #DOOL will be formally called "Body and Soul" with far more emphasis on the bodies than the souls.

As close as Stephanie and Alex are standing to practice his lines, they need breath mints. If they stand any closer they'll need protection. #DAYS

Chanel's husband is her director, her father chooses the players, and her kinky sex partner plays opposite her. For Chanel, this is a new kind of three-way. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Leo: "There are lines Leo Stark will not cross." Hattie: "Like what?" Leo: "Truth be told, they haven't found them yet." #DAYS

Chanel to Johnny: "You are the only arrow I want in my quiver." Was that a double-entendr… never mind. I think I figured it out. #DAYS


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