Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Salem City Ordinance 10-2967

When Tate first saw Brady, you want to know exactly how he felt? Just think about that time your dad caught you doing something you weren't supposed to be doing. It was a terrifying moment, wasn't it? #DAYS

EJ to Kristin: "Just what did you do to protect our family?" Salem City Ordinance 10-2967: "It shall be deemed a city violation ever to say the words, 'None of your business.'" #DAYS

Brady has to give Tate some credit for coming clean. Especially for being a guy who thinks he just paralyzed Sarah in a hit and run. #DAYS

OMG! Kristin not only told EJ "it's none of your business," she said "it's none of your DAMN business." A blatant violation of Salem City Ordinance 10-2967. CITIZEN'S ARREST! CITIZEN'S ARREST!

I hope Brady has a "go-bag" packed somewhere. #DAYS


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