Friday, August 16, 2024


How convenient for Fiona that Brady had a blackout. #DAYS

Brady walks in. Kristen: "Look what the cat dragged in." After last night if the cat dragged Brady in, the cat must have some pretty low standards. #DAYS

At this point wouldn't Brady's breath still smell like the Jack Daniels distillery? #DAYS

Gabi to Kristen: "Do you think Stefan and I have a problem?" With revenge-obsessed Gabi after them, it's Stefan and Ava who have a problem. #DAYS

If the scuttlebut about NewAbby really being Gwen is true she sure dropped her accent awfully fast. OTOH, if it's true, Theresa and Gwen could share a few scenes together. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Kristen: "Stefan loves you. Do you want to lose him?" Gabi: "No. I want to kill him." #DAYS


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