Thursday, May 07, 2009

Dancing Dollar Signs

Sami and Rafe lie wrapped in blankets and writhe. Sami's perfume, Eau de Salem River, really turns him on. Rafe wants her to know this isn't what he had planned. Sami tells him she knows that, "You couldn't have known I would fall into the river. But it feels right for me. It's right..."


Stephanie tells Phillip she doesn't want to be kept in the dark. Phillip agrees to tell her what's going on but asks, "Are you ready to sell your soul?"

Victor and EJ stand face to face on the pier with their respective band of goons behind them. Victor says, "We have him."

EJ asks, "Father?"

Victor says, "BINGO!"

EJ can't believe it, "Bingo the Clown? OMG, he's been missing ever since his TV show was canceled."

Baker chases Nicole halfway up the stairs and asks how much she is going to give him. She says $15 grand, but Baker says he needs $50,000. Suddenly, Baker slips and falls. Nicole runs down the stairs and checks him out, "Dr. Baker, can you hear me? OMG. He may be dead. Drat the bad luck."

Sami and Rafe continue to paw and pant. Suddenly, a beam of light crashes their party and a voice yells, "Restricted area! You're under arrest!"


Nicole frets over the body. She tries to convince herself it was an accident and wonders where he would hide her secret. She goes for his wallet. As Nicole reaches in back of him, Baker grabs her arm.

Maggie comes into the Java Café and finds Will, trying to deal with Grace's fussing. Grace quiets down when she gets her vente vanilla latte with extra foam. Maggie senses something might be wrong with Will and, never passing up an opportunity for gossip fodder, asks him what's up. Will tells her a friend bailed on him because some kids from another school said some things about her. Maggie pries for the juicy details. Will says he was hoping the girl would say it was a lie but she didn't. Maggie continues to dig, "She's obviously an important friend of yours."

"Not really," says Will, "I'll get over it."

Maggie gets a call as Will wheels Grace out. Brian and her go through some time-wasting conversation about gift cards. Maggie hangs up and Mia comes up to her table. Maggie sees the total stranger but again, senses something is wrong, "Young lady, you can tell me to mind my own business – the whole town does – but are you OK?"

Rafe and Sami dress, Rafe asks, "I wonder what the penalty is for indecent exposure? This was really a messed up date."

"This was the most perfect first date of my life," says Sami.

"Wow," says Rafe, "You must've had some doozies."

"It was a heart stopping adventure," says Sami.

"That's because viewers were dying of boredom," says Rafe. He makes a move on her.

Phillip says he was joking when he asked Stephanie about selling her soul. Stephanie still wants to know what the plan is. Phillip says she needs to know Tony's death still haunts him even though it was an accident. He also says what Victor and he are doing is for the greater good, "Given what the DiMeras have done to your family, the world would be a better place without them."

Victor gives EJ Stefano's Phoenix ring to prove he has him. EJ yells, "Where is he? Where is he?

Victor smiles, "The Phoenix will not rise from the ashes – not this time. Not without the help of a mere mortal, his son."

Nicole struggles with Baker who goes unconscious again. She hears Sydney crying in the background.

Apparently the officer has cut Sami and Rafe a break and let them off with a warning. Rafe thanks the officer and tells Sami she looks beautiful. He suggests cutting the date short. Sami says, "No way! The best is yet to come."

Rafe says, "CENSORED."

Stephanie and Phillip continue to argue. Stephanie threatens to go back to EJ. Phillip blows his stack and forbids it, "If that SOB ever laid a finger on you, I'd..."

Stephanie interrupts, "You'd kill him? Is that what you were going to say?"

EJ asks what Victor wants. Victor says, "This all ends. Right here. Tonight. If you agree, I'll take you to your father right now."

EJ asks, "So you can murder us both?"

Victor says, "Release your guards. You'll be safe. You have my word." EJ booms with laughter.

Sydney continues to cry and Mary comes running up. Nicole sees Mary and screams, "Call an ambulance!"

Mary asks, "What happened?"

Nicole says, "He was coming up the stairs and slipped. He did a Ford Decker, rolled down like Theo Carver, flipped in mid-air like Tony DiMera and crashed to the floor below, where he crushed his skull in the same spot Jan Spears did and landed in the Willow Stark position! "

Mary shouts, "Do you know CPR?"

"Yes," says Nicole, "And the other 23 letters, too." Mary drops to her knees and begins pounding Baker's chest. She orders Nicole to breathe as she counts off, "One... two... three... four..." She sees Nicole isn't holding up her end of the bargain and yells, "BREATHE!" Nicole holds her nose, grimaces and blows into Dr. Baker's face.

Mia tells Maggie she's OK. Maggie introduces herself. Mia likewise. Maggie offers to buy hot chocolate. Mia declines. Maggie thinks it might do some good for Mia to talk about it, whatever the hell it is. Mia tells her about the kids from her old school talking about her. She says she let her other friend think it was true even though it wasn't, "No matter how bad the gossip was, it was better than what really happened. No one can ever know the truth."

"I don't care about the truth," says Maggie, "I just need some entertainment for my bridge club."

Rafe and Sami claw and grab at each other. They barely make it into Sami's place before they can start ripping at their clothes again. Once inside, things heat up, if that's possible. As usual, Will interrupts the festivities. Sami and Rafe act like nothing happened and make over Grace. Sami feels her forehead and says she thinks Grace is getting a fever again.

The cops and paramedics have arrived at the DiMera mansion. Nicole talks to a cop and tells him what happened. Mary says she saw the entire thing and backs up Nicole's story. The cop asks why Baker was there. Nicole says he was there to visit Sydney. The paramedic tells Nicole the CPR saved Baker's life.

Phillip evades more of Stephanie's questions. He asks her to stay with him, "I don't want you going back to your apartment."

Stephanie asks, "Tonight?"

"Forever," says Phillip, "I love you. I want to go to bed with you and wake up with you. I want to do nothing and everything with you. What do you think, will you move in with me?"

EJ weighs his decision and releases his goons. Victor's goons grab him.

Maggie serves the calorie-laden drinks. She tells Mia about Melissa and Sarah, "My husband and I are going to visit them over the summer, if I can find him." She tells Mia there is another girl living with them, "She's just like a daughter to me." That must be the girl they keep locked in the cellar, because it certainly can't be Melanie. Mia says there is only one reason she is still in Salem.

Sami takes Grace's temperature, "OMG! It's 101°"

Will asks, "Do you think she's sick again?"

Sami realizes Will won't be growing up to be a doctor, "You could boil water on her forehead. I think I'd better call a doctor."

Nicole asks a doc about Baker's condition. The doctor is worried there might be a – GET THIS, READERS memory problem.

"Tragic," says Nicole.

EJ struggles. We hear the Borg in the background, "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE..." Victor reaches into EJ's jacket pocket and takes his cell phone.

EJ protests, "I've gotta call my wife."

"She probably doesn't know you are gone," says Victor, "And if she thought something happened to you she'd see dancing dollar signs."

Stephanie considers the big step of moving in with Phillip. He convinces her and says he guesses the "welcome home" sign is for both of them. Stephanie wonders if Phillip has talked to Victor about this. Phillip says not to worry about him. They seal the deal with a kiss. Phillip decides champagne is in order. Stephanie goes for glasses. Phillip makes a call. Stephanie comes back with the glasses, stands in the background and listens as Phillip asks, "Is it done?"

Nicole calls and leaves a message for EJ, "Something has happened. Dr. Baker is in the hospital."

Sami asks Will to stay with Grace while she runs to the pharmacy. Will volunteers to go instead. He leaves. Sami sees Rafe over tending to Grace. Rafe has just been a real Mary Poppins. Sami asks what his maternal secret is. We may never know Rafe's secret to child care, but it's no secret he can't keep his hands off Sami. Slap and tickle ensues.

Will meets up with Maggie again at the Java Café. He says he's there waiting while the pharmacy gets Grace's prescription ready. Maggie says, "I hope she isn't sick. You tell your mom if she needs any help to call me. I know she has her hands full."

"She sure does," says Will, "So does Rafe."

Maggie leaves to find Mickey. Will calls Mia and leaves an apologetic message. As he hangs up, Mia sneaks out.

Now that the CDC has declared the panic over the swine flu to be a false alarm, Prevuze grants you permission to resume all your filthy habits.

Sami and Rafe go at it. Grace cries and interrupts. Sami sticks a rag in her mouth and tapes it shut. Back to romping. More crying. Sami tries a pacifier this time.

Stephanie asks if Phillip's phone call was about the DiMeras. He says he will show her what the call was all about, and drags her out of the room. Out on the terrace, we find Owen setting up a special table . Phillip tells her that is what the phone call was about.

The goons drag EJ into a warehouse and leave him. EJ staggers around in the dark, "Where am I?"

Phillip and Stephanie sit at the special table. Phillip toasts her, "I've never wanted to be with anyone so much as I've wanted to be with you. The only regret I have right now is that I haven't always (say it with him) been there for you. You always stood by me."

"I told you," says Stephanie, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Then this is the beginning of a new life for me," says Phillip. He walks around to her side of the table, "Stephanie Johnson. You are beautiful, witty, wise..." He takes a knee, clink!, "Stephanie Johnson, will yo do me the honor of being my wife?"

Stephanie is flabbergasted, "OMG, Phillip! This is such a surprise. It wasn't even in any of the spoilers. Yes! Yes!" He slips the ring on.

Will comes to the door and hears laughing, so he covers his eyes as he walks in, "Just passing through here." He finds them playing scrabble, but declines their invitation to join them and goes to study.

Sami's spells a word – "d-a-t-e"

Rafe counters with, "f-i-r-s-t"

A woman from the audience runs up and joins them, "b-o-r-i-n-g."

Sami apologizes for ruining the date. Rafe tells her it's not ruined and says he loves scrabble. Oh, there's a new word, "t-o-n-g-u-e-j-o-b.

Nicole asks the doc how Baker is doing. The doc says he's stable and says Nicole can see him. She goes into his room as Baker moans, "Where am I."

Nicole says, "You had an accident."

Baker erupts, "You tried to kill me, bitch!"

EJ finds a light switch and turns on the light. Across the room, he sees a body on a gurney covered with a sheet.

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Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE


Anonymous Berg said...

B-A-R-F there goes another B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T. At this rate I should be thin, thin, thin like those girls on 90210 but not intentionally.

"That's because viewers were dying of boredom," says Rafe. if that were the case the CDC would have a very fatal case of DOOLCOPAFEELBLABBERMOUTHTERRIBLEWRITING Flu.

Thanks again Prevuze for all the witty prose. I can't stomach the real show so I only see the show through your eyes and I suspect that is the only reason it has any entertainment value at all.

Prevuze - best Trekkie site on the web.

Oh and the body on the gurney - is not Stefano. At least that's what my psyhic powers tell me.

3:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maggie thinks of Melanie as a daughter? Has she forgotten everything that happened with Nick? He practically had to beg her to take the girl in.

3:56 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

Sami and Rafe lie wrapped in blankets and writhe. Sami's perfume, Eau de Salem River, really turns him on.What’s in that water - fish poop, dead alewives, algae, raw sewage, and no chlorine. Holy smokes! That certainly sounds like an ideal first date.

Maggie comes into the Java Café and finds Will, trying to deal with Grace's fussing.

Will is still dealing with Grace at the Java Café, and it’s late. We know this because his mother is whoring around or having a romantic interlude – take your pick – in the dark with the hunky job free ex-FBI dude. Sami’s a good mother…as if!

"It was a heart stopping adventure," says Sami.

"That's because viewers were dying of boredom," says Rafe.
After foolishly trying to watch this drivel, living rooms across America and Canada are littered with bodies.

"It was a heart stopping adventure," says Sami.

"That's because viewers were dying of boredom," says Rafe.
…not if my zapper has anything to say about it!

EJ weighs his decision and releases his goons. Victor's goons grab him.This is terrific symmetry because DOOL is written by goons.

She tells Mia there is another girl living with them, "She's just like a daughter to me." That must be the girl they keep locked in the cellar, because it certainly can't be Melanie.I can’t even believe someone had the gall to write that line. Somebody has the IQ of a fruit fly, and I don’t think it’s any of the viewers.

"She probably doesn't know you are gone," says Victor, "And if she thought something happened to you she'd see dancing dollar signs."Gotta love Victor!

Rafe tells her it's not ruined and says he loves scrabble. Oh, there's a new word, "t-o-n-g-u-e-j-o-b.I have another word…t-h-i-s-s-u-c-k-s.

My gosh Bulldog since Europe has closed its boarders, I guess DOOL can’t ship Sami and Rafe across the Atlantic. If Dr. Baker wants to pay off his gambling debts, he needs to sue the DiMeras because of their unsafe staircase. It would give Mickey something to do.

Prevuze I tried watching yesterday’s episode of Daze, and now I truly comprehend the sacrifice you are making for your readers. Please know that you are remembered in my prayers.

5:45 AM  
Anonymous Betyar said...

Stephanie to Phillip, "OMG, Phillip! This is such a surprise. It wasn't even in any of the spoilers"...Prevuze, best spoiler buster blog on the net!

The Salem river is really infested now that Sami took a dip in it...they authorities should really have it checked out at this point!

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nicole says, "He was coming up the stairs and slipped. He did a Ford Decker, rolled down like Theo Carver, flipped in mid-air like Tony DiMera and crashed to the floor below, where he crushed his skull in the same spot Jan Spears did and landed in the Willow Stark position! "

You forgot Lauren, the surrogate mom of "Pocket", who fell down the stairs at the hospital and croaked, and Marlena, who fell down the stairs and lost her baby (when she was about 60 years old). Stairs in Salem are unbelievably dangerous. You're right, Leslie; Baker should sue the DiMeras.

I think when this show is finally cancelled, the very last show should have every single character take a header off the stairs and die.

7:11 AM  
Anonymous brandi said...

I've fallen down stairs twice and didn't die or lose my memory either time. Only in Salem!

So there is talk that Melanie is actually the product of Nicole's mother whoring around and Mia is Nicole's daughter, which will make Mia & Melanie first cousins and Melanie & Nicole half-sisters. Can u believe it?

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

And another sanitary issue with the Salem River - was it Trent(?) someone they dredged out of there awhile back. EEEWWW.

My "HUH?" moment today: Phillip toasts Steponme. "You always stood by me". Say what? She "disowns" him and huffs out of his life about twice a day.

And if they're going to have a dramatic stairs moment at least make it different. I distinctly remember about 80 years ago on As The World Turns a character died after falling up the stairs.

LOL over "He takes a knee, clink!" and Area 51. Which reminds me of the time my husband and I actually thought we could get very far driving into Area 51. Let me just say Safe would have to be blind not to see the warnings before they got very far. HAHAHAHA

P-R-E-V-U-Z-E-I-S-G-R-E-A-T-! Thanks.

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Loving the Philip & Stephanie scenes - finally some real romance on Days!!! woohoo! :)

8:03 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Maggie sees the total stranger but again, senses something is wrong, "Young lady, you can tell me to mind my own business – the whole town does – but are you OK?"

Does Mags go around accosting every stranger she sees, asking if they are OK??

He did a Ford Decker, rolled down like Theo Carver, flipped in mid-air like Tony DiMera and crashed to the floor below, where he crushed his skull in the same spot Jan Spears did and landed in the Willow Stark position! "

WOW! Excellent recap of the ragged history of recent accidents.

Sami feels her forehead and says she thinks Grace is getting a fever again.

Ooooo, the foreshadowing of the looming health crisis that will (I HOPE) finally bring the issue of Grace’s parentage to light. Hopefully, before Grace graduates from high school.

"My husband and I are going to visit them over the summer, if I can find him."


"I told you," says Stephanie, "I'm not going anywhere."

Until the next time she decides she “can’t live this way”, which is due anytime now.

Loved all the pictures and new scrabble words! Thanks, Prevuze.

OMG!! My word verification is "SORAS". lololololol

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Former Days Addict said...

B-O-R-I-N-G is an understatement.

Thank-you AGAIN for saving me an hour of my life.

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when do you give CPR for a head injury? How funny one old man kidnapping another old man? Stefano will go into a diabetic coma, and Victor will find him and have a heart attack. Hang in there Grace, Doc Baker is having problems of his own. Maybe she can make her way to the bathroom for some Tylenol.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, DOOL might not be too exciting but wow did EJ look good in the preview. His hair looked better than it has...

3:41 PM  

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