Thursday, September 07, 2023

Anorexia Epidemic

Chelsea finally arrives back in town. She's been away having Zack scraped off the hood of her car. #DAYS

With Chelsea and Sarah in town together Salem doctors declare an anorexia epidemic. #DAYS

Justin: "Victor had a unique style of meddling." And some of those whose affairs he meddled into actually survived. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Chloe: "If Sarah's baby had been Xander's instead of yours, my engagement to Xander would have blown up before it started." Rex: "I guess now you'll have to settle for it blowing up after it started." #DAYS

Phillip: Victor was a relentless disciplinarian. He used to pull off my wooden leg and beat me with it. #DAYS

Shawn guzzles some 12-year-old scotch to compliment his 12-year-old mind. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Theresa: "Brady is treating me like something he has to scrape off the bottom of his shoe." Alex: "The bottom of my shoe is clean." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Maggie: "This is Chelsea. One of bo's surviving children." Sarah: "Why is she one of his 'surviving' children?" Maggie: "Because she couldn't run herself over." #DAYS

If Sarah loses any more weight the baby will be heavier than she is. #DAYS


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