Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Drama Free Zone

Hell hath no fury like Sami when slightly irritated. #DAYS

Eli: "No one is going to ruin our wedding. It's on the 4th of July. It would be unpatriotic." It's on the 4th of July. There will be fireworks. #DAYS

Will: "Mom had me when she was a teenager so we sort of had to grow up together." Will grew up. Sami didn't. #DAYS

Lucas' "drama free zone" didn't even last through his next sentence with Allie. #DAYS

Do Will and Sonny not think if Allie is giving up her baby she may not want it in the family where she's reminded of it every day? Not to mention the drama when later on she decides she wants to be its mommy. #DAYS

Kayla: "Our first wedding was pure magic." And later on that magic became a disappearing act. #DAYS

Steve to Jack: "You told Jennifer I still love Kayla? Why don't you just put it on a billboard." Scenes we'd like to see: Jack puts it on a billboard. #DAYS


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