Thursday, August 24, 2023

Alley Whore

Kristen: "What I wouldn't give to see the hounds of hell tear Victor limb from limb." If she dies soon enough, she may get there in time to see it. #DAYS

Dimitri wants to invite Leo to view the lava fields with Gwen and him. Gwen thinks he's incredibly selfless to do that. In a related story, while studying Gwen's brain scientists have discovered a new black hole. #DAYS

Sloan: "I dreamed I lost the baby." Eric: "Sometimes dreams come true." #DAYS

Marlena: "It's funny how things come in bunches… funerals… weddings…" …people coming back from the dead… #DAYS

Thesaurus.cöm suggests the following synonyms for "Melinda." Slut, hobag, whore, tramp, strumpet, harlot, alley whore, disease bucket, pro, hooker, jezebel, ho, slam hog, cum dumpster… The list isn't comprehensive but it's a good start. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Roman (on phone): "Even though I'm not a fan of Sloan, Marlena and I want to throw you and her a shower." Eric: "You can't. Sloan lost the baby." Roman: "YEEEEEHAAAAAA!" #DAYS


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