Monday, August 19, 2024

Damage Control

They're acting like the DiMera ID card is made out of a diamond-encrusted gold bar. #DAYS

Those guys working in the background at the Bistro are really getting an earful. #DAYS

Steve: "Abigail spent the last few years being lied to and indoctrinated by Clyde Weston." So now that she's home she can be lied to and indoctrinated by everyone else in Salem. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Melinda: "What was so important about this job that is worth lying to get it?" Connie: "The salary." #DAYS

Chad to Jack: "We have to do some damage control." Protip: It's better to exercise the control BEFORE the damage. #DAYS

Jennifer's about as high-strung as Saddam Hussein on the day he died. #DAYS


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