Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Whacked Out Tall Tales

They found Hope. I have to say, the whacked-out tall tales the writers come up with to explain actor absences from the show have got to be the product of some hallucinogenic drug. #DAYS

Nicole: "You kidnapped Belle and forced Shawn to marry you." Jan: "You made me electrocute Victor Kiriakis." Apparently neither Jan nor Nicole lets bygones be bygones. #DAYS

Lucas to Sami: "If you're so interested in Chloe, why don't you seduce her yourself?" Well, at least that would make for a different story line on this show. #DAYS

Bell: "I sure didn't kill Charlie." Sami: "Well, I didn't kill him, either." The way they're going after each other, they might kill each other, though. #DAYS


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