Thursday, October 06, 2005

Charges Dropped

Jack works at the computer. Frankie stands behind him. Jack says, "I... can't tell you how much I appreciate your agreeing to keep this one last secret."

"So you'll just disappear and die alone," asks Frankie.

"I can't put my family through it," says Jack

Frankie asks, "Do you have any idea how angry and upset she'll be?"

POP QUIZ. Guess who just walked in the door...

"How angry and upset I’ll be about what," asks Jennifer.

Marlena asks John if they need to do this. John snorts, "Yeah, we need to do this. You just told me you want a divorce in the middle of a coffee house. We need to have a talk." He throws Alex a look. "In private!"

Marlena says, "I'll just have my attorney call your attorney. I don't want alimony, so it won't be complicated. I don't see why this is such a big deal."

"Today of all days," says John.

"What's so important about today," asks Marlena.

"I know you don't remember," says John, "but today is your birthday. I had plans I’m sure would make you feel differently." Alex has plans, too.

Kate wants to know, "How could I have possibly just helped you save Sami's life."

"You did," says Austin, "She can't possibly be prosecuted. He goes back into Roman's office. Sami is hysterical. She tells Austin they may be sending her to death row. Poor Sami has got to be wondering when she will wake up from this nightmare.

"You can forget that," says Austin, "There is no way I'm letting that happen. No way."

Jack stammers. "Upset isn't the right word. It's more like... disappointed. I'm working on a research project. See, you're already disappointed and upset. This time you're not being asked for help. It's confidential... for the moment."

Jennifer says, "Jack, we have never kept secrets, ever."

"This time I need to do it on my own," says Jack. Frankie throws him a look.

Jack tells Jennifer Frankie knows what he is dong, but she can't, "When the time is right it will all be revealed and you will realize why I can't share it with you."

"OK," says Jennifer, "The coffee is ready if you want some."

Jack sends Jennifer and Frankie back to have coffee while he works. As they go, Jennifer says, "You really are being very mysterious Jack Devereaux."

"When the time comes you'll realize why," says Jack, "Time's a wastin' – I'm on a deadline."

Jennifer and Frankie go to have coffee. "All right says Jack. Back to my project. To find an expedient painless, away to die."

Marlena didn't realize it was her birthday. She thought it was her UN-birthday because this whole show has gotten to be as crazy as Alice in Wonderland. I keep expecting Mad Hattie to show up. OK, I didn't say that. Alex tells John he should have run the plans past him. John tells him to stay out of it. John doesn’t understand why Marlena is doing this. They were making progress, "Then out of nowhere she asks for a divorce."

"It's simple John, I just don't love you. A woman should love her husband. Being married to you makes me feel like a stranger. And you keep pressuring me. I need you out of here. You try to undermine my faith in my doctor. That's why I need you out. That's why I vant to be alone," says Marlena. Or is it Marlene?

John says to Alex, "Now I understand. You are the one behind this, pal."

Roman asks Austin what's up. Mickey says avoiding a conviction won't be easy. He recommends Sami plead guilty if they take the death sentence off the table.

Austin says there won't even be a trial. Kate butts in. She thinks there will be a trial. Roman jumps in to say the Four Musketeers will testify against Sami.

Sami says she never wanted any of them to die.

Austin says they can't prosecute her for the charges currently against her.

Mickey says he has read the indictment and Sami can't deny she was Stan or what she did, "By definition this is high treason." Attaboy, Mickey. With you as an attorney, they might as well start building the gallows right now.

"They have the facts all wrong," says Austin, "I just have a question for Sami. How did you end up becoming Stan?"

Sami starts with Kate drugging her and Brandon. She was devastated, "I was the lowest I had ever been. Then my mysterious benefactor convinced me to turn into Stan. I didn't know it was Tony. Actually I wanted to hurt everyone who had betrayed me, but I didn't . John took Kate's side, then put Kate in his house, and I couldn't stand that. Then Tony tricked me onto a plane and took me to a war zone. Tony showed me proof you and Mom were alive."

"And that's when you committed treason," says Kate.

"It wasn't' treason; not even close," says Austin, "The Four Musketeers weren't in the military. Actually they were wanted by the Marines for escaping custody. Tony was not the declared enemy. She wasn't working with the enemy of our country."

Sami and Kate argue about who did what when. Austin thinks Sami kept pretending to be Stan for protection. "Nothing Sami did was under US jurisdiction. In fact, she is responsible for saving those guys from Tony. She isn't a criminal, she's a hero."

"He might be right," says Roman.

"Under the law, she may not be prosecutable for any of these crimes," says Mickey. Two minutes ago this crack attorney was ready to have her plead guilty.

Kate has a stroke.

Jennifer tells Frankie she is excited about Jack's party, "Should I have a live band or a DJ?" Frankie is distant. "What's wrong? You seem distracted."

"I guess I am," says Frankie, "I don't think this party is such a good idea , Jen."

"God bless the internet," says Jack, "Access to all the Spectator's archives. Who knew there were so many ways to shuffle off this mortal coil." Shakespeare and DOOL. Oil and water. He flashes back to a conversation with Lexie. "OK, electrocution... too shocking. Suffocation... too stuffy... and slow. Wrist slitting... too messy. So many choices so little time."

Alex says, "I know you'd like to blame me, John, but I had nothing to do with Marlena's decision."

Marlena agrees. John tells Alex to get out. Marlena doesn't want him to go. "In that case," says John, "I'd like to have a word with the Doctor."

John takes Alex aside, "I've had it with you, pal." That's the way John talks. Roman, of course would have said, "I've had it with you, pard." John's approach is much more effective.

"Likewise," says Alex, "You've pushed your wife over the edge and brought it all on yourself. Keeping you apart is for your own good so she can get her memory back."

John says, "I know you are behind this divorce business. If you don't get out of this house right now, I'm gonna throw your ass off that balcony! And don't think I won't."

"I don't think throwing me off the balcony would be as easy as you imagine," says Alex, "But it would upset my patient." John looks at Marlena. Alex continues, "I don't think that's what you want is it?"

John regroups, "I just want you gone. My suggestion would be to use the front door."

"Fine," says Alex, "I'll go. She won't change her mind."

"Not as long as you're messin' with it," snarls John, "Get out of here."

Alex goes over and tells Marlena she and John need private time. Marlena is reluctant, but Alex tells her he won't be gone long.

John smiles. "All right we're alone," says Marlena, "Whatever you say won't change anything."

John says, "I'd still like to give you your birthday present." Marlena doesn't want it. "I insist," says John. He reaches under the desk and pulls out a package, "Happy birthday."

Marlena opens the box, "Oh, a photo album. Is this your way of getting me to remember."

"Why is that such a bad thing," asks John, "You do want to get your memory back don't you?"


"Open it," he urges, "Just do it and I'll go if that's what you really want."

Sami asks Roman what he thinks. Roman thinks it might have possibilities. Mickey will call the DA and US attorney and see what they think. Roman and Mickey go to check it out. Sami is ecstatic.

Kate isn't, "Austin, she's a criminal."

"She is not, and you know it," says Austin, "If you hadn't interfered... your actions didn't help. I actually believe she is responsible for saving the lives of the Four Musketeers."

Sami says, "Doesn't that mean anything to you Kate? I would be grateful if someone rescued Will."

Kate goes berserk, "I can't believe you have the nerve to make yourself some kind of hero. You are going down and I hope you fry!"

Frankie says he doesn’t think Jack is up for the party. Jennifer disagrees. She has invited people from his past – former teachers, former neighbors, probably not former girlfriends.

"You're right," says Frankie, "Maybe this is what he needs to change his mind."

Jennifer wonders, "About what?"

Meanwhile, back at the computer of death, Jack says, "This is perfect. So now, the date. Halloween! Well, ya gotta love the irony. Jennifer always loved me for my fatalistic sense of humor." The phone rings. "Joe! No, I have not forgotten to pick up Jack Junior. Tell Vern he can teach him to read all the bylines he wants." Jack hangs up, "Chip off the old block. Yeah, this is the perfect way to go."

Kate backpedals. She claims saying she wants Sami to fry was a figure of speech.

Sami says she has paid for her crimes already. Kate doesn't see how Austin can forgive and forget. Austin says none of this would have happened if Kate hadn't interfered. Kate tells Sami there is a difference between what Sami did and what Kate did. Sami did it to destroy people and Kate did it to save her loved ones.

Mickey and Roman come in. Kate asks if they have good news or bad news. The answer is, of course, 'yes,' since whatever is good news for Sami is bad news for Kate and vice versa.

Jennifer wants to know what this party would make Jack change his mind about.

"Having old friends and family around," says Frankie, "would be good for him. Jennifer is going to go make Jack take a break whether he wants to or not. She goes in and Jack tells her the project is going great. He is really excited. He doesn’t want coffee, "You're trying to ply me with caffeine so my motor mouth will get going. I have to go pick up Jack Junior."

Jennifer says, "Jack, you seem so happy, whatever this project is it must be exciting."

"Downright life-altering," says Jack. He leaves

Jennifer says to Frankie, "Just tell me what is going on. He isn't throwing me a surprise party is he?"

"It's not like that," says Frankie.

Jennifer sees Jack left his coat. She grabs it and runs after him, but a bottle of pills falls out of the pocket. "I worked at a clinic," says Jennifer, "This is a very serious drug. Why is my husband taking this?" It ain't allergies, kiddo.

"[D]Izzy's first Christmas," says John. Marlena thinks she was so beautiful and still is. Brady's first day at cub scouts. A picture of John and Marlena on a date. Marlena chuckles. John remembers 50's costumes, "That was some night."

"Looks crazy but fun," says Marlena.

"We always had a lot of fun," says John, "That whole serial killer thing was a real hoot."

"Oh," says Marlena, "Our wedding."

"One of the happiest Days Of Our Lives," says John. He flashes back to their wedding, "We vowed to stay together until death parts us."

"I've seen enough," says Marlena.

"Anything coming back?"

"No," she says, "It's clear we had some amazing times together, though."

"A Hell of a lot more than what's in that book," says John, "There are more moments to be made if you'll just give it a chance. We've been thorough tougher times than this. I know what it is not to have a past. My mind is a complete blank before I met you." I won't even say it. "But I have lived a life that's fuller than any man could hope for. What sustained us is love. When you remember, you will see nothing could change the way we feel about each other. I know I still love you and I know that you still love me." Closer... closer... damn phone.

Marlena picks up, "Hello."

"Listen to the music," says Alex, "Just listen, then you'll know what you have to do." The recorder plays a little music box tune. And it isn't Happy Birthday.

Roman says, "The DA and US attorney both agree with Austin's argument."

Mickey says, "I pleaded and begged for them to prosecute my client, but they wouldn't listen. In spite of that, we owe you a debt of thanks, Austin."

Roman says, "All the charges have been dropped. Sami, You are free to go." Sami goes wild with joy.

"This is all thanks to my mother," says Austin, "What she said is the reason you are free."

"Kate, thank you," says Sami. Kate dies on the spot.

Marlena listens to the music. "Who is it," asks John.

Marlena zones. John grabs the phone, "North, is that you? They hung up. That was North, wasn't it?"

"No, that was a wrong number," says Marlena.

"OK," says John, "I'll take your word for it. I'd like to continue where we left off."

"I can't," says Marlena, "I can't take another pointless walk down memory lane. I don't remember the past and don't believe we have a future. Nothing has changed. I want a divorce and I want it now."

Jack agonizes, "I have to make the most of the time I have left. I don't want to put them through the pain of watching me die. Come Halloween, I'm outta here." I'll just put them through the pain of wondering where the hell I am or why I killed myself.

Jennifer works at the computer, "The condition this drug is used to treat is .... fatal... OMG! my husband is dying?"


Bonnie tells Mimi, "It's time for you to rope and brand your initials on Shawn Brady's butt."

Kate tells John, "I need your help to nail Sami once and for all."

Alex says, "Now it's time my work really began." Marlena lays on the couch.

Jack tells Jennifer, "I love you for saying that, but we're not gonna cheat death this time. We're just not."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the picture rhyme. I think Prevuze should put it to music! That would be a great addition to the site.

OK, let me get this straight. AUSTIN came up with the reason why Sami couldn't be prosecuted for treason?!

Never mind that I figured that out the minute people first started out throwing around the "treason" charge (any intelligent person would realize the charge was ridiculous based on the "facts").

And no one is shocked that it never occurred to Mickey, the lousiest lawyer in the world or the SPD, one of the least effective police forces in the nation.

But, we're supposed to believe that it wouldn't occur to the FBI or the Attorney General that the charges wouldn't stick before they demanded Sami be arrested??? DAYS writers must have even less confidence in our government than I do. HAHAHAHAHA

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go, Applecheeks, letting facts cloud the issue.

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i just love this show its getting better and better each day i have watched this show since i was 10 with my mom i am 45 nowthe story lines at times makes u confused but i still love to watch it to see what happens each and every day i wish kate would get off her high horse and give people a break and let her kids live their own lifes. kate really does need to stop interfering and get over it she will never win ty sandy

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Days previews here!! The comments totally crack me up!! The one under the picture of Alex North about beating John at his own game - hysterical!!!

7:30 AM  

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