Monday, September 26, 2005

Like A Mouse In A Microwave

Bonnie is at Chez Rouge. She picks up some food at the buffet. She sees Mickey and goes over and sits with him. He asks how she is doing, “I’m good... considering... but misery loves company. I wasn’t there, but I heard Sami’s wedding went to hell in a hand basket. It reminded me of the day I walked up here all gussied up...”

Mickey stops her, “Bonnie...”

“Yeah,” says Bonnie, “That’s water under the bridge.”

Mickey says, “Not to mention a small incident with my credit cards.”

“More water under the bridge,” says Bonnie, “but I do need your help. Obviously there isn’t going to be a wedding reception here, right? The restaurant will be closed and no one has made any reservations. I can take the food off your hands and put it to good use.”

Mickey says, “You have to talk to Maggie.”

“I can’t,” says Bonnie, “Please do it for me.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” says Mickey.

Bonnie says, “Thanks doll face.” She leaves

Maggie walks up to Mickey and asks, “So what does the two bit home wrecker want here?”

Bonnie finds Nicole. She asks what she is doing there.

“I’m crashing Sami’s reception to see Austin.”

“I hate to break it to you,” says Bonnie, “but Sami’s wedding crashed at the altar and if she’s smart she’s crying on Austin’s shoulder right now.”

“Austin,” says Sami, “why does this always happen to me?”

Austin says, “Take a deep breath and tell me what happened.”

Lexie tells Alex he is being unprofessional. Alex says he is just trying to get Marlena’s memory back. If she breathes one negative word, Alex will tell Abe about her adultery. Lexie says she will have him brought up on charges. “Try it and I will see that you lose your son,” says Alex.

Shawn lights a candle. He prays, “I don’t know why things happen the way they do. If there is any way just... Belle is in a lot of pain right now. Keep her, them, safe. She deserves to be happy. Amen.”

Mimi watches. She walks up to Shawn and says, “It’s hard to know what to pray for these days. Are you praying for Belle and her family or a miracle for you and her?”

Phillip gives Belle Lamaze lessons as she writhes in pain. Belle isn’t in the mood for lessons right now.

Outside, Marlena and John hear the commotion. They rush in. Phillip yells, “She’s going in to labor right now. She could lose the baby. Do something.” Yeah, bring Shawn in. once she is certain he has seen her hysteria, she’ll give it a rest. Forget Belle losing the baby. If I was the baby, I’d want to lose Belle.

Shawn just wants Belle and her baby to be happy. That means Belle and Phillip have to be together forever. Shawn says, “I couldn’t break up a family. Look at what happened to Sami and the effect it had on Will. I remember when my dad and me had to deal with my mom being gone. Now I have this half sister. That hurts my mother because my dad has to keep Billie in our lives. Belle and Phillip are a family. I couldn’t come between them.”

“How dare you threaten me,” says Lexie.

“If you want to tip the scales in your favor,” says Alex, “just keep quiet.”

John comes up and tells Lexie Belle needs her help.

Lexie leaves. John tells Alex, “Once Belle has her baby, Marlena will be rocked and it will help get my family back.”

John leaves. Alex ponders, “You could be right...”

Marlena assists. Belle’s water has broken. Lexie comes in. Belle screams.

Nicole says, “Kate told me Austin was coming home for the wedding. Are you sure it imploded?”

“Like a mouse in a microwave,” says Bonnie, “Just as Sami was about to say ‘I do’ in walks Stan.”

“That’s not possible,” says Nicole.

“It was a costume,” says Bonnie, “Kate was wearing it. Then she announced she had DNA evidence Sami was Stan and now Sami is in a world of trouble.”

Nicole snorts as she laughs.

Sami swears she didn’t know she was working for Tony. She tells Austin about the disguise and Stan-the-Man. Now she has lost her family.

“Sami, you made these choices. Now you have to live with the consequences forever,” says Austin, “You can have my shoulder to cry on but you brought this on yourself. Instead of learning from your mistakes you build on them. Like our wedding in Las Vegas.”

Sami says, “I don
t need to be reminded of that.”

Austin says, “It’s pretty much a miracle I’m standing here with you. It’s also a miracle you and Lucas wound up at the altar. If we can forgive and forget why can’t you?”

“I’m not forgiving what Kate has done.”

“This sounds like the same old Sami,” says Austin, “What made you do those things?”

“I know it was a huge mistake. But it’s all Kate’s fault,” says Sami.

Mimi leaves and tells Shawn to steer clear of Belle. Lexie goes by and Shawn asks about Belle. She tells him, “Her husband is with her.”

As Lexie leaves, Alex comes up to Shawn and says he has some advice for him. “Why should I listen to you,” asks Shawn.

“Because,” says Alex, “I’ve been in your shoes. I lost the woman I love. I know what it’s like.” The difference is, of course, Alex actually had a brain which enabled him to better understand and cope with the situation.

Belle is scared, “This kind of pain can’t be normal.”

Marlena asks if she is feeling less movement than before. Belle says yes. Marlena thinks this is a breech birth. She starts to go into action, but then can’t remember what to do next.

“Yes you can,” says John.

“We need to do a caesarian,” says Marlena, “I don’t know what to do. Lexie knows. I don’t.”

Austin asks, “You’re blaming my mother?”

Sami fills him in, “Yes. I’m sure you heard about the last time I tried to marry Lucas. Kate arranged for Brandon to come back to Salem. And she drugged me and Brandon in his hotel room. And she got us naked in bed together . Lucas thought Brandon and I slept together. Kate hates me, and she admitted to the whole thing, but it was too late. It was the lowest I have ever felt in my entire life.”

“Tony offered me the one thing I wanted the most, REVENGE. Some guy showed up at my apartment. He was a professional make up artist. Tony tricked me. He got me in the war zone where Phillip was captured. Brady, Shawn and Rex decided to go after him. Tony made me set the guys up – as Stan – so he could capture them. He said if I didn’t do it I would never see my parents again. But I got us free and no one remembers that.”

“Sami,” says Austin, “you have outdone yourself. You will never top this one.”

“I hope not,” says Sami, “I wish I could take it all back but I can’t. I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

“You never do. You have to start taking responsibility. I’m sorry Sami, but the truth is you only have yourself to blame,” says Austin. That and a room full of idiots we loosely refer to as writers.

Nicole says, “Kate got revenge on Sami and I didn’t even have to...”

“Do what,” asks Bonnie, “I didn’t blow in with the morning fog. I’ve seen you and Sami at Alice's as thick as thieves.”

Nicole says, “We were never tight. She broke Austin’s heart in Vegas. If the timing was better I could have landed him. I always let the good ones get away.”

Bonnie looks over at Mickey, “I know what you mean.”

“Austin deserves more than Sami,” says Nicole.

Bonnie says, “Any girl would be lucky to get her mitts on him. I am determined to marry my kids off to rich spouses.”

Mimi walks up and says, “Trying to mess with you kids lives again, Mom? Why did you call me down here?”

Bonnie says, “I wish you had brought Shawn with you. I could use some help moving this food.”

“You can’t just take the food,” says Mimi.

“Mickey said I could have as much as I want,” says Bonnie.

Maggie walks up and says, “Over my dead body.” CAT FIGHT!

John wants to call an ambulance.

Marlena tries an external cephalic inversion.

Alex advises Shawn. He knows how painful it is to walk away from the woman you love. He flashes back to Marlena, “Sometimes you just have to let go and move on. Sometimes we don’t have a choice. I just wish someone would have given me that advice.”

“Would you have listened,” asks Shawn.

“I doubt it.”

“Well, thanks for trying,” says Shawn.

Alex says, “It makes you hurt like hell and do things you would never do.”

“At least now,” says Shawn, “I can make sure she’s OK. He leaves.”

Alex says, “You’ll never give up on Belle, just like I’ll never give up on Marlena.”

Belle pushes. See Belle push. Push Belle push. Lexie comes in. Marlena fills her in. Lexie says, “The baby’s head is vertex. You may just have saved two lives, Marlena.” The baby’s head may be straight, but the mother’s isn’t.

Belle is in heaven. She can wail all she wants. Shawn listens outside.

“It’s a girl,” says Lexie. Smiles all around.

“The baby is perfect. I feel like I’m dreaming,” says Belle.

Phillip says, “Hi, my little princess. You scared us. I’m your daddy and this pretty lady is your mommy.”

Belle says, “This woman over here who saved our lives is my mommy and that’s my daddy.”

John says, “Get yourself ready cause you’re going to be spoiled rotten for all the Days Of Our Lives.”

Shawn watches. He walks away.

“Good job,” John says to Marlena, “You did it.”

“I don’t know how I did that,” says Marlena.

“You remembered your skills as a physician,” says John, “Your memory is coming back.” They hug. Alex stands at the door and swings the pendant. Marlena flashes back to the hypnotism session with him and remembers Alex saying, “My beautiful, sweet Marlena, from this moment forward you will no longer be concerned with your husband or family.” Marlena brushes at her face and stares.

They drag Maggie and Bonnie apart. Maggie screams she wants Bonnie out of the restaurant. Bonnie says part of the food is for the battered women’s shelter.

“Where is the rest of it going,” asks Maggie, “Oh, just take the food and get the hell out of here.”

Bonnie trips as she leaves. “Watch that first step,” says Maggie, “It’s a bitch.”

Drunken Nicole says, “Here I am in a bar in the middle of the day. My life has hit rock bottom and I’m still digging. I need a guy like Austin to throw me a rope.”

“You can’t blame my mother or anyone else,” says Austin, “I hate seeing you like this. If you keep making theses mistakes you’re gonna get hurt again. Can you use this to turn your life around, or will you be the same old Sami again? It’s time to choose for good. No going back.” Sami cries.

Mickey says this is all his fault. Maggie says, “Don’t tell me you’re feeling sorry for Bonnie.”

Mickey asks, “Why do you let her get to you?”

“You’re right,” says Maggie, “I’m Mrs. Mickey Horton.” They kiss. Maggie says, “Bonnie Lockhart, eat your heart out. That is, after she eats all the food she’s taking form my restaurant.”

Bonnie is on her cell phone, “What, you walk in and the fridge is on the fritz? At least I can bring in food. I’ll take the rest to the middle school.” She leans aside and says, “NOT.” She speaks into her cell phone again, “So at least it wasn’t a total waste.”

Bonnie sees Nicole writing Austin’s name on a napkin. She asks Nicole, “You’re planning to make a move on Austin Reed, aren’t you?” let’s see, he’s male and breathing, so we’ll take that as a ‘yes.’

“I’ll probably spend the rest of my life in jail,” says Sami, “I’ll need a lot of help and support.”

“I’m always here to help,” says Austin.

“Thank you for forgiving me and being nice to me,” says Sami, “I’m so glad you’re back.” She hugs him.

Marlena looks at the pendant as Alex swings it. “I lost her once before,” says Alex, “I won’t lose her again.”

Lexie watches, “I guess it won’t matter. It looks like she’s getting her memory back.”

Lexie walks away. Alex says, “We’ll see about that.”

“Congratulations,” says John, “We have our first grandchild.” Marlena smiles. John says, “We’ll always remember this day. Not only because of the baby, but this is when we started getting Marlena back.”

“John,” says Marlena, “I want you to take me home.”

“That’s a good place to start the journey,” says John. Alex watches and scoffs.

Mimi asks Shawn what’s wrong. “Just mixed emotions I guess,” says Shawn, “This is a new beginning for them and an ending form me.”

“Endings mean new beginnings,” says Mimi, “Let me take you home.”

Belle and Phillip talk about the kid. John and Marlena watch. Belle tells Phillip they have a wonderful life ahead of them. Phillip says they are a family now. Shawn watches.

Belle says, “I love you Phillip, and I love our baby.”

FF Shawn.


Sami asks Nicole, “You told Kate about my disguise? You helped to ruin my life?”

Lucas says to Kate, “You destroyed my life. You are far worse than Sami ever could be.”

Phillip tells Belle, “I’m going to tell you right now – both of you – I’m going to treasure and protect you for the rest of my life.”

Shawn says, “I just want to make sure she’s all right.” Mimi says, “Why can’t you just leave that family alone?”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An "external cephalic inversion" - turning her brain inside out from the outside?? Isn't that what the DAZED writers do to us all the time?? HAHAHAHA

Loved the triple photo on top; Alex's description of Shawn's lobotomy and Chelsea's photo.

Speaking of Chelsea - never has a teenager tried so hard for so long to lose her no avail!

6:22 AM  

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