Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Intertwined, Convoluted Family Relationships

Sami goes through bills. She finds a letter from Will. She weeps as she reads how great camp is. Lucas comes to see her. He’s returning soap and other things Sami left in his bathroom when she was there to take a shower. Sami is hopeful, but Lucas tells her, “I want you and everything about you out of my life.”

Bo and Hope come out of the restaurant. “That was one heck of a way for John to find out Marlena is pregnant,” says Bo, “If you find out something like that, find a less dramatic way to tell me.”

Hope says, “You mean like outside a restaurant...”

Bo says, “This party is winding down. I don't' think anyone will mind if we head out.”

Billie interrupts, “I guess I can assume you’re deserting me and our daughter.”

They sit poor Marlena down.

Rex can’t believe Marlena is pregnant.

Phillip thinks it’s wonderful. He can’t wait to start a family with Belle.

John suggests they run by the hospital to have Lexie check Marlena out. Marlena objects.

John says, “I can’t believe I’m going to be a father again.”

John starts to leave. Belle says, “You should have told Daddy the truth.”

John overhears, “What did you say? OMG, of course...” Marlena stares.

Shawn asks Phillip if Belle is really ready to have kids.

“Why wouldn’t she be,” asks Phillip

Mimi butts in, “The same reason I’m not ready. I thought we’d get married first and spend about a year just being the two of us.”

“Most people think they need time to let the marriage settle in before having kids,” says Shawn.

“One thing I found out with this experience, there are no guarantees,” says Phillip, “Belle will feel the same way when she holds her new baby brother or sister the first time.”

“How could I not have realized you were pregnant myself,” asks John

“Hope you don't mind I knew first,” says Roman.

“No,” Says John, “Marlena was probably bursting to tell someone.” He turns to Belle, “So you knew too. The husband’s always the last one to know.”

“As long as it’s not the wife,” says Kate.

John goes to get the car.

Belle tells Marlena she can’t go on this way.

Marlena says, “I can’t tell him right here. It would be too humiliating. I’m so sorry putting you in this position. I’m telling him as soon as we get home. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

“What better way to recommit than having a baby,” says Kate.

“Yeah,” says Roman. He shoots Marlena a glance.

Bo says he isn’t running out on Georgia.

“We just got a major clue,” says Billie.

“It’s not a major clue,” says Hope.

Billie pleads, “How can you go off on a frivolous vacation when we are this close?”

Bo says, “If we were that close, I wouldn't go off.”

Hope says, “My bet is the clue is gobbledygook.” After all, it was really written by a DOOL writer. They specialize in gobbledygook..

“What if it is real,” asks Billie.

Bo says, “The ISA computers will have an easier time deciphering it than us. I will be reachable. Look, it’s gonna take them some time. What’s the point of me sitting around waiting?”

“You don't' mean that,” says Sami, “What about Will?”

“We’ll continue to share custody,” says Lucas.

“Wait,” says Sami, “He wrote a letter from camp. Listen to this. I had a dream you and Dad were back together...”

Lucas takes the letter, “When I woke up I knew it was only a dream because you will never change and Dad ill never forgive you.”

Sami says, “Lucas, everyone thinks I am lying but I don't care. All I care about is what you think. I’m telling you the truth. Kate and Eugenia set me up.”

“Don't' even try it, Sami,” says Lucas, “I caught you trying to blackmail Eugenia. I was willing to believe you but you lied and cheated and tried to manipulate me. I will never ever be able to trust you about anything again.”

Phillip thinks it’s exciting Belle’s parents are having another baby.

“Right,” says Rex, “And that kid will have the most amazing parents. I want to give our children the love and attention I never got.”

Mimi and Shawn talk. Shawn tells her, “I didn’t realize Rex was so serious about having a family. I think you have to tell him the truth about what happened. I was wrong. Secrets are what destroy relationships. You have to tell Rex just like Belle has to tell Phillip about her and me.”

“It’s not the same thing at all,
says Mimi.

Mimi asks Rex how it feels to be having a baby brother or sister.

Rex is confused, “The only way it could be related to me is if Roman was the father.”

Everyone hovers around Marlena.

Marlena tells John she had a patient once whose husband gained every pound she did when she was pregnant.

John tells Roman and Kate they didn’t have to come back with them. Marlena is fine.

“Wouldn’t it have been wonderful if we could have had another baby too,” asks Kate.

Oh, Roman thinks that would be just peachy. “Uh... yeah,” he stammers.

Sami tells Lucas she didn’t bribe Eugenia, “Why do you believe everyone over me. OK, I have a little history of lying. OK a big history. You were supposed to be different. You were supposed to want us to spend all the Days Of Our Lives together. Why don’t you give me another chance?”

Lucas says, “I did give you another chance. Because I loved you with a totally consuming kind of love and how did you repay me? You slept with Brandon the night before our wedding. Your trying to bribe and blackmail Eugenia to back up your lies only proves you’re still the same manipulative Sami you’ve always been!” Sami bawls.

“Why didn’t you tell John Black about the clue,” asks Billie.

“He’s a little preoccupied tonight, and you are capable of passing the clues along yourself,” says Bo.

Hope asks, “Why are you really so much against Bo going off with me?”

Billie says, “Because of the clue. This is not about me being jealous. It’s about finding Georgia and bringing her home to live with me.”

“And where would that be,” asks Hope.

“I’m living with Patrick Lockhart,” says Billie.

Bo goes off the deep end.

Billie defends herself, “We are together platonically. So I can take care of Chelsea.”

“That’s admirable,” says Hope.

“The point is...” says Billie.

Hope interrupts, “She’s about the same age as Georgia.”

“Yes,” says Billie, “she is, and when I am with her I think about how much Georgia needs me. If there is the slightest possibility this clue is real I can’t ignore it. I’m her mother, Hope. I know I will never be with Bo but I can’t forget the love we shared when we thought you were dead. That love created a child. Our child. And if she is out there I’m gonna find her. And what if the ISA has a breakthrough while you’re away?”

“We’ll deal with it together,” says Hope.

“I have a strong feeling this is real,” says Billie.

“You’ve said that before,” says Hope, “Every lead you’ve followed up on almost got you killed and the last time you used the situation to basically rape my husband.”

All Lucas ever wanted was something more than a bachelor apartment and constant disappointment for his son.

“And a hooker for a mother,” says Sami.

Lucas says, “I’m not talking about my mother. She made mistakes but she had to do what she had to do. Whatever she did, she did for me. That’s how I feel about Will. What? No snide remark about how my mom has her hooks into your dad?”

“No,” says Sami, “We’re talking about you.”

Lucas says, “The first woman I ever loved was Carrie. Then I made the biggest mistake of my life by sleeping with you.”

Sami says, “That is why we have Will. I wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world.”

“Will is the only thing I am proud of in my life,” says Lucas, “You have no idea how devastated he was when you slept with Brandon. I can’t put him through this any more.”

“I don't' blame you,” says Sami, “I understand why you don't trust me. I love you Lucas. And I’m so sorry for all the times I’ve hurt you. I... I... don't' know what’s wrong with me. I always do these horrible things.” Breakdown.

Ah, that worked. Lucas can’t stand the crying. He hugs her, “I’m here.” He hands her a hankie. Kisses her. Oh, maybe he’s not so mad at her after all.

Belle says Rex would be related to the baby through her mom, “She did give birth to you even though she was a surrogate.”

Phillip says, “Who would have thought years ago we’d all be sitting around talking about having kids?” He asks Shawn, “You want to have kids too, don’t you?”


Mimi and Belle talk about the intertwined, convoluted family relationships between everyone there. Mimi did the math and realized John couldn’t be the father of the intertwinee in question.

“If he figures it out on his own it could destroy their marriage,” says Belle.

John asks when Marlena found out, “You haven’t been home that long.” Duuuhhhhh, “You should have just blurted it out.”

Marlena says, “I was waiting for the right moment.” That’s why we’re dragging this out so long. There is no right moment! “Uh... John I’d like you to understand why Roman knew before you did... he just guessed it.”

Roman says, “I was here when she got sick and wanted herbal tea and crackers and I knew right then, because that’s what she used with Eric and Sami and Belle. They talk about the intertwined, convoluted family relationships between everyone there.

Billie says, “So that’s why you’re dragging Bo off – to get back at me because he made love to me.”

Hope snaps back, “You raped him plain and simple. He thought it was me. And you took advantage of that just like you’re using Georgia.”

Rape victim Bo breaks up the nuclear war.

He tells Billie, “You were wrong to make me think you were Hope. I don’t care if you had a vision of St. Jude, you were wrong. We’re not going to fall into any more DiMera traps. I’m not giving up on our daughter but Hope and the boys are my priority. Anybody comes up with a lead I’ll come home and we’ll follow it.”

Billie says, “Georgia is my priority 24-7 and I will not give up.”

Bo says, “We’re going to work at this as a team or not at all. No more running off without back up, no more breaking into strange houses. You can’t forget, now we’re looking for Caroline and Victor, too. Why didn’t I think of this before? Looking for Georgia was a complete waste of time.” Billie’s jaw drops.

Lucas breaks it off, “I can’t do this.”

Sami says, “You still love me.”

Lucas says, “That’s not the problem. I love the Sami that was going to change. I don’t love the Sami who lies. And I can’t tell the difference between the two.”

Sami begs, “Lucas, I swear to you on my life I did not sleep with Brandon. Kate set me up!”

“That means the two women I love the most are lying to me,” says Lucas, “Right now all the evidence points to you.” Sami stares and works her jaw.

“How can you say that,” asks Billie.

“I’m saying we’re going about it the wrong way,” says Bo, “Finding Tony DiMera is the key to finding Georgia.”

“There is no guarantee he’ll tell us where she is,” says Billie.

“When I find that bloodsucking pig he’ll tell us,” threatens Bo.

Sami says, “All the evidence points to me.”

“You just don’t have any proof,” says Lucas.

“Kate made sure of that,” says Sami, “but if you love me you shouldn’t need proof. I guess I haven’t earned your trust.”

Lucas says, “No Sami you haven’t. I just won’t get burned again.” He leaves.

Sami closes the door and says, “Lucas I am not gonna lose you. I am going to find the proof I was set up and make those bitches pay. I will prove I am worthy of your love.”

Belle is on the phone. She wants the truth from Marlena, “Have you told dad yet?”

“Roman and Kate came home with us,” says Marlena.

“You can’t keep putting this off,” says Belle.

“I know,” says Marlena, “I’ll do it. It's just going to hurt him so much.”

“He loves you, Mom.”

“I hope that’s enough,” says Marlena, “I really hope he forgives me.”

“Me too.”

Shawn comes up and startles Belle, “What’s wrong?”

She says, “I’m just worried about my parents.”

“You're worried about Mimi,” says Shawn.

Belle asks, “Why would I be worried about her?”

Shawn says, “You don’t have to hide it from me any more. She told me about the abortion.”

“It was a horrible mistake,” says Belle, “Not even respecting Rex enough to tell him the truth.”

“That seems funny coming from you,” says Shawn, “Isn’t it a bit hypocritical for you to not want me to keep secrets from Rex, yet you’re keeping your secret from Phillip?” It hasn’t been a secret from the audience for about a millennium. Shawn walks away.

Belle doubles over in pain. Mimi asks what’s wrong.

“I think it’s my ulcer,” says Belle.

“I think it’s more than your stomach,” says Mimi.

John asks why Roman felt the need to bring up all that stuff about the intertwined, convoluted family relationships between everyone there.

Roman says, “I didn’t feel the need to do anything. I just stated the facts. I was around back then and you weren’t. That’s all.”

Marlena invites John to sit down, “I need to tell you something. I’ve been too much of a coward to tell you this.”

Kate suggests she and Roman should leave.

“No, you both need to stay,” says Marlena.

“What’s going on,” asks John.

“I’ve got to tell you something about the baby,” says Marlena, “You know those intertwined...”


Bo reads a card as he lifts a champagne bottle, “Bon voyage and happy hunting.” Hope says, “We don't have a name.” Bo says, “We don't need one.” Hope says it all, “DiMera.”

Shawn runs Belle’s fingers over their initials in the door and says, “We’re still soul-mates.” Belle doubles over, “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

Marlena cries, “John, the baby is R...”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, Dazed of Our Goggeldygook! Just when I think Prevuze can't top him or herself, there it is - the caption, "Having your own grandkid". How true, how true. Not to mention the pic of Billie wearing her dress backwards.

The big question is whether they can drag out Marlena's confession until the last scene on Friday, so it doesn't actually come out until next Monday!

5:48 AM  

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