Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Men Are Easy

Next on #DOOL — Ava: "How is Rafe doing?" Gabi: "He's a vegetable." Ava: "Oh, good, he recovered." #DAYS

Jack is going to use Artificial Intelligence to enhance the video of Abby. If it weren't for Artificial Intelligence, ther wouldn't be any intelligence in Salem. #DAYS

Chad wants Jack to have the half of the paper he bought from Gwen. Jack turns it down. This is how ruthless businessmen operate. #DAYS

Stefan's emergency at the Bistro turns out to be a booty-call. #DAYS

Gabi forgets their anniversary. Protip: Sex is the best way to say "I'm sorry." Stephan has a present for her. She doesn't know how to thank him. Protip: Sex is the best way to say thank you. She doesn't have a present for him. Protip: "Sex is the best present. Men are easy. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Stephanie: "So let me get this straight: Bobby is Everett and Everett is Bobby." Jada: "Right." Stephanie: "So if Bobby is Everett, who is Bobby?" Jada: "Everett." Stephanie: "But you just said Bobby is Everett." #DAYS 


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