Wednesday, May 04, 2005

All For One And One For All

John promises he will help find Sami but now the priority is to track down the boys. Marlena thinks Belle must be worried sick. She wants to go to her. Marlena asks why she wasn’t at the airport with John. John flashes back to the argument at the airport. Belle says Kate is slime and she hates her. Kate tells Marlena the girls left the airport because they were angry with her.

Mimi and Belle enter a church. They light candles and pray. Belle says, “Dear God, we’ve come here to pray for our loved ones in danger. Please keep them safe and bring them home.”

Shawn says his arm is fine. “Thanks to you the enemy knows we’re here,” says Rex.

Bart asks Tony what Sami’s decision is. Tony asks over the phone, “What’s it going to be Samantha?”

Sami says, “All right, Tony, I’ll do it. Sounds like you really need me.”

Tony falls into the trap, “Of course I do, Samantha. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“In that case,” says Sami, “I have a few demands of my own.”

Back to the deserted house. Moaning. Searching. Patrick throws the trap door switch. What if hope had been standing on it? They peer down. Bo and Billie are one – one dead couple if Hope gets her hands on them. Bo looks up, “What’s going on Fancy Face?”

“How could you do this,” Hope shouts.

Marlena asks Kate if she knew what the boys were doing and didn’t stop them. Kate tries to defend herself. Roman jumps into the Hate-Kate game. John tells them to back off. Marlena thinks the boys are incredibly brave and incredibly stupid to put themselves in that kind of danger.

“Once I find the location I’ll call the ISA and we’ll call an extraction team, put them in straight jackets and get them home’” Says John.

Roman wants to leave. He and Kate start to go up to pack.

John stops them, “Maybe you should let me. I know how hard it was when you saw Kate’s clothes on the bed.” John and Kate go upstairs.

Roman says, “Not very easy on either of us, is it, Doc?”

“No,” says Marlena, “and it will get worse because we are trying to live a lie. I can’t do it. We have to tell them tonight.”

Hope blubbers, “I can’t believe it.” She runs out.

Billie looks up and asks Patrick to help them. She tries to bring Bo out of his stupor.

Patrick chases Hope. “I’ve seen enough,” she says. Patrick tells her they have to get them out. “Get them out,” asks Hope, “They were just having sex like there’s no tomorrow. They can rot in hell for all I care.”

“God,” says Belle, “I know I don’t deserve to be asking you for anything, but please don’t let them pay for my mistakes. I would never forgive myself.”

Mimi introduces herself to the Lord and says, “I’ve done terrible things too, but these men are heroes. They don’t deserve to die. I promise I will never ask for anything again if you’ll just let them be all right.”

Rex is peeved at Shawn for tipping off the creeps, “If you would just stop and think we’d be OK.” So much for being OK. “If you don’t start using your head you’ll blow the whole mission.” There goes the mission.

Lucas comes up and tells them to cool it. He tells Shawn he has to think before he acts, “If they find us they will not take us prisoner. They will shoot to kill.”

“I heard you,” says Tony, “You are not in a position to be making demands.”

Sami asks, “Are you in a position to refuse me?”

Tony puts her on hold, “Dammit, I shouldn’t have let her know she’s indispensable.” Tony and Bart talk it over. Tony says, “There are always options, but first let’s find out what she wants.”

Tony gets back on the phone and asks for Sami's demands.

“First,” says Sami, “I want to know Phillip and I won’t be harmed.”

Tony tells Sami she won’t b harmed, but he can’t make the same promise about Phillip.

Sami says, “My terms are non negotiable. Do we have a deal or don’t we?” Tony stares.

Kate packs. John helps. Kate says, “My God, this is incredibly awkward. It’s surreal isn’t it? My husband and your wife just came back from the dead and I’m complaining about the timing.”

John says, “It is surreal and leaves us in a very complicated situation. I wanted to come up here and be alone with you because I wanted to talk to you about the time we shared together. And tell you what you mean to me.”

Roman says, “Doc, we have been over this and over it. I think telling them would be a huge mistake. Truth would do more harm than good in this case. What did you just think when John offered to help Kate pack?”

Marlena says, “Nothing... well just for the briefest moment I wondered why he wanted to be alone with her. I wondered what he wanted to say to her he didn’t want me to hear. I still think we have to tell them we made love.”

Roman wiggles.

Billie chokes, “I could have sworn I heard Patrick and Hope. Now they’re gone.”

Bo slurs, “What are you talking about Fancy Face? You’re here with me.”

Patrick says Hope can’t possibly want to leave Billie and Bo in the pit.

Hope snaps back, “I don’t think they will mind very much. As far as I am concerned Billie can have Bo. I’m outta here.”

Lucas tells Rex and Shawn they all have to calm down and stick together, “We’re a team.” The boys agree. All for one and one for all.

Belle prays, “Please bless my mother up in heaven. I pray she’s looking after them and they get home safely.”

Mimi asks Belle, “Do you think God will answer our prayers?”

“He has to.”

Sami waits, “Do we have a deal or not?”

Bart hand jives Tony to nix the deal, “Don’t trust her she is up to something.”

Tony says, “That's what she does best. Just let me handle it.”

Tony says, “Samantha, tell me something. I didn’t know you were so fond of Phillip.”

Sami says, “He’s never done anything to hurt me and he’s married to my sister even though she plans on dumping him. He thinks he’s risking his life for his country. He’s a hero and should be treated like one.”

Tony says, “This from the woman who despises Patrick's mother with every fiber of her being.”

“I hate Kate but hat doesn’t have anything to do with Phillip,” says Sami.

“Drop the bomb,” says Bart.

Tony asks, “Are you aware Kate arranged for Lucas to discover you in that ever-so-compromising position?”

Sami says, “Yeah, but I don’t have any way to prove it.”

“Well,” says Tony, “I do. Count DiMera knows all.”

Sami says, “You can prove it? If I could get that proof then...”

“It is true,” says Tony, “and you will if you cooperate. You will have the proof you need to destroy Kate Roberts forever.”

It’s one of those very rare times when Kate doesn’t know what to say, “Now it’s over and we have to go back to what we had.”

John says, “You think it will be that simple. We fell in love...”

“I know, says Kate, “And I know we shared something special.”

John drones, “During the darkest days of my life you were right by my side. I didn’t want to go on any more. I escaped into the drugs. It would have killed me if you hadn’t saved my life. Now I will never really be able to thank you for everything you have done for me.” It would have killed me if you hadn’t saved my life? Either I didn’t hear that right or John's drugs have kicked back in.

Kate says, “That works both ways. You made me want to live again. You made me feel a way I haven’t felt for a long, long time.”

John asks, “What was that?”

“Needed and loved,” says Kate, “It was a part of me I forgot even exists. Everyone thinks I’m so cold hearted and uncaring.”

John says, “They’re wrong. They don’t know you like I do. You are incredibly loving. You put your children above everything else. Besides Marlena I have never met a more selfless, decent woman.” Apparently, he only knows two women. “I know a part of me always will love you.”

“I love you,” says Kate, “and a part of me always will. I think if it wasn’t for Roman I would be very jealous of Marlena.”

John says, “I was thinking that the other way around. I will never forget the time we shared. Goodbye.”

Kate asks, “How can this be one of the happiest days of my life and the saddest day of my life?” Hugs. Tears. I need a hankie.

Patrick tries to stop Hope, “There is an explanation. If you walk out of this door you will regret it for the rest of your life.”

Billie screams. Patrick and Hope run back inside. Billie tells them Bo passed out. Billie faints. Hope and Patrick yell down at them. Nothing.

“What do we do now,” asks Mimi.

“Go home and get some sleep,” says Belle.

“I can’t sleep until I know Rex is OK.”

Belle says, “That could be along time, Mimi.”

Mimi says, “I thought Rex finding out what I had done would be the worst thing that ever happened to me, but I was wrong. I am so scared we will never see them again.”

Rex lectures Shawn, “This is the real deal. We are in a war zone.”

Shawn says, “When that guy fired at me, I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

A missile goes over. “That was close,” says Lucas.

Rex and Shawn talk about the folks back home. They talk about what a great job the military and all the support people who work with them do.

“From now on I’m gonna play it a lot,” smarter says Shawn. That won’t be difficult. “Too many people are counting on us.”

Tony wants Sami to destroy Phillip and the intrepid band of rescuers. He rationalizes the situation and Sami buys it. Sami wants her enemies to pay.

“I thought you would see it my way,” says Tony, “Now the big brave marine and the band of marauders will pay.”

Sami says to herself, “I’m sorry Phillip, if there is one person who doesn’t deserve it, it’s you.”

Mimi tells Belle she is scared. They both feel the boys are in danger this very minute. Belle feels it too, “We will keep praying until they come home.” Back to the altar.

An armored transport is coming right for Larry, Moe and Curly. They duck.

Sami flashes back to being Stan. Phillip asks who he is, and tells him they have to work together if they are going to get out of there, “Phillip didn’t know who I was and he wanted to help me.”

Sami tells Tony, “I can’t do it. I’m not helping you unless you help Phillip.”

“Fine,” says Tony, “The deal is off.”

Tony tells Bart, “I may have made a mistake arranging for Samantha to come here. I don’t think it’s too late to undo that mistake.”

Bart says, “Undo meaning...”

“Precisely,” says Tony.

Sami paces. The goons come in. She asks, “Are you here to help Phillip?”

The creep says, “Not exactly.” Sami does a double take as they point their guns art her.

Roman goes over the plan to keep their mouths shut again, “You love your husband and I love my wife and we’ll be together for all the Days Of Our Lives. The only thing we should tell them is how damned thrilled we are to be back with them, and how much we love them.”

Kate and John come down. Kate is uncomfortable. She’s got enough for tonight and will send for the rest.

John asks if Marlena is all right.

Marlena hesitates, “I’m just glad to be home.”

John says, “I’m happy you are home. Are you sure that’s all there is?”

Marlena blurts, “I’ve got tell you something.”

Hope, who was ready for Bo to die five minutes ago, is now frantic to save him. She screams, “Bo, answer me!”

“They’re both unconscious,” says Patrick, “I smell gas.”

Bean dinner,” says Hope, “We’d better do something. Please God, don’t let them die.”

FF on Bo and Billie entwined. Hope yells down, “Can you hear me?”


Lucas says, “Wherever she is, whatever she is dong, she is probably making a list of all the people that hurt her, trying to get REVENGE.”

Sami looks at the hand holding a pistol, “What do I need that for?”

Marlena tells John, “I’m so glad we get to be alone.” Roman stares. Kate stares.

“You knew he thought it was me,” says Hope, “and you did nothing to stop him.” Hope lands a haymaker on Billie’s chin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shawn's "do rag" lament will keep me laughing all day! Not to mention "separated at birth". HAHAHA

Tony certainly looks well for someone who, only hours ago, was shot in the chest, dropped through several floors, and was buried under a pile of burning rubble.

6:16 AM  

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